/ Examination Instructions to Candidates
Admitted Late

Note to Invigilator: This card contains instructions to be given to any student who arrives late for an examination.

Note to Student: You must read and follow these and any additional instructions given by the Invigilator as quietly as possible to minimise any disruption to the examination.

1.Sit at the desk indicated to you by the Invigilator.

  1. Only those items listed for your module in the Examination Arrangements Booklet are permitted in the examination. Mobile telephones and other electronic equipment are not permitted on or about your person. If you have any of these items you must switch them off and raise your hand. An invigilator will instruct you where to leave them. If you have any doubts about whether any of the materials you have in your possession are permitted, please raise your hand.

Should you have any notes or other materials in your possession which are not permitted in the examination you are about to sit, please raise your hand, and give these to the Invigilator now. They will be returned at the end of the session.

If you do not surrender such notes or other materials and these are found during the examination, this will be considered to be misconduct and you will be subject to such disciplinary action as the University deems to be appropriate.

3.Important: Check the details on the desk record supplied and sign page 1 if these are correct. Do not write your name on pages 2 or 3 of the desk record, nor on any answer book. Do not sign a desk record which is not correct, but alert the Invigilator immediately.

4.Place your desk record and a valid form of identification containing your normal signature and a photograph in a prominent position on your desk, for checking by the Invigilator.

5.Write your module, examination number (as shown on the desk record) and personal identifier (but not your name) clearly on each answer book used.

6.If you use a calculator, write the make and model number on the front of the answer book.

  1. If your examination requires completion of a CME form, you must enter your name, personal identifier and assignment number (as shown on the question paper), using an HB pencil.
  2. Rough notes must only be made in answer books.
  3. Raise your hand to attract an invigilator’s attention if you have any questions, wish to leave the room or need additional materials during the examination.
  4. If you are sitting a two or three-hour examination you may not leave the examination room in the first thirty minutes or the last fifteen minutes. If you complete the examination before the end of the session you must hand your question paper, answer book(s) and other examination materials to an invigilator before you leave the room. You will not be readmitted.
  5. You must remain seated at the end of the examination until dismissed by an invigilator.
  6. Watch alarms must not be set to go off during the examination.
  7. If you remove any of your completed answer books from the examination room they will not be marked. In addition, if you have arrived more than thirty minutes after the start of the examination the University reserves the right not to accept your script for marking.
  8. You will not be allowed any additional time for the time missed due to late arrival.

Please return this card to an Invigilator after the examination