Teacher: Mrs. Hinrichs


Phone: 631-288-3800

WELCOME BACK! I am excited that you are here and I am looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!

Course Description:

Pre-Algebra is a course involving the integers, exponents, expressions, linear equations and inequalities, geometry, probability and statistics, percent, proportional reasoning, graphing equations, determining functions, transformations.


1.3 Dividers in Master Binder, all to be used for Math.

-Label the dividers:

1) Notes/HW, 2) Spiral Reviews, and 3) Tests/Quizzes/Reviews

2.Loose-leaf paper

3.Pencils-Please make sure that you bring one to class EVERYDAY!

4.School issued laptop and charger-Please bring to class everyday.

5.Scientific Calculator (Texas Instrument TI-30X ||S)

Note-A scientific calculator will be required for the NYS Mathematics Assessment and will be used during the entire school year.

Classroom Procedures/Rules:

  • All students will be treated equally and will be given the opportunity to succeed.

1. No student may enter the classroom unless there is a teacher in the room.

2.All students will be in their assigned seats when the bell rings (writing down the HW assignment, taking out completed HW and working on the Do Now)

3. All students will come to class prepared (pencils, completed HW/spiral, binder, calculator, laptop)

4.No eating or drinking (other than water) is permitted in class.

5.Homework is assigned about 4 times a week and is due the next day (no late HW will be accepted). You may find all homework assignments posted on the board and on my school website.

You will be given a grade for HW daily.

6.Keep all homework assignments in the homework/note section of your binder. (Homework is a HUGE part of the 7th grade)

7.Spiral Review assignments are given on a weekly basis. In order to receive full credit, all work must be shown on a separate piece of paper.


8.If you are absent, it is your responsibility to arrange time to see me for extra help and to get the work/notes/HW you have missed and you must check my school website.

9.Hold onto all tests/quizzes/reviewsin the correct section. There will be a gradednotebook quiz at the end of each quarter.

10.You must remain in your seat until the bell rings and I dismiss you


  1. Tests – 35%
  2. Quizzes – 25%
  3. Homework – 20%
  4. Spiral Reviews – 20%


The homework assignments that are given reflect what you have learned in class that day and occasionally some review concepts. Homework will be graded out of 10 points. It must be out on your desk immediately and will not be accepted late. Homework will be posted on my website daily.

Extra Help:

Extra help will be offered Monday – Thursday until 2:40pm, in room 219. Please come to extra help if you are confused, missed work, have a question or are uncertain about how to do the homework/spiral. You must have a reason to attend extra help. You will be required to sign-in and identify your reason for attending extra help. Extra help should not be used as a place to “hang out.” If you are not working, you will be asked to leave. Please do not wait until it is time for a test or a quiz to seek help! My door is always open to you-just ask me if you have any questions!

Study Habits/Organization:

1.Keep an organized binder

2.DO YOUR HOMEWORK! (Effort ALWAYS counts)

3.Study/Review/Practice for tests or quizzes.

4.Don’t let yourself fall behind! Ask questions! Come for extra help!


Pre-Algebra Conduct Agreement

We have read and agreed to the expectations set forth in Mrs. Hinrichs’ Pre-Algebra class.

(This is your very first graded HW assignment)

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______