Toronto Area Safety Coalition

Thursday August 14, 2016

10:00am – 11:00am



Active Members:
Peter Mohyla, GO Transit/Metrolinx / Wendy Jang, City of Toronto, PF&R
Silvana Farrace-Perry, York Public Health / Sheldon Koo, City of Toronto, Transportation / X
Stephanie Cowle, OIPRC / X / Brock Munro, Toronto Fire Services
Joanne Banfield, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (C&T) / X / Giancarlo Marrelli, Toronto Police Services / X
Brandy Tanenbaum, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre / X / Jill Miller, Toronto Police Services / X
Karen Hodge, York Regional Police / Mary Louise Yarema, Toronto Public Health / X
Andrew Lee, York Regional Police / Lisa Thompson, Ministry of Transportation (S)
Sheila Dove, Toronto District School Board/Toronto Catholic District School Board
Associate Members:
Sonia Douglas, Health Canada (A)

Prepared by: Stephanie Cowle1

Attendees present (X) / Associate Members (A) / Chair
(C) / Treasurer
(T) / Secretary
(S) / Guest
Agenda item / Discussion/Outcome/Decision / Action/Follow-up
  1. Welcome and introductions
/ Members introduced themselves / None
  1. Review previous Minutes
/ Motion to approve the Minutes from July 14, 2016:
  • Motion approved: Brandy Tanenbaum
  • Seconded by: Jill Miller
/ Lisa will upload Minutes to microsite
  1. Treasurers Report
/ $10,490.74in total, unrestricted funds / None
  1. Visibility by Design exhibit
/ Subcommittee (Brandy, Stephanie, Lisa, Wendy, Giancarlo, Joanne) met on August 11. Discussion generated questions to take back to design company (Hollman), including questions about the structural stability of the design, storage and shipping costs.
Subcommittee is also preparing documentation capturing the 2016 Visibility by Design Contest to share with others. A draft will be prepared by the September 8 meeting.
Lisa and Joanne met with Adorable and created a list of new potential sponsors. Plan to use the same template as 2016 but expand across Canada, including new schools. Sponsorship will determine how large/small the contest will be. (Note: Sponsorship Proposal was sent as an attachment to all members) / Brandy following up with Hollman with clarifying questions.
Stephanie will send draft to TASC for review.
Joanne and Lisa have a follow-up meeting with Adorable. Will provide update at September meeting.
  1. Safety Day
/ Peter not available to provide update for the meeting.
Open to TASC members to participate. / Joanne to email Peter to request more information.
  1. Strategic Plan
/ Strategic Planning day for November. To be confirmed.
Paula Waddell and Stephanie Cowle to lead. / Joanne and Stephanie to meet with Paula to discuss. Calendar invite to follow.
  1. New Business
/ Toronto Police Service - Jill – Chief requesting a PSA on senior pedestrian safety. No details yet (meeting soon).
City of Toronto Transportation - Sheldon – Road Safety Plan approved by council. Could arrange a presentation (October meeting) for TASC, to explore ways TASC’s work and the plan support each other. / TPS will provide more details when available.
Sheldon will discuss with his manager and provide an update.
  1. Roundtable
/ n/a / Members can email updates to Stephanie for minutes.
  1. Next meeting
/ September 8, 2016 10am-12pm at York Region Offices, Committee room A

Prepared by: Stephanie Cowle1