Statutory Assessment: Supporting Information
Parent Carers Views
Parents/ Carers have very important information about and understanding of their children and we do hope that you will share this with is by completing the form. Some headings are offered which we hope you find useful. If you prefer, you can use a separate sheet with your information. You may also attach any independent reports which you have obtained, if you want the SEN Panel to take these into account. Appended to this form is a section to record your child’s views. Where appropriate, he/she should be encouraged and / or supported to complete this section for him/herself.
If the Education Authority decides to write an Education, Health and Care Plan or a Statement, your advice will be appended to it and copies of this form will be given to all the people who are involved with this assessment. In due course, you will be sent a copy of all the reports which we receive about your child for this assessment.
Child / Young person’s profile:
Name of Child / Young Person: / Date of Birth:Gender: / Age:
Primary Language used at home: / Other Languages used in the home:
Religion: / Ethnicity:
Home Address:
Parent / Carer Name (s): / Relationship to child / young person:
Who has parental responsibility: / Relationship to child / young person:
Parent Carer Telephone no. / Parent Carer Email:
Has there been an Early Help Assessment? / Date of Early Help Assessment:
Has the child / young person come into contact with social care?
Has the child / young person been open to social care? / Dates when child / young person was open to social care: / From:
Is there currently an allocated worker in social care: / Contact no.
Mobile no.
Is the child / young person LAC (Looked After Child) / Who has parental responsibility if LAC:
- Description of your child at home:
Have there been any important events during your child’s early years that could have affected his/her progress with learning or development?
- What is your child like now?
a)General Health
b)Self-help and Care: what can your child do for him/herself without adult help? (eg for younger children – dressing, washing, eating: for older children – coping with every day tasks at home).
c)Physical skills: (eg walking, running, riding a bike, sports, drawing, puzzles etc)
d)Activities: what does your child do in his/her spare time and in the holidays?
e)Communication skills: how does your child communicate his/her needs, converse with others etc?
f)Relationships: how does your child get on with other people (parents, brothers sisters, and other adults and children)
g)Behaviour: how does your child behave at home?
h)How does your child behave when he/she is taken out?
3.Your child at school
a)How do you think your child is doing at school?
b)Do you think school is easy or hard for your child?
c)What do you think you child likes best about school?
d)What do you think your child dislikes about school?
e)What are the main worries about your child’s schooling?
f)What help are you able to give to your child with school work at home? (E.g. help with homework, time for reading etc.)
g)What help do you think your child needs at school?
h)Do you have any other comments about your child’s education?
i)Is there any other information you would like to give, which you feel might have affected your child’s progress at school?
Signed: ______date: ______
(Parent / Guardian)
I do not wish to make any comments at this stage and request that the assessment of special educational needs is completed as soon as possible.
Signed: ______date: ______