Module No.:M4.3


Target audience: Cargo Personnel)

(Mode of transport: Road / Rail / Inland waterway)

What are radioactive materials?

Materials which emit radiation are called radioactive materials. Radiation is emitted as energy or particles. Many substances in nature are radioactive. Granite, tobacco, some natural ores, milk and beer contain naturally occurring radioactive materials. In fact, radiation is reaching us from the stars all the time. This is called the cosmic radiation. We have heard and read the names of materials like iodine-131, technetium-99m, cobalt-60, uranium-235, etc. with symbols like 131I, 99mTc, 60Co and 235U. These and other such materials are examples of radioactive materials. Some times they are called radioisotopes. Most of the radioactive materials are artificially produced. Radiations find many useful applications. The quantity of a radioactive material is generally expressed in units of Becquerel (Bq), that is., kilo Bq for one thousand Bq, Mega Bq for one million Bq, etc.

Uses of radioactive material

We shall briefly discuss some examples of the useful applications of radiation. Radioactive materials are indeed very useful substances. Radioactive materials are used in many fields, namely, health care, industrial process control, quality control of industrial products, power production, agriculture and consumer products in day-to-day use.

Healthcare applications

Medical Diagnosis

A clinical procedure called nuclear medicine is very effective is studying the functioning of internal tissues and organs. In this procedure the patient is first given some radioactive material orally or by injection. The material is directed to a specific tissue/organ which is to be examined. The doctor can view on a computer monitor not merely the organ under examination but also the functioning of the organ. That is, the doctor can see the insides of a patient’s body without surgery. Such an examination does not take much time.

Every day over 75,000 such diagnostic procedures are carried out the world over. This number is increasing because the diagnosis is more accurate, faster, painless and cost-effective. Even children undergo nuclear medicine procedures which are ideal for diagnostic study of heart, lungs, liver, kidney, thyroid, bone, intestines, brain, etc or detection of cancer.

Treatment of cancer

Large doses of radiation can kill cancer cells. For thyroid cancer radioactive iodine, called iodine-131, is administered to the patient. For treatment of tumours, the radiation from a radioactive material called cobalt-60 is used. Over 45,000 treatments are carried out in more than 50 countries.

Sterilization of medical products

Large doses of radiation can kill germs. Single use medical supplies, such as syringes, gloves, cotton and bandages are sterilized using radiation from cobalt-60. Most first-aid kits found in our homes are sterilised by radiation.

Preservation of food

Enormous quantities of food grains, vegetables, spices, etc. are wasted every year due to infestation. This wastage can be stopped by treating food with radiation. Cobalt-60 is used for food irradiation.

There are many more healthcare applications. For example, irradiated blood is used in life-saving blood transfusion as it reduces the risk of immunological reaction in the recipient.

Industrial applications

Process control

For controlling the filling level of soft drinks or beer in metallic cans, the filled cans are passed between a source of radiation and a radiation detector. The filled portion of the container stops the radiation and the unfilled portion allows all radiation through. The detector finds out the filling level. This device is called a level gauge.

Radioactive materials play a useful role in industrial process control. For determining the density of materials, for example, in the dredging of rivers and harbours, density gauges are used.

Thickness gauges are used for determining very precisely the thickness of metal sheets, plastic films, papers, etc.

For exploration of oil and construction of roads, moisture gauges are used.

Industrial radiography

Defects in the welding and casting of metal objects are detected without damaging the objects by using a source of radiation. The principle is similar to the common diagnostic X-ray examination. The radiation source is kept on one side of the object being tested and X-ray films on the opposite side. A pressure vessel or an industrial boiler that has been tested by radiography is much safer than one that is not. Industrial radiography assures the quality of the product and often saves life and property.

Power production

Radioactive material (uranium compound) is used as fuel in nuclear reactors to produce clean and cost-effective power which provides lighting and heating to our homes and work places, illuminates the streets, runs the trains, moves the elevators and escalators in public places and enables the functioning of the communication systems.

Consumer products

Millions of smoke detectors operate the world over preventing fire accidents and saving lives and property. Smoke detectors use a small quantity of a radiation source.

Dials painted with luminous radioactive compounds are in common use. The dials can be read in the dark. If a power failure occurs in a theatre hall and we have to rush out for safety how do we find the exit? The “Exit” sign would go off because of the power failure! Many “Exit” signs we see in public halls glow due to the radiation from the radioactive material inside the signs. They will glow even if there is a power failure.

Radioactive materials are used in fluorescent lamps for improved efficiency.

Other uses

Radioactive material is used for determining the soil quality for agriculture and to study nutrient uptake by plants. Radioactive materials are used for detecting the presence of an element and the quantities in which it is present in a given sample. These are but a few of the uses of radioactive materials.

Not only hospitals and patients, but industrial establishments, agricultural scientists, manufacturers and users of the many industrial and consumer products and the many public utilities including communication systems operated by power delivered by nuclear plants depend on radioactive materials for the day-to-day necessities and conveniences. Radioactive materials are integral to the quality of life today.

Importance of effective and efficient transport

Radioactive materials have to be taken from the manufacturers to the users. Some of the radioactive materials have a short useful life. They are, therefore, rushed to the user by air.

For example, radiation sources used in nuclear medicine are transported in small quantities by air. If they are not used within a short period they lose their radioactivity and become almost non-radioactive substances! Because of the importance of the timing of use, patients are given appointments well in advance and the supply of the radioactive materials is scheduled accordingly. If the radioactive material does not arrive on time, patients travelling from far off places have to be sent back with a fresh appointment for a future date. The expenditure of time and money incurred in travelling and in hotel booking would be wasted. Most importantly, the diagnostic examination would be missed and the treatment that may be urgently warranted would be postponed.

Similarly, a cobalt-60 source intended for a cancer therapy facility or a sterilization plant which is transported in a package, designed to meet international standards of safety and approved by the concerned competent authorities, has to reach these places as per schedule.

If these packages are not delivered on time, many patients will go without the treatment, many tons of medical supplies or food products would miss the radiation processing. A delay in the delivery of fresh fuel to a nuclear power plant will result in reduced production of power. The consequences of reduced power are too obvious to warrant listing.

If radioactive materials are not taken to the user in a timely manner, it would result in considerable suffering. Such suffering should be prevented.

All the concerned organizations, viz., the manufacturer, the carrier, the handler and the customer play key roles in facilitating the transport of radioactive material for the various safe applications. Radioactive materials have been routinely transported for several decades. The transport of radioactive materials is governed by regulatory requirements.

Regulations for the transport of radioactive material

National Regulations

Transport of radioactive material is governed by national regulations of each State. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has developed Regulations for transport of radioactive material. Member States of IAEA adopt the IAEA Regulations within the frame work of the local laws. Consignors, carriers and the public authorities concerned with transport of cargo ensure that the shipments are made in compliance with the applicable national regulations. There could be some differences between the national regulations and the international regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material because of the difference in the legal system among the states.

Regional agreements for modal transport

The transport of radioactive material goods by rail, road, and inland waterway modes is not covered by an international organization on a worldwide basis. Rather, these are covered by several regional agreements such as:

-  RID - The regulations for carriage by rail;

-  ADR - The European Agreement for carriage by road:

-  ADN - The European Agreement for carriage on Inland Waterways and

-  ADNR - The European Agreement for carriage on the Rhine.

These organizations were established in Europe because of the large economic potential, which is concentrated on a confined area, and is distributed over many states. In addition, there is the MERCOSUR/MERCOSUL agreement that concerns road, rail, air and sea transport among certain South American countries.

Regulatory requirements

Package design safety

The regulations focus on safe design of packages, operational control during carriage, documentation and approval requirements. Selecting the package of appropriate design achieves the desired design safety. The design requirements are based on the nature of the radioactive material that is to be transported in the package.

Radioactive materials in very small quantities are allowed to be transported in excepted packages.

Certain radioactive materials are nearly uniformly distributed in small quantities in a non-radioactive material. Such radioactive material is described as low specific activity (LSA) material. There are three sub-classifications of LSA materials, viz., LSA-I, II and III. Some non-radioactive materials carry radioactive contamination on their surfaces. Such objects are called Surface Contaminate Objects (SCO). SCOs are classified as SCO-I & II. LSA materials and SCOs are transported in Industrial Packages, IP-1/2/3.

Small quantities of radioactive materials such as radiopharmaceuticals addressed to a hospital and nucleonic gauges are transported in packages of simple design, known as Type A packages.

Larger quantities of radioactive materials such as teletherapy sources and spent fuel are transported in Type B(U) or B(M) packages.

Uranium-233, Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239, are radioactive materials which are also described as fissile materials. Packages containing fissile materials and those containing uranium hexafluoride are transported in packages designed specifically for these materials.

The regulations specify the requirements relating to the type of the package, labelling and marking and documentation to be provided by the consignor and the responsibilities of the consignor and the carrier.

Handling of radioactive cargo

Because of the national and international regulations, transport of radioactive cargo is becoming more common. The benefits from radioactive materials can reach the public. There is, in fact, no additional cost involved in familiarising the cargo handlers with handling radioactive cargo.

Before forwarding the package, the consignor

a)  measures the radiation and contamination levels and the temperature on the external surface of the package to assure that the regulatory limits are not exceeded and

b)  marks and labels the package.

How can you know that it is safe to handle a package? It is through the markings and labels that packages communicate with the outside world. The labels and markings

§  announce the package “Type”

§  describe the contents

§  indicate the radiation level outside the package and

§  suggest emergency response needs.


The packages are marked in addition to being labelled. The UN number appropriate to the radioactive content should be marked on the package and included in the transport documents. For example, the UN number of a Type B(U) package containing a cobalt 60 source used for teletherapy or sterilization of medical products is 2916.

Labels on packages, freight containers and vehicle

The labels are to be affixed outside the packages. There are three kinds of labels which can be affixed on packages. They are called Category I- WHITE, Category II- YELLOW and Category III- YELLOW. A package with Category I-WHITE label will have very low levels of radiation. A package with Category II-YELLOW and category III-YELLOW can have relatively higher levels of radiation at the surface.

The labels describe the package contents and the radiation levels outside the packages. In the case of categories II-YELLOW and III-YELLOW, the transport index of the package is also stated on the label. The transport index (TI) is a measure of the maximum radiation level at one metre from the external surface of the package. The TI of a Category I-WHITE package is always zero. The maximum possible value of TI of a Category II-YELLOW package is 1.0. The corresponding figure for a Category III-YELLOW package is 10.0. With the help of the pictures given below one can identify the category of a package.

Category I-WHITE label Category II-yellow label Category iii-yellow label

The label for packages containing fissile material and the picture of the placard for large freight containers and vehicles are also shown below.

Criticality Safety Index label for Placard for large freight containers

packages containing fissile material and for vehicle