WCMMEA Meeting

January 30, 2010

7:48 a.m.

Tan-Tar-Resort Drawing Room Terrace

President-Elect Kim Hartley called the meeting to order.

Secretary/Treasurer read minutes and gave treasurer’s report. Steve Litwiller moved they be approved as read. Stewart Linbrunner seconded. Motion carried. We currently have $14,228.76 in the account.

Kim Hartley presented the ballot for the 2010-2012 slate of officers. Chuck Appleton moved that nominations cease. Melanie Soule seconded. Motion carried. Ballots were distributed.

Allyson Crosson, Jr. High Choral VP, announced that the event will be held November 6th, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in the UCM Student Union.

Melanie Soule, Choral VP, announced that auditions would be held September 11, 2010 at Warrensburg HS and the rehearsals/performances would be October 9th, 2011 at Smith-Cotton HS.

Jim Beerends, Band VP, announced that auditions would be held November 13th, 2010 and rehearsals/performances would be January 7th and 8th, 2011 at UCM.

Jordan Summers, Jr. High Band VP, was absent, but Jr. High Honor Band will be held on January 15th, 2011.

Philip Soule, Jazz VP, announced that auditions would be held November 13th and the rehearsals/performance would be held January 14th and 15th.

John Rutland, Orchestra VP, absent.

Kathie Appleton, MIOSM Coordinator, was absent, but husband Chuck announced for her that we should go online and do the Just Imagine essays. One of the Warrensburg students was a top 10!

Stephanie Sekelsky, webmaster, announced that a new site will be up and running soon.

Old Business –

Everyone was reminded of the $8 flat fee for all events.

Mentoring - ACDA is doing some good things with mentoring the day before their conference.

-Check with new directors in your area to see if you can help them. Problems still exist in finding the new teachers and making contacts.

Restructure 5/6 Honor Choir. Britt Faaborg will send out a survey.

Thanks and Kudos to our state officers – Kathie Appleton, Cheryl Lines, Mike Sekelsky – and NEW state officer aka MMEA President Elect – Kevin Lines!

New Business –

Carla Maltas announced UCM programs.

Go to summer conventions!

MBA – June 20-23 at the Lake of the Ozarks

MCDA – July 20-24 in Jefferson City

Congratulations were made to Chuck Appleton for his service to his students, the district, and education. He is retiring!

Jim Beerends moved we adjourn. Steve Litwiller seconded. Motion carried.

2010-2012 officers are:

Kim Hartley – President

Nathan Long – President Elect

Secretary/Treasurer – Stephanie Sekelsky

Jr. High Choral VP – Charity Johnson

Band VP – Bryant Knapp

Jazz VP – Philip Soule

Orchestra VP – John Rutland

Elementary VP – Britt Faaborg

Jr. High Band VP – Jon West

MIOSM Coordinator – Kathie Appleton

HMB Coordinator – Dillon Jarrett

9/10 Coordinator – Charlene Million