Dabulamanzi Canoe Club Constitution

(Approved AGM 25th March 2010)

The name of the Club shall be the Dabulamanzi Canoe Club, with headquarters at Louw Geldenhuys Drive, Emmarentia, Johannesburg.


The objectives for which the Club is established are: -

2.1 To promote, encourage and co-ordinate the sport of canoeing and related activities, both at a social and competitive level, to help to improve the quality of life for all sectors of the community with an emphasis on the development of the sport at a junior and previously disadvantaged level.

2.2 To promote social activities both within the Club and with other Clubs.

2.3 To encourage interest in nature conservation, and make members aware of their responsibilities to the environment and other people’s property.

2.4 To affiliate to the Gauteng Canoe Union (GCU).

2.5 To ensure that the views of the members of the Club shall be well represented at the GCU.

2.6 To raise funds for the purpose and objects of the Club.

2.7 To select Club teams on merit to represent the Club both at Provincial and National level.

2.8 To keep records of the competitive results of its members.

2.9 To advance, promote and safeguard the canoeing interests of all members of the Club and to foster good relationships among such members wherever possible.

2.10 To collect information on all matters of interest relating to canoeing and to make that available to our members via various communication mediums (such as website, email groups and notice boards).

2.11 To co-operate with and be associated with Clubs or associations having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this Club.

2.12 To advise and co-operate with local municipalities, authorities, and landowners on all matters relating to or affecting the interests of the Club.

2.13 To purchase, take in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property and any rights or privileges whatsoever which may be deemed necessary, suitable or convenient for carrying out the Club’s objects.

2.14 To sell, let or hire or otherwise dispose of the whole or any part of the property of the Club for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions, as the Committee may deem fit.

2.15 To open and operate Banking and Savings Accounts on behalf of the Club.

2.16 To invest any of the monies of the Club not immediately required, in such securities or otherwise, and in such a manner as may from time to time be determined by the Committee.

2.17 To engage the services of such persons, companies or concerns upon such terms and conditions as may be deemed expedient by the Committee.

2.18 To suspend membership of the Club for a time, or permanently to expel, or to take other disciplinary action against any class of member, life member or Honorary Life member, found guilty of any conduct, action or statement, by the Committee, or any disciplinary Committee appointed for the purpose, which in the opinion of the Committee or such disciplinary Committee is prejudicial to the interest of, or defamatory of the Club or any person associated therewith.

2.19 To do all or any of the things specified above and all such other things as are incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them either alone or in conjunction with others.

2.20 The Club shall:

2.20.1 Exist in its own right, separately from its members.

2.20.2Be able to own property and other possessions.

2.20.3Be able to sue and be sued in its own name.


In accordance with GCU guidelines and in keeping with the promotion and encouragement of all sectors, at all levels, the Club recognises the following memberships and affiliations, and promotes fair and equal access to potential members wanting to be part of the Club.

3.1 A full membership is for a person who takes up the sport on a ‘competitive level’. They will participate in official calendar races and as such need to affiliate to the official canoeing bodies.

3.2 A social membership is for a person who takes up the sport on a ‘social level’, and who does not belong to any Canoe Union, such as the GCU, or any other Club.

3.3 A country membership is for a person who resides outside of the Gauteng Province, belongs to another Club and Union (other than the GCU and affiliated Clubs), and yet has cause to visit the Gauteng area on a regular basis.

3.4 A junior membership is for a person under the age of 18. They join the Club with the view to participate in GCU and CSA events.

3.5 A life member is a person who [has been a member in good standing of the Club for over 25 years [See clause 2.18].

3.6 The Club recognises and adopts the Soweto Canoe and Recreation Club “SCARC” as its duly affiliated developmental arm for disadvantaged persons. In pursuance of this, the Club:

3.6.1 Undertakes to use its best endeavours to ensure the sustainability and growth of SCARC, to the mutual benefit of SCARC and the Club.

3.6.2 Undertakes to use its best endeavours to assist the SCARC developmental paddlers (i.e. paddlers drawn from historically disadvantaged persons) to achieve their aim of competing on a level footing with all other paddlers on a merit basis. It is recorded that SCARC does not support a quota system, which it believes undermines the achievements of its paddlers. In order to achieve that merit-based level footing SCARC needs assistance with equipment, coaching, nutrition and the like, and the Club undertakes to do what it can to assist SCARC developmental paddlers in this respect.

3.6.3 Undertakes to encourage its broad base of members to assist the SCARC developmental paddlers with not only their paddling, but also with other appropriate Socio-Economic Development, such as holiday jobs, mentorship programmes and the like. SCARC is an officially endorsed SED initiative for the purposes of the BEE Codes; agrees to allow members of SCARC who are not developmental paddlers to use the Club’s facilities, on the following basis: They must join the Club as social members notwithstanding 3.2 above (even-though they may in fact belong to any Canoe Union, such as the GCU.); but must pay the same fees as other social members of the Club for the use of the Club’s clubhouse and facilities. A condition of their social membership is that they must undertake to facilitate the developmental side of the Club by making an ongoing contribution to the development of SCARC. They must not engage in activities which are prejudicial to or in conflict with the Club or its members in their capacity as members; and generally undertakes to use its best endeavours to support, promote and uplift SCARC and its members. It is recorded that the basis of the affiliation with SCARC is that:

(a) SCARC members using the Club’s facilities should do so in a manner which respects the role which the Club plays in respect of SCARC; and (b) both the Club and SCARC should benefit, in either tangible or intangible ways, from the affiliation.

Affiliations are viewed as important to the promotion of principles contained within this Constitution. These affiliations must be fair and reasonable as well as beneficial to the Club and its members alike. Each affiliation association will be reviewed and approved by the Committee.


4.1 The colours of the Club shall be navy blue and white.

4.2 The racing colours of the Club shall be a navy blue, or navy blue and white top, bearing the Club logo.

4.3 Members who have joined the Club on a ‘full membership basis’ are required to wear Dabulamanzi Club colours at all GCU sanctioned events.

4.4 The Committee is empowered to investigate at any time and recommend Club any changes to the Club colours and/or logo to the members. No such change shall take place unless approved by a majority vote at a meeting of the Clubs members called for that and any other purpose, at which a quorum is present.


The income and property of the Club from where so ever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotions of the objects of the Club set forth above.


6.1 The Club may not give any of its money or property to its members or Committee members. The only exception to this rule is when the Club pays for work that a member or Committee member has done for the Club. The payment must be competitive and reasonable for the work that has been done.

6.2 The Club shall close down if at least two thirds of the members present and voting at an annual general meeting convened for the purpose of considering, among other things, such matter, are in favour of closing down.

6.3 If the Club closes down, it shall realise all its realisable assets and first apply available monies to pay off all debts. If there is property or money left over, it should be given to another non-profit organisation that has similar objectives. The Club general meeting can decide which organisation this should be.


7.1 The joining fee and annual membership fee of all members will be determined at the Annual General Meeting each year. Fees shall be effective from the first day of the canoeing year in which the meeting is held.

7.1.2 Subscription shall fall due on the first day of the canoeing year, which is 1 April.

7.1.3 The Club’s financial year shall run from the first day of March to the last day of the following February.

7.1.4 If fees are unpaid on the 31st May, the member in default shall cease to be a member, or enjoy the privileges and/or facilities extended to members in terms of this constitution.

7.1.5 The Committee, at its discretion, may charge proportional fees to a member who joins part way through the year.


8.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually in March with not less than 14 days notice being given.

8.2 The agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:-

8.2.1 Attendance and Apologies.

8.2.2 Confirmation of Minutes.

8.2.3 Matters arising.

8.2.4 Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Club Secretary, Treasurer and

Club Captain; [don’t need it to be an item. They must resign but can be re-elected]

8.2.5 Election of new Committee members.

8.2.6 General


The Committee shall meet on a regular basis, as and when deemed necessary by the Chairman.


10.1 At the end of each Annual General Meeting the current Committee shall be deemed to have resigned but to be available for re-election. The Committee for the current year shall be elected by a quorum of members at the Annual General Meeting.

10.2 The Committee shall include the following:-

10.2.1 Chairman of the Club.

10.2.2 Vice Chairman of the Club.

10.2.3 Secretary of the Club.

10.2.4 Treasurer of the Club.

10.2.5 Club Captain.

10.2.6 Other members, to control portfolios as deemed necessary by the Committee.

10.3 The Committee shall have the following powers:

10.3.1 Exercise control over the affairs of the Club.

10.3.2 Deal with all the funds of the Club and generally with the property and assets of the Club for the objects and purposes of the Club.

10.3.3 Institute and defend any legal proceedings on behalf of the Club.

10.3.4 Prescribe the procedure for all the meetings of the Club.

10.3.5 Be entitled to make bye-laws not inconsistent with the aims and objectives of the Club, and to recommend from time to time the fees and other contributions payable by members.

10.3.6 Be entitled to appoint sub-committees for such special purposes as the Committee may deem expedient, and to delegate to such sub-committees such powers and authorities as it deems necessary.

10.3.7 Appoint from time to time, when required, a selection committee chaired by the Club captain, whose job it shall be to select teams or individuals to represent the Club in competitive events.

10.3.8 Make recommendations to the paid up Club members for the appointments of Honorary Life members.

10.3.9 The Committee shall meet together for the despatch of Club business. Questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the event of an equality of votes, the chairman shall have a casting vote.

10.4 In the event of a Committee position becoming vacant during a term of office, the Committee may itself appoint from other members a Committee member who shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.

10.5 The Committee shall be empowered to co-opt additional members to the Committee as and when it deems necessary.

10.6 The Committee shall cause to be prepared and laid before the annual general meeting of the Club, annual financial statements which fairly present the financial position of the Club and the results of its operations for the past financial year.

10.7 Any Club member may attend a Committee meeting. However, non-Committee members may not speak at the meeting without permission from the Chairman. They will also not be entitled to a vote.

10.8 The members shall abide by the rules of the Club as laid down from time to time.

10.9 Members or Committee members of the Club do not have personal rights over things that belong to the Club.

10.10 Minutes of all meetings shall be kept safely and always be on hand for members to consult.


All powers to sue or defend any action, and all agreements and contracts shall, unless the Committee otherwise directs be signed by any two of the following: -

The Chairman or Vice Chairman and one other Committee member.


12.1 Honorary Life Membership of the Club may be conferred by the Club, in General Meeting, on persons who have rendered an exceptional service to the club or the sport, provided that such Honorary Life Membership shall have been recommended by the Committee.