Word Power 10

The Garrulous Gamin Also Gesticulated! (Lesson 28)

1. flagellate: (v.) to ship, or to punish as if by whipping

2. foment: (v.) to stir up, to incite

3. forswear: (v.) retract, renounce, or recant

4. fusillade: (n.) a rapid outburst, spray of gunfire

5. gainsay: (v.) to deny, to speak or act against

6. gamin: (n.) a street urchin, a slim girl with an impish charm

7. garrulous: (adj.) talkative

8. gerrymander: (v.) to divide into election districts to gain political advantage

9. gestalt: (n.) a structure whose parts cannot stand alone

10. gesticulate: (v.) to gesture esp. when speaking

11. gird: (v) to invest with authority, to brace

12. habeas corpus: (n.) right to a trial before a conviction and sentence

13. halitosis: (n.) bad breath

14. hidebound: (adj.) excessively rigid, dry and stiff, inflexible

15. histrionic: (adj.) overly dramatic, theatrical, deliberately affected

Can Homeopathy Cure an Ignominious Past?

16. hoary: (adj.) gray or white with age

17. homeopathy: (n.) a system of natural healing

18. husbandry: (n.) the judicious use of resources, livestock farming

19. ignominious: (adj.) disgraceful, dishonorable

20. imbroglio: (n.) a difficult and confused situation, a complicated disagreement

21. impecunious: (adj.) without money, penniless

22. impervious: (adj.) impenetrable

23. implacable: (adj.) not capable of being appeased or mollified

24. impugn: (v.) to attack the integrity of something

25. inchoate: (adj.) just beginning, not organized or orderly, incomplete

26. iniquitous: (adj.) evil, unjust

27. insouciant: (adj.) nonchalant, lighthearted, unconcerned

28. interregnum: (n.) the period between two successive governments, a pause in a continuing series

29. intransigent: (adj.) uncompromising, stubborn

30. inveterate: (adj.) habitual, deeply rooted or established

Libidinous Libations or Military Machinations (lesson 30)

31. irascible: (adj.) hot-tempered, cranky

32. itinerant: adj. moving from place to place

33. juggernaut: n. a massive, unstoppable object

34. junta: n. a small group that rules a country after a coup d’etat

35. largess: n. a generous giving of gifts, philanthropy

36. lassitude: n. a weariness, listlessness, a state of lethargy

37. leitmotif: n. a dominant or recurring theme

38. levee: n. an embankment designed to prevent a river from flooding

39. libation: n. a pouring of a liquid for a religious ceremony, a drink

40. libidinous: adj. lustful, lascivious

41. lope: v. to run at steady, easy pace

42. macerate: v. to soften by soaking, to cause to waste away

43. machination: n. scheming activity for an evil purpose

44. malapropism: n. the humorous misuse of a word that sounds very much like the word intended

45. malfeasance: n. an illegal act especially by a public official

Word Power 10

The Garrulous Gamin Also Gesticulated! (Lesson 28)

1. flagellate: (v.) to ship, or to punish as if by whipping

2. foment: (v.) to stir up, to incite

3. forswear: (v.) retract, renounce, or recant

4. fusillade: (n.) a rapid outburst, spray of gunfire

5. gainsay: (v.) to deny, to speak or act against

6. gamin: (n.) a street urchin, a slim girl with an impish charm

7. garrulous: (adj.) talkative

8. gerrymander: (v.) to divide into election districts to gain political advantage

9. gestalt: (n.) a structure whose parts cannot stand alone

10. gesticulate: (v.) to gesture esp. when speaking

11. gird: (v) to invest with authority, to brace

12. habeas corpus: (n.) right to a trial before a conviction and sentence

13. halitosis: (n.) bad breath

14. hidebound: (adj.) excessively rigid, dry and stiff, inflexible

15. histrionic: (adj.) overly dramatic, theatrical, deliberately affected

Can Homeopathy Cure an Ignominious Past?

16. hoary: (adj.) gray or white with age

17. homeopathy: (n.) a system of natural healing

18. husbandry: (n.) the judicious use of resources, livestock farming

19. ignominious: (adj.) disgraceful, dishonorable

20. imbroglio: (n.) a difficult and confused situation, a complicated disagreement

21. impecunious: (adj.) without money, penniless

22. impervious: (adj.) impenetrable

23. implacable: (adj.) not capable of being appeased or mollified

24. impugn: (v.) to attack the integrity of something

25. inchoate: (adj.) just beginning, not organized or orderly, incomplete

26. iniquitous: (adj.) evil, unjust

27. insouciant: (adj.) nonchalant, lighthearted, unconcerned

28. interregnum: (n.) the period between two successive governments, a pause in a continuing series

29. intransigent: (adj.) uncompromising, stubborn

30. inveterate: (adj.) habitual, deeply rooted or established

Libidinous Libations or Military Machinations (lesson 30)

31. irascible: (adj.) hot-tempered, cranky

32. itinerant: adj. moving from place to place

33. juggernaut: n. a massive, unstoppable object

34. junta: n. a small group that rules a country after a coup d’etat

35. largess: n. a generous giving of gifts, philanthropy

36. lassitude: n. a weariness, listlessness, a state of lethargy

37. leitmotif: n. a dominant or recurring theme

38. levee: n. an embankment designed to prevent a river from flooding

39. libation: n. a pouring of a liquid for a religious ceremony, a drink

40. libidinous: adj. lustful, lascivious

41. lope: v. to run at steady, easy pace

42. macerate: v. to soften by soaking, to cause to waste away

43. machination: n. scheming activity for an evil purpose

44. malapropism: n. the humorous misuse of a word that sounds very much like the word intended

45. malfeasance: n. an illegal act especially by a public official