Tama County 4-H Award Application Form
AGE______Grade Completed in May or June ______Birthdate______
Recognition is granted to 4-H members in may project areas. It is based on project achievement, evidence of learning, citizenship and related experiences. Members must be enrolled in the project to be considered. You must have at least 2 years of work in the project and you must be at least in grade 7.
Check the space to the left of any project in which you would like to be considered for a county award. You may receive any award only once. Refer to the list of county awards below. Be sure you qualify. More information can be found on the back of this application.
Member Check / Project Area / Ldr. Check / Member Check / Project Area / Ldr. Check / Member Check / Project Area / Ldr. CheckW2210 Entomology / W4510 Small Engines
W4010 Aerospace / W7010 Crop Production / W4410 Tractor
W4210 Automotive / W4115 Energy Mgt. / W2310 Vet Science
W3050 Farm MGT. / W5210 Food/Nutrition / W8210 Visual Arts
W1007 Beef / W5245 Food/Preserv. / W4610 Woodworking
W2115 Bees / W7060 Forestry / W4110 Welding
W4310 Bicycle / W9110 Wildlife / Record Book Awards
W5240 Bread / W8310 Health / W1001 Completion
W8650 Camping / W5310 Home Imp. / W1000 Clover Kid RB
W5010 Child Develop / W1211 Horse & Pony / W1002 1st year RB
W5110 Clothing / W7110 Horticulture / W1003 2nd year RB
W5115 Fashion Rev. / W8710 Music / W1004 3rd year RB
W9010 Computer / W5350 Person Develop
W2110 Conservation / W1810 Pets / Senior Awards
W5410 Consumer Mgt. / W8510 Photography / W5380 Achievement
W1050 Dairy / W7410 Plant Science / W100 Agriculture
W1070 Dairy Goat / W1410 Poultry / W8060 Citizenship
W5250 Dairy Foods / W8110 Communication / W1994 Danforth
W1110 Dog / W1510 Rabbit / W8410 Leadership
W1005 Livestock Ach. / W8810 Safety / W1996 Merit
W5281 Educational / W1610 Sheep
W6110 Electronic / W1710 Swine / W1993 Conference Leadership
W8930 Energy / W8910 Self Determined / W1998 Animal SciRdup
Special Award Information
Members will be considered for these awards primarily on the basis of nominations by club leaders and others. However, members may also express an interest in being considered for one of these awards.
The following awards are open to Intermediate and senior age 4-H Members.
Livestock Achievement - To recognize a member, who has a variety of livestock projects, has gained skill and knowledge about them and is showing evidence of personal growth in livestock production.
Animal Science Roundup – Livestock project members in grades 9-12 are eligible to attend this in depth hands on experience held on ISU Campus in June. One delegate will be selected to represent the county in each of the 4 species, sheep swine, beef, and dairy or dairy goat.
Requirements- needed for the awards listed below are:
- Junior or senior in high school this fall4. For leadership and citizenship awards, members must be
- Minimum of three years project work enrolled in the project.
- Member should have demonstrated leadership beyond the 5. Members may receive these awards only once.
Local club level and have a good overall 4H record
Leadership- recognition to young people who have acquired and demonstrated leadership skills and abilities
Achievement- recognition of young people who have shown outstanding personal growth through participation in a wide variety of 4H projects.
Citizenship- recognition of young people who have learned the meaning of citizenship and have demonstrated their understanding
through good citizenship practices.
Agriculture- recognition of young people who have grown personally through participation in a wide variety of agricultural projects and programs.
Ak-Sar-Ben- recognition of those 4-H members who are making significant progress toward maturity through their service for the
advancement of the 4H program in their county or area. (need not exhibit at Ak-Sar-Ben).
Danforth “I Dare You” Award- Given to an outstanding 4H boy and girl for excellence in leadership and personal growth.
Merit- recognition to members whose accomplishments reflect significant personal growth, active citizenship, earned club and community leadership, competency on project work, and unselfish service to 4H members and others.