Junior/Student Membership Registration Pack 2017/18
If you are joining Ross Rowing Club for the first time, we’d like to welcome you to the Club and provide you with some information about our activities. For junior members continuing their membership – thank you for renewing!
The Opportunity
The Junior Academy provides opportunities for young people (10–18 years) to experience the sport of rowing and to receive structured coaching. The Club is active in local, regional and national competitions.
The Coaches
All training is supervised by qualified coaches. The coaching team have been recognised for their excellence by the governing body of the sport, British Rowing. All coaches have been screened for their suitability for working with young people.
Registration and Membership Application
To join the Club it is necessary to complete the Membership Application Form.
For insurance purposes, Registration Forms must be completed before taking part in any Club activities.
Prompt payment of Membership is appreciated and is required no more than three weeks later. These details are essential for the safety of your child and to comply with our reporting commitments.
Ways to pay? Online, by cheque, direct transfer or by Standing Order.
We are able to reclaim Gift Aid on voluntary donations made by individuals to the Club. This helps to keep our membership fees as low as possible. Please ensure you read and complete the enclosed Gift Aid Declaration.
Parents & Volunteers
We are keen to involve parents in the Club and will invite you to attend training sessions, competitions, and seasonal meetings where you can meet club members and find out more about the club and our future plans. As the Club is run entirely by volunteers it is essential that both coaches and parent helpers receive the full support and co-operation of juniors and parents.
British Rowing Membership
The Club requires all Junior Academy members to join British Rowing. This provides two essential benefits: additional insurance cover and the ability to compete in British Rowing registered events. Full details of BR membership, along with details of other benefits are available from https://www.britishrowing.org .
If you would like to talk to someone about this information or your child’s involvement with the Club, please contact me at .uk or call 01989 562016.
We thank you for your interest and look forward to meeting you in the near future.
Yours sincerely, Web: www.rossrowingclub.co.uk
Paul Brodholt Email:
Junior Captain
Registration Forms 2017/18
Member Details / Please provide contact details for day-to-day communicationsName of Member / Date of birth:
Home Telephone / Mobile(parent):
Email address (parent)
British Rowing Membership No:
1st Parent/Carer / Name:
First parent/carer we should contact in an emergency / Telephone: Mobile:
2nd Parent/Carer / Name:
Telephone: Mobile:
Emergency / Name:
Other person to contact / Telephone: Mobile:
Doctor / Name:
Telephone: Mobile:
Surgery name:
These details will only be held and used for the following purposes:
· Administration of your Ross Rowing Club membership and subscription
· Notification of any forthcoming events (in particular we hope to contact people by email for club newsletter and details of meetings you may wish to attend)
· Name and telephone lists of rowers and coxes for organising rowing crews distributed to other member rowers
· Emergency contact details if required
Please note that by providing your details you are agreeing for this information to be held electronically by authorised agents of Ross Rowing Club for the sole purpose of administering the affairs of the club. Your details will not be passed to other parties without your consent. You may request your details to be removed or updated by contacting the Membership Secretary.
Medical Details
Declaration of Health (Tick ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as appropriate)
Do you or your child have any special need that our coaches should know about? / Yes / Does your child suffer from any known medical or physical condition that might affect them during physical exercise? (If in doubt, you should consult a doctor) / YesNo / No
If the answer is ‘yes’ to either of the above please give details:
Please answer the following questions. (Parents on behalf of under 18s)
Question / Yes / No / If yes please provide detailsAre you receiving any medical treatment at present?
Are you taking any medications, prescribed or over the counter?
Are you allergic to any Foods / Medications / Materials /
Local or General Anaesthesia?
Do you suffer from Hay Fever /
Eczema / Other Allergies?
Have you had any Heart Problems / Angina / Blood Pressure?
Do you suffer from Asthma /
Bronchitis / Chest problems?
Do you have Diabetes?
Do you have Dyslexia?
Do you have Faint Attacks /
Giddiness / Blackouts / Epilepsy?
Do you carry a medical warning card
or Medic alert?
Anything which has not been mentioned?
Swimming Ability Details
Declaration of swimming ability
The Club will regularly hold swim tests and training in capsize procedures, leading to achievement of the sport’s Water Safety Certificate. All junior rowing members must be able to demonstrate/confirm when asked:
· that they are both competent and confident in and under the water, by swimming at least
50 metres and treading water for at least two minutes in light clothing (rowing kit).
· that they are both competent and confident in and under the water, by swimming under water for at least 5 metres.
· that they have received Capsize and Recovery Training within the last 5 years, and are confident what actions are required following a capsize.
Rowing Members who are unable to demonstrate the minimum swimming standards must wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) whilst rowing.
Can your child swim 50 metres and tread water for 2 minutes in light clothing? / Yes / I agree that my child will undertake a capsize safety drill every 5 years as a requirement ofthe Club. / Yes
No / No
Photography and Filming Consent (under 18s only)
Promotional Photographs
In order to publicise the activities and achievements of the Club we would like to occasionally use photographs which may involve your son/daughter being photographed. Photography for this purpose will be undertaken in line with the Photography and Filming Guidance notes found in the Child Protection Policy section of the Handbook. As your son or daughter is under the age of 18, the club needs your written permission for them to appear directly or indirectly in these photographs.
Video Analysis
As part of our commitment to improving the technique, the junior coaches plan to carry out video sessions on and off the water. On the water, this will involve athletes being filmed whilst training and carrying out exercises. Off the water filming will focus on technique on the rowing machine (ergo). Effective technique is essential for performance, preventing bad habits that could lead to injuries and all round enjoyment. The video sessions will allow the younger athletes to see both their good points and weaknesses which subsequent coaching will concentrate on. The filming will be carried out by a British Rowing qualified coach, with another adult always present. As your son or daughter is under the age of 18, the club needs your written permission for them to appear directly or indirectly in the filming for technique analysis.
I consent to my child being photographed for the purposes of publicising the Club. / Yes / I consent to my child being filmed for the purposes of video analysis. / YesNo / No
Personal Details
The club is committed to a policy of acting fairly in all aspects of rowing, and to providing a service to reach all communities. In order to assess our position, we need to monitor the numbers of people in our sport from different ethnic origins. It is also a condition of our grants from the Sports Council that we report on the ethnic backgrounds of our membership and also on the involvement of disabled persons within the sport. Please therefore complete the following. The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only and will not be released to third parties in any way that will link the data with any identifying personal details.
Ethnic Origin
Other white background / Mixed:
White & Black Caribbean
White & Black African
White & Asian
Other mixed background / Asian or Asian British:
Other Asian background
Black or Black British:
Other black background / Chinese / Any other ethnic group
Which country(ies) are you eligible to row for? England Wales Other ......
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as anyone with ‘a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? No Yes. What is the nature of your disability?
Visual impairment / Hearing impairment / Learning disabilityPhysical disability / Multiple disability / Other (please specify below)
Junior/Student Payment Form 2017/18
/ Criteria/information / TARIFF including discounts/yearJunior Rowing
Student Rowing
Coxswain only / Junior Membership (Ages 10 to 18 years) includes Associate Membership for one parent/carer, unless one or both parents/carers are already voting members of the Club.
A suggested voluntary donation of £75 is included in the payment.*
Students over 18 (full voting rights) must be in full time education and must include a photocopy of Student ID card.
Includes a suggested voluntary donation of £75*
Junior Coxswain Membership – as above
Student Coxswain is non-rowing and as above
A suggested voluntary donation of £18 is included in the payment.* / 1st child: £150
2nd child: £130
3rd and subsequent child(ren): £105
*For Gift Aid Purposes only
Renewals are due by 1st April and a full payment or standing order form MUST be received by 30th April to ensure that membership and insurance cover remains active.
The membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March.
The membership rates include a voluntary donation. This is not compulsory in order to obtain membership.
If joining part-way through a year:. Please pay for the number of whole months outstanding.
For example, Junior Rowing from Sep – March: £150 /12 =£12.50 x 7 months = £87.50 due.
The Standing Order option is not available on part-year subscriptions.
All rowing and coxswain members must join British Rowing. Your application for membership of Ross Rowing Club will not be accepted unless it is accompanied by a valid British Rowing membership number.
Full details of BR membership are available from https://www.britishrowing.org .
Please complete
Payment Options
/Extra charge
/ Criteria/information / Select (ü)Cheque / N/A / Made payable to ‘Ross Rowing Club’ and to be returned to the Membership Secretary.
Direct bank transfer / N/A / See RRC bank details on the Standing Order form.
Standing Order (S.O.)
charge / £5 per child / Spread the cost of rowing over ten months.
Example: Spreading payment for 3 Juniors: £150 + £130 + £105 + £15 S.O. charge = £40 x 10 instalments
S.O. option is not available for part-year memberships.
Application to pay Junior/Student Rowing Club
Subscriptions by TEN Standing Order Instalments (May-Feb 2017/18)
Families wishing to pay for ALL Senior and Junior Members on one S.O. may do so, but please add £5 S.O. surcharge for EACH member.
Please complete RRC Membership details that payment covers (PLEASE PRINT):Name(s): / Please print names and membership type that this SO is covering:
Total Payment: / £……………………… x10 / Date:
Please leave the ‘Quoting Reference’ box empty. This will be completed by RRC.
Signature: ………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………
Gift Aid Declaration
Ross Rowing Club
Please treat:
R All gifts of money that I have made in the past 4 years and all future gifts of money that I make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid donations.
You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax in each tax year at least equal to the tax that Ross Rowing Club will claim from HM Revenue & Customs on your Gift Aid donation(s).
I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Ross Rowing Club that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year.
I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.
Donor’s details
Title, Initial(s) & Surname ______
Home address ______
Postcode ______
Date ______
Signature ______
Please notify Ross Rowing Club if you:
1. Want to cancel this declaration.
2. Change your name or home address.
3. No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue & Customs to adjust your tax code.
Checklist and Signatures
Please return this checklist with the signatures required, along with the accompanying forms and remittance/Standing Order Form, to the Membership Secretary.
There are three easy ways to do this:
· Deposit in the post box at the Club
· Post to the Membership Secretary’s home address (see below)
· By hand at the Club
(ü) once completed
1 I wish to renew my membership of Ross Rowing Club Junior Academy
1 I have completed a Gift Aid form
1 I have read and agree to abide by the Club membership terms and conditions
1 I have completed the Medical form
1 I have completed the Personal Details form
1 I have completed the Swimming Ability & Photography and Filming Consent Form
1 I am aware of the role of the Club’s Welfare Officer
1 I understand that the Club is run on a voluntary basis and that we