Date:January 18, 2011
Location:LeonCounty Purchasing Bid Room, 2284 Miccosukee Road
Members Present:Donna Smith, President; Mark Lovell, Treasurer;Susan Barr, Secretary;
Board Members:Brenda Wells,Charles Day, Ed Valla, Gloria Dixon, Dave Callaway, and Bill Spencer.
Members Absent: Robert Threewitts, Vice President, Wendi Sellers, Immediate Past President.
President Donna Smith called the meeting to order at 3:31PM.
A motion to approve the Minutes for the DecemberBoard meeting was seconded and approved.
Officers Reports:
- President – The October trade show will be discussed at the next board meeting and a theme finalized.
- Vice President– no report
- Treasurer –Treasurer Mark Lovell presented the budget to the board. It was accepted on a preliminary basis to be revisited at the next board meeting.
- Secretary -no report
Old Business: Trade Show theme ideas for October 11th – to be discussed at a later date. TheOfficer and Board member attendance requirements By-Laws were tabled at this time (pending review of National By-Laws and committee meeting). Donna will contact Linda McDonald to send mass emails by MFMP for the Reverse Trade Show on March 1st. A motion was made and seconded. The RTS still needs some agencies to sign up. All TACNIGP members will pay $8.00 for lunch and National members and guests’ lunch cost will be $16 for the regularly scheduled meeting. Vendors will pay $25.00 for lunch and will have a networking lunch with our members.
The speaker for February 8th will be Beverly Smith with TallahasseeCommunity College, Registrars Office and will bring class information.
Committee Reports:
2011 Trade Show –No report.
New Business: Treasurer Mark Lovell presented the budget to the board. It was accepted on a preliminary basis to be revisited at the next board meeting.
AGS Expo Services proposal for the 2011 TACNIGP Conference and Trade Show was presented and discussed. A motioned was made to accept the proposal and was seconded. The motion passed.
Treasurer Mark Lovell discussed the issue of sending required 1099 forms to each vendor, now required by the IRS is tabled until next month. Credit card machine interest rate issues to be addressed at a later date.
President Donna Smith suggested sending thank you notes to speakers. A motion was made and approved.
Respectfully submitted by
Susan Barr, 2011 Secretary – Tallahassee Area Chapter of NIGP