Links to Online Directories of Disability Organizations Worldwide

Learn about worldwide associations for people with specific disabilities and links to national level disability organizations in various countries.

Ataxia International Organizations

Links to organizations that support people with ataxia; people who have coordination issues because parts of the nervous system that control movement and balance are affected.

Autism Organizations Worldwide

Find links to organizations for people with autism in countries around the globe on the Autism Speaks website.

Deaf Child Worldwide

Based out of the UK, this directory provides contacts with deaf organizations and schools worldwide.

Diabetes Organizations Globally

On this web resource, find a listing of diabetes organizations across the globe.

Dialysis International Travel Information

Provides travel resources and a directory of dialysis centers worldwide.

Disability Laws around the World

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund's website lists disability laws and international conference participants from countries worldwide.

Disability Resources in the United States

Find disability resources state by state compiled by the U.S. federal government.

Disabled Peoples' International

DPI has national assemblies across the globe listed on its website; these country organizations work to ensure that people with disabilities have control over their lives and input into the services that affect them.

Down Syndrome International Links

A comprehensive guide to online resources for parents of children with Down syndrome and links to U.S. and international organizations.

Dyslexia Organizations Worldwide

The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is an international organization that provides comprehensive information and services related to dyslexia and difficulties in learning to read and write.

European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities

EASPD promotes theaffairs of social agencies and their umbrella associations, which provide services to all people with disabilities throughout Europe.

European Disability Forum

A consulting firm serving disability organizations throughout theEuropean Union.

European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf

A group of Teachers of the Deaf concerned with the education of deaf children and young people.

European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters

EFSLI provides support services to sign language interpreters, interpreter trainees, the trainers, and users and providers of interpreting services.

European League of Stuttering Associations

ELSA Provides information, networking and lobbying services for member organizations servicing all people over the ages of 16 with speech impairments, especially stuttering impairments.

Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks

GAMIAN – Europe is a patient-driven pan-European organization, representing the interests of persons affected by mental illness and advocates for their rights.

G3ICT Country Profiles Database

Get detailed information on States of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Country profiles include a list of disability organizations, with contact information, as well as basic ICT factors.

Inclusion International

Inclusion International is an international organization for people with mental disabilities, and lists its member societies for many countries on its website.

Independent Living Institute

This online resources in Sweden provides listings of disabled persons organizations in variouscountries.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Organizations Overseas

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America maintains informal partnerships with a variety of inflammatory bowel disease-related organizations primarily in Europe but also in Australia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

International Diabetes Federation

This website lists international members that work on diabetes issues worldwide.

International Bureau for Epilepsy

An organization of laypersons and professionals working to improve the quality of life of all persons with epilepsy.

International Association of Special Education

IASE promotes professional exchange among special educators and also encourages international cooperation on research. Members are mapped out internationally.

International Society for Bipolar Disorders

A forum for mental healthcare professionals, social workers, and persons affected by bipolar disorders and their families to share information on all aspects of bipolar disorders.

International Federation of Hard of Hearing

A volunteer organization working to improve the quality of life for people who are Deaf or hard-of-hearing worldwide.

International Federation of Persons with Physical Disability

A federation of international organizations working to secure improvement in the conditions of workers who have occupational disabilities or illnesses.

International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment

ICEVIpromotes equal access to appropriate education for all children and youth with visual impairments.

International Ventilator Users Network

IVUN has a list of non-profits, manufacturers, repair shops and foundations worldwide.

Multiple Sclerosis International Federation

A comprehensive, international and up to date information resource developed by MS experts worldwide.

Muscular Dystrophy Organizations Worldwide

List of muscular dystrophy organizations and contact information by country.

Parking Information Worldwide for People with Disabilities

The FIA Guide for the disabled traveler provides information about using Parking Permits, Cards and Placards around the world.

Tourette International Contacts

The National Tourette Syndrome Association has compiled a list of individuals from countries around the world who have indicated their willingness to provide information andsupport to families affected by Tourette Syndrome.

World Allergy Organization

WAO's search tool provides links to online patient information, searchable by language, region or country.

World Blind Union

WBU is an international organization of and for people who are blind. A list of members, listed by country, is available on their website.

World Federation of the Deaf

WFD provides listings of its country level member organizations that are working on deaf issues across the globe.

World Federation of Occupational Therapists

WFOTsupports the development, use and practice of occupational therapy worldwide.