Talent Development Plans
October 3- October 7
(skills) / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / (assessments)Content Objective / Today I will read and respond to “ On a Rainy River” by examining the author’s voice and how it contributes to the tone of the story. / Today I will read and respond to “On a Rainy River” by examining the author’s voice and how it contributes to the tone of the story. / Today I will read and respond to “On a Rainy River” by working cooperatively in my STL groups and answering the provided questions. / Today I will read and respond to “On a Rainy River” by examining the symbolism found in the story and discussing how it contributes to the story’s greater meaning. / Today I will read and respond to “Harlem” by working cooperatively in my STL groups and answering the provided questions.
English / Voice, Point of View, Symbolism / FC: Voice
-Introduction ppt to Voice, how to determine it in a text / FC: Voice
-Apply Voice to readings, practice determining voice / FC: Point of View
- intro to POV
- practice identifying POV using flowchart provided / FC: Symbolism
- Intro to symbolism
- practice identifying everyday symbols
Give copy of a road less traveled / FC: Symbolism
- practice identifying symbols in pieces of text / You do
English / STL: “On a Rainy River” / STL: “On a Rainy River”
- Read pages 133-142
- Discuss Team partner questions 1 and 2 section 1 / STL: “On a Rainy River”
- Read pages 143-150
- Discuss question 1 section 2 / STL: “On a Rainy River”
- Read pages 150-156
- Discuss questions 1-3 section 3. / STL: “On a Rainy River”
- Finish reading story if not finished.
- Complete part A of the literature related writing individually. / STL: Poem
-Read Life Doesn’t Frighten Me
-Answer provided questions / Reading questions
Materials / -Voice Powerpoint
-STL questions for “On a Rainy River” / -Voice Day Two Powerpoint
-STL questions for “On a Rainy River” / -Point of View Powerpoint
-Flow Chart
-STL questions for “On a Rainy River” / -Symbolism Powerpoint
- STL questions for “On a Rainy River” / Life Doesn’t Frighten Me Poem and questions
POV ppt
Content Objective / Today, I examine the root causes of the Vietnam War by working in Data Center Groups and answering the provided questions. / Today, I will listen and respond to “A Generation Without War” by discussing the connections between the Iraq war and the Vietnam War. / Today, I will listen and respond to “The Lottery” by making connections between the draft lottery and the lottery in the story. / Today, I will listen and respond to “The Lottery” by identifying the story’s Point of View and examining the author’s voice. / Today, I will listen and respond to “The Lottery” by examining the symbols found in the story and discussing their meaning.
Literacy / Grammar / DGP: Punctuation and Capitalization / DGP: Parts of Speech / DGP: Sentence Parts and Phrases / DGP: Clauses and Sentence Types / DGP: Sentence Diagramming / DGP sentence notes
Literacy / Reading Strategies: Connections, Identify Point of view, Symbolism / RS: A Shot in the Dark
- imagery
- figurative language
- word choice / RS: Various Texts depending on what is best for your kids
- Author’s Voice / RS: A Generation Without War
- Make Connections between 9/11, Vietnam War, etc.
- What is the author’s tone?
- How can we identify the author’s voice? / RS: A Generation Without War
- What is the author’s POV? How does he feel about the war? / RS: Local Citizens
Supported the Vietnam Troops
-Make Connections to “On a Rainy River” / Behavior and responses
Literacy / Reading strategies, synthesis of data / LC: Data Centers: Vietnam background
-Students work in teams to complete the first of three ‘stations’ while interacting with data. / LC: Data Centers: draft evasion
-Students work in teams to complete the second of three ‘stations’ while interacting with data. / LC: SSR
-Students read silently for 15 minutes
-Students finish reading and write a reading log. / LC: SSR
-Students read silently for 15 minutes
-Students finish reading and write a reading log. / LC: Data Centers: college protests
-Students work in teams to complete three ‘stations’ while interacting with data. / Answered questions/Reading Logs
Materials / -DGP Notes
- A Shot in the Dark / -Data Centers
-Various texts for RS / -DGP Notes
-A Generation Without War / -Data Centers
-A Generation Without War / DGP Notes
- Local Citizens Supported the Vietnam Troops