Economic Analysis of Development Projects with Health Side Effects:

Evidence from Northern Ethiopia

Lire Ersado, Gregory S. Amacher, and Jeffrey Alwang*

Corresponding Author

Lire Ersado

Research Scientist

International Food Policy Research Institute

2033 K St. NW, Washington, Dc 2006-1002


Phone: (202) 862-8103, Fax: (202) 467-4439.

JEL classification: I1, O0, O1, O3, Q2

*The authors are Research Scientist, International Food and Policy Research Institute, Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, Virginia Tech, and Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech.

Economic Analysis of Development Projects with Health Side Effects:

Evidence from Northern Ethiopia


Ethiopia is currently facing loss of natural land resources and environmental degradation at alarming rates. The government of Ethiopia has initiated a major rural development program in Tigray to develop water resource through construction of micro-dams and afforestation of watersheds surrounding the micro-dams. It is argued that these water and forest resources will rehabilitate degraded watersheds, improve irrigation possibilities, and serve as sources of fuel. However, the permanent standing water these projects bring may favor increased transmission of water-borne diseases such as malaria and schistosomiasis. In this paper we examine the welfare impacts of this program. First we develop a theory for a social planner who chooses a lifespan for a development project, and we characterize the optimal implementation of such a project over time. We then investigate the linkages between microdams, health, and open access natural resources using recently collected data from Tigray. Based on our data, the marginal net benefits of Tigray’s current microdam investments are positive. The lost income households suffer from increased time away from productive activities (due to sickness) is compensated for by increased yields and market opportunities brought about through irrigated agriculture.


Ethiopia is currently losing natural resources at alarming rates. This is especially true in the northern regions, where famine and lack of drinking and irrigation water are common. The increasing loss of topsoil and nutrients brought about by archaic agriculture and erosion have resulted in steady declines in land and labor productivity, coupled with high population density, famine, food insecurity and dependence on food aid. The Ethiopian government, with the financial help of several NGOs, recently implemented a program to establish sustainable agricultural development in Tigray. The main element of this program is construction of pooled areas of water called microdams, intended to bring permanent irrigated water to Tigray agriculture. The dam areas are also afforested to serve as a village wood source.

Unfortunately, microdams are not without side-effects to the population. Tigray has historically been free of water-borne disease during dry months. The World Health Organization and the Tigray Health Bureau now fear that the permanent standing water provided by microdams and irrigation ditches could increase or make permanent water-borne diseases, specifically malaria and schistosomiasis (Lampietti 1999). Both diseases are debilitating and, if contracted, will affect villager work productivity and their allocation of labor, either because they are too sick to work effectively or they must spend time caring for sick household members. Working less or having less time for fuel collection, will likely decrease income and welfare. There may also be decreases in income from increased health care expenditures or time spent visiting health facilities.

There is also a link between microdams, health, and natural resource stocks. Microdam reforestation projects were initially intended to minimize exploitation of remaining government forests for fuel. But, if health of the population is indeed reduced by the dams, then higher exploitation of local forest sites could result due to increased heating needs or reduced ability to travel to distant forests. Local sites would almost certainly involve the reforested microdam areas in villages that are near them. Increased pressure on microdams for fuelwood would of course eventually decrease water yield and erosion protection, leading to decreased agricultural productivity and income.

Our purpose in this paper is to investigate both the planning decision involving water development investments, and the empirical realization of their impacts on health, production, and forest stocks. Our theoretical model is dynamic and assumes a social planner that is interested in choosing the scale of a public investment project scale which maximizes welfare over time, but which impacts health and income of the population. The necessary conditions establish rules under which such investments are optimal in the steady state. We then apply the theoretical model to investigate the optimality of microdams in Tigray, and show the connection between microdams, health, and forests.

There is very little work we are aware of that investigates linkages between health and natural resources, or that establishes how health and productivity impacts should be balanced when allocating water and fuel development projects.[1] This is surprising despite the importance of bringing irrigated agriculture to arid developing country regions. Similarly, there is little work that shows how labor productivity, allocation of family labor time, and resource use for non-wage earning self-employed farmers are affected by health in developing economies. The one exception is Audilert (1986), who used a production function analysis to show that a worker’s health status significantly influenced paddy output.

A Model of Development Projects

We now turn to a theory explaining the relationships between public investments, resource use, and health. First, we consider a command and control problem, solved by a social planner interested in implementing a microdam water project over time that includes afforesting an area surrounding the dam (we will use the term microdam and ‘development project’ interchangeably). Consistent with a command and control problem, the planner chooses the scale of the development project at time t, z[t], and the effort undertaken by a representative villager to improve health at time t, s[t]. Let t0 be the time period when the project begins and t1 be the last period in the project cycle. For the Tigray case, s[t] is intended to represent investments such as time spent caring for sick household members or health care expenditures, while z[t] represents a measure of the intensity of the microdam investment.

The planner’s choices affect both the ambient health level of the population, forest stocks, and other agricultural yields. Formally, let a representative villager’s health level H[t] be written,

H[t] = H(s[t], z[t], FWC[t], Y[t]), (1)

where FWC[t] is fuelwood collected and used for heating and cooking at time t, and Y[t] is agricultural yields consumed at time t. H[t] represents the “stock’ of disease, i.e., it is a measure of the frequency by which the representative villager is affected. For convenience assume that the pre-investment level of disease is zero,[2] so that the increase in disease as a project is implemented is given by the following state equation,

Where K(.) is a twice differentiable and convex ‘disease incidence function’ and is decreasing in all arguments except z[t] , i.e.,

The derivatives in (2) assume health is inversely related to the incidence of disease. H[t] can be increased directly through effort villagers expend to improve health (s[t]), or through increased fuel and food. s[t] can also indirectly improve health through its effect on Y[t], and FWC[t]. Forest cover can impact health through fuel availability for heating and cooking. Given there is a close relationship between forest cover and fuel collection, we will assume that this impact is captured in the fuelwood collection variable, FWC[t] in (1)-(2). Finally, an increase in the water development project z[t] decreases H[t] due to its favorable impact on disease.

Forest stocks available to the villager are a function of the development project level z[t], fuelwood collection activity FWC[t] and health level H[t]. Letting F(.) denote the forest stock, an expression for the rate of change in this stock over time is given by the equation of motion,

Where G(.) is assumed to be concave and twice continuously differentiable in its arguments:

Although the impact of health on F(.) is unknown we shall initially assume that increased villager health decreases the rate of increase in tree stocks by increasing time available for collection. The development project investment level should have positive impacts on the size of the forest stock.[3] Given that (1) – (2) above assume the water project has a negative effect on health H[t], the marginal productivity of z[t] on G(.) increases with H[t] (i.e., GzH < 0).

Let Y[t] to be a concave agricultural production function whose arguments are the development project level (z[t]), the health level (H[t]), the amount of fuelwood collected FWC[t], and a vector of other agricultural inputs (X).

Disease has an indirect impact on crop yield through its effect on health, which can have a detrimental impact on labor time availability. Sick household members work less, and household members who care for the sick have less time to work. The effect of FWC[t] on agricultural production is not known a priori. Increased access to forested land may free up land and labor for agriculture, and this may increase agricultural production ( Ehui and Hertel. 1989, 1990). However, in the long run, deforestation resulting from higher levels of FWC[t] could lead to reduced agricultural productivity as forest stocks, F[t], decline. For the purpose of our initial analysis, we assume FWC[t] and F[t] negatively and positively affect agricultural production, respectively. To simplify the dynamics, other agricultural inputs (X) will be considered optimally chosen in the theory, but we return to these later in the empirical section.

Summarizing and assuming the yield function is strictly concave and twice continuously differentiable, we have:

Fuelwood collection is also an activity undertaken by the villagers. Let the amount of fuelwood collected be a function of health H[t], the project level z[t], and a set of resource and accessibility variables :


FWC[t] is assumed to be an increasing and concave function of H[t] and z[t]. z[t] directly increases FWC[t], given that the development projects we are interested in involve tree planting, thus improving accessibility to fuelwood. Higher H[t] increases FWC[t], since improved health affords households more time for fuelwood collection. The variable ‘A’ in (7) represents all other variables, such as access, which impact fuelwood collection.

The Social Planner’s Problem Specification

Now we turn to determining the optimal scale of health and development project investments, as well as the optimal time path of forest stock and disease incidence. The social planner is assumed to make investment choices by maximizing a concave time separable net benefit function for the time during-the-project, i.e. (see, for example, Hueth and Regev 1974; Kamien and Schwartz. 1981).

B(Y[t],FWC[t]) = pyY(.) + pfF(.) - C[t],(6)

at each time t, where

C[t]= C(z[t], s[t], X) (7)

is a convex cost function for the development project. The optimization problem can now be written as one where net benefits to the representative villager are maximized, using (2) and (3) as equations of motion for the fuel stock and health,

Subject to:

where W is a measure of the present value of net benefits;  is the social rate of time preference; py and pf are per unit returns of agriculture and forestry at time t. The time horizon is defined through the life of the development project, to t  t1. Note that (8) also includes a salvage term, V(H[t1], F[t1] ). This represents the expected net benefit of the development project that extends beyond the end of the time horizon; it depends on terminal health levels and forest stocks.

The above formulation is a standard continuous time optimal control problem with a salvage value (e.g., see Kamien and Schwartz 1986). The state variables are health and forest stocks, H[t] and F[t], while the control variables include inputs used in the health sector, s[t], and the development project level z[t]. The current value Hamiltonian associated with the problem described by equations (8) – (10) is given by,

Where [t] and [t] are current value costate variables associated with health and forest stock, respectively. (In the subsequent analysis, the time subscripts will be suppressed for ease of simplicity, unless it is necessary to avoid ambiguity). The maximum principle requires that the following necessary conditions hold:

The necessary conditions can be used to describe, in general terms, how a social planner would determine the optimal level of the development project. Equation (12) indicates that, at an interior solution, the social planner undertakes investment in the development project so that,

The RHS of equation (12’) comprises the marginal benefits of the project, which include the value of project-induced increases in villager income from agriculture, and increases in income from associated fuel collection activities. The LHS represents the marginal cost of the project both in terms of operational costs (the first term on the LHS) and its marginal impact on health (second term on LHS).

Similarly, equation (13) indicates that villager effort to improve health should behave according to,

Where the first term on RHS is the marginal cost of health effort, and the RHS represents the marginal benefits of health effort brought about by reducing disease incidence.

Rewriting equation (15) we have:

Equation (15’) shows an optimal rule for forest utilization: at the interior optimum, forest stock services should be employed to the point where the marginal benefit of forest capital equals the marginal cost. The RHS represents marginal benefits from enhanced agricultural production (pyYF), due to improved soil and water conditions, and the marginal value of a unit of forest product (pf). The LHS contains the marginal costs of employing the services of the trees, i.e., the current benefits forgone from future use () minus the net capital gain of resource growth (this is the time derivative of the future value of forest stock).

The conditions above illustrate the link between health, forest stocks, and the project. Solving the problem above, we can arrive at a characterization of the optimal path for the development project. We do this using the equations of motion and (12)-(15), and substituting for the time derivatives of H[t], F[t], and the costate variables  and ,[4]


Where K and G represent rates of change in health level and forest cover over time, and

. (20)

The parameter  is interpreted as the impact on disease of the development project z[t] (numerator) relative to the effort spent by the villager to improve health s[t] (demoninator). A higher  provides rationale for decreasing project investments over time. The parameter  can be interpreted as a ratio of the benefits to health from fuel collection (numerator) relative to improvements in health due to villager effort s[t] (denominator). The numerator of  measures the indirect impact of the project on health (through positive fuelwood and agricultural yields), while the denominator measures the marginal impact of the project on disease. A higher  provides rationale for increasing the size of the development project. Finally, the parameters , , and  measure other direct benefits of the development project on productivity (), provision of the community with a source of fuelwood for heating and cooking (), and improvements in the natural resource base ().

There are two points to note about (19)–(20). First, the last three components , , and  represent what is typically evaluated for development projects if health impacts are ignored. Second, notice that the sign of ż[t] might vary through time, indicating the optimal project level increases or decreases through time; when ż[t] is positive it is optimal to increase the project size over time. The precise path will depend on parameters regarding health, production, and forest stocks. Collecting terms we have the following rule,

The expression in the left bracket of equation (21) measures the benefits directly or indirectly associated with the development project level. The terms in the right bracket measure the costs of the project.

The general rule in (21) requires the policy planner to go beyond the typical benefits and costs traditionally considered in project decisions. Benefits that must be considered include the direct economic benefit due to improved agricultural yield (py), the direct financial benefits due to availability of firewood for heating and cooking (pf), and the direct current and future economic benefits due to improved forest cover {(pyYFWC + pf + Cs)(+Gz)}. Indirect benefits include impacts on agricultural yield, and forest stocks {((pyYz + pfFz +(pyYFWC + pf + Cs)Gz)}. Costs of the project consist of three types: The direct negative impact of disease incidence on yield and forest cover {Kz(pyYH + pfFH)}, the future cost of decreased health (Cs), and finally the financial cost involved with project implementation and management {CzGz}.

Empirical Evidence

We now turn to our Tigray data and evaluate the decision rule above for microdam projects implemented throughout the region. This evaluation will depend on the links between irrigation, yields, fuelwood resources, and health of the population. Our data exists for one point in time, thus, we will evaluate (21) to determine whether microdams should be expanded or contracted.

Tigray is an arid to semi arid region several hundred kilometers north of the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, and is characterized by subsistence farm households raising predominantly cereal and vegetable crops for local consumption and sale. The World Health Organization has recently cautioned against continued expansion of microdams due to their favorable affects on water borne diseases, principally malaria and schistosomiasis. Indeed, a recent Mekele University and Tigray Health Bureau study has confirmed increased prevalence of malaria in the region since the dams were built (Mekele University College, 1994).

Data and Descriptive Statistics

The data were collected in collaboration with Mekele University College, Tigray, Ethiopia through a project funded by the World Health Organization (WHO). It contains a cross sectional survey of household heads over one major cropping season in 1996. The survey questionnaire contained a detailed list of questions on household production, consumption, natural resource use, sickness and costs associated with malaria and schistosomiasis. Enumerators trained by us administered the survey through personal interviews, and we monitored their progress throughout the survey period. Prior to full sampling, the survey was pre-tested during January of 1996. The survey sample distribution is based on proximity of villages to micro dams. Eight microdam sites were selected: two from western Tigray, four from central Tigray, and two from southern Tigray. Villages close to the dams are considered to be ‘intervention’ sites while those far away are considered to be ‘control’ villages. Mekele University College staff worked jointly with the Tigray Health Bureau and the WHO to ensure that the sample was stratified so that control villages minimized the impact of microdams on disease, while intervention villages maximized this impact. Out of 34 villages sampled, 19 were intervention sites and 14 were control sites. Random samples of 20 to 25 household heads were selected from each of intervention and control village resulting in a total sample size of 730 households, after missing data was discarded. All household heads approached agreed to give interviews with the enumerators.