Professional Development in Science and Mathematics
Taking Stock: PLC Grant Report, Years 1 – 2
September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2010
Your Growth as a PLC
1 = “We’re at square one.”
10 = “We could write the next Ultimate PLC Guide.”
Decideas a team where on the scale below you would place your PLC. (Hint: See Team to Teach Tools 2.1 and 2.2.) Circle your number.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
We placed our PLC at this point because:
Participants: Have you added members to your original PLC (beyond the Leadership Team)? If so, please provide their names, grade level, and subject area they teach.Additional PLCs: Have “spin-off” PLCs been generated? If so, please describe.
Meeting Time: Do you have regular, protected meeting time? When do you meet? Frequency of meetings? In the 2009-10 school year, how many times did you meet? In what ways do your meetings reflect the “professional learning teams FAQs” in Tool 2.1 (Team to Teach handout)?
District Support: Helps and Hurdles
In what ways did your district support your PLC? If there were any district hurdles/barriers to your progress, how did you address them (or how could they be addressed)?
C-E Support: Helps and Hurdles
In what ways did CONNECT-ED support your PLC? If there were any C-E related hurdles/barriers to your progress, how did you address them (or how could they be addressed)?
What is the most important growth area for your PLC in the coming year?
Progress on Your Action Plan
What is your definition of Big Idea Thinking (BIT)?
Please review your PLC Action Plan for Years 1 and 2, including any revisions you may have made.
Then provide the following information about each strategy/activity you have implemented, or will implement by August 31, 2010.
Strategy/Activity: / Brief Description:Who were the participants (e.g., teachers, administrators, people from other districts, etc)?
Number of participants:
Number of sessions/hours:
What was accomplished?
Is this what you had expected?
Would you change anything if you were to do it again? Explain.
Is any follow-up needed or planned? Explain.
Evidence of BIT in this strategy:
Strategy/Activity: / Brief Description:
Who were the participants (e.g., teachers, administrators, people from other districts, etc)?
Number of participants:
Number of sessions/hours:
What was accomplished?
Is this what you had expected?
Would you change anything if you were to do it again? Explain.
Is any follow-up needed or planned? Explain.
Evidence of BIT in this strategy:
Strategy/Activity: / Brief Description:
Who were the participants (e.g., teachers, administrators, people from other districts, etc)?
Number of participants:
Number of sessions/hours:
What was accomplished?
Is this what you had expected?
Would you change anything if you were to do it again? Explain.
Is any follow-up needed or planned? Explain.
Evidence of BIT in this strategy:
Strategy/Activity: / Brief Description:
Who were the participants (e.g., teachers, administrators, people from other districts, etc)?
Number of participants:
Number of sessions/hours:
What was accomplished?
Is this what you had expected?
Would you change anything if you were to do it again? Explain.
Is any follow-up needed or planned? Explain.
Evidence of BIT in this strategy:
Are there strategies indicated in your original Action Plan that you did not implement? Which one(s)? Why did your plans change?
Did the strategies/activities you implemented move you toward your goal(s)? In what way(s)? How do you know?
What challenges has your PLC experienced in implementing these strategies/activities? How has your PLC responded to these challenges, and what lessons have been learned? If applicable, how has this affected the direction of you will take in Year 3?
Describe how you measured the effectiveness/impact of the strategies you implemented. What evidence do you have? Briefly describe how these findings from Years1 and 2 are being used to informyour Year 3 Action Plan.
Please share any success stories or "small wins” from Years 1 and 2.
Describe any major district, schooland/or PLC changes that have impacted your work in Years 1 and 2, or will impact it in Year 3. (For example, do you anticipate any changes in Leadership Team membership?) How is your PLC adapting to this change? How will the changes influence your Year 3 Action Plan?
Financial Report
Please use the Excel Budget Report Template to provide an itemized summary of your PLC Grant expenditures, both WIRED and non-WIRED. Describe any lessons learned in Years 1 and 2 about managing your PLC Grant account. How will this affect your plan for budgeting and managing funds in Year 3?