Morning Work
8-8:451. DLR
3. Handwriting Discuss concepts on next page in the book. Students complete page and teacher grades ( E, S, N, or U)
If done early, scholars Read to Self or Work on Writing
Check DLR w/ red pen /
Reading/LA 8:45 -9:45
FOCUS LESSON: Show “About Face” game on Marc Brown’s Website. Choose one character on site, read story for that character, name what is happening, make inference about character feeling/reaction and discuss the clues in the text that support the inference. Discuss facial expressions of choices and click on the face that matches inference.Round One Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard)
FOCUS LESSON: Intro character study of Marc Brown’s characters. Show video of Marc Brown interview. Read Arthur’s Thanksgiving.
Round Two Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard) /
Recess 9:45-10:00
/Math 10:00-11:20
Students complete ADD worksheet,check together with red pen.Routine: How Many Pockets? Making 10s -Scholars each build a cube tower that represents the total number of pockets they are wearing. To calculate total number of pockets in the class, scholars pair up with one another to make a tower of 10.
Investigations Book 3-3.1/Partners and Teams
Introduce activity Partners and Teams TE p. 125 using numbers 11 and 10. equal groups, evens, odd
Display SAB p. 42 and record information that was gathered on Partners and Teams chart. Pairs will work together to investigate the remaining numbers. Close with discussion What We Found Out while completing charts on what we know about evens and odds. /
11:20-12:00Take class to recess, pick up Mrs. Pendery’s 1st grade Class —squirt hands take to lunch. Pick up my class at 12:00 from Cafeteria. Teacher lunch 11:30-12:00.
Tuesday /Morning Work
8-8:451. DLR
3. Handwriting Discuss concepts on next page in the book. Students complete page and teacher grades ( E, S, N, or U)
If done early, scholars Read to Self or Work on Writing
Check DLR w/ red pen /
Reading/LA 8:45 -9:45
FOCUS LESSON: Show magnifying glass, explain how readers must act like detectives (mind readers) to infer how a character is feeling. Model on large poster: reread Arthur’s Thanksgiving, stop and check comprehension every few pages, look for clues and record on a post it note how Arthur is feeling. Attach post-it note to the pages as a marker. Continue through the rest of the story.Round One Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard)
FOCUS LESSON: Discuss how character feelings change over time. Select one feeling from the post-it notes marked earlier. Select one feeling for the beginning, middle, and end and model filling in the Character Investigation poster.
Round Two Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard) / Recess 9:45-10:00 /
Math 10:00-11:20
Students complete ADD worksheet, check together with red pen.Routine: What time is it? Post class schedule with times noted in both digital and analog formats. Note important times and have scholars set student clocks to the different times. Throughout the day, encourage scholars to compare actual start times with posted times.
Investigations Book 3-3.2/More Partners and Teams Present scholars with the two final numbers from SAB p. 45- #13 and 14. Model thinking as a large group.
Present Questions about Even and Odd Numbers and have and explain that they will choose which one to answer (SAB 47/48).
Model and play the game “Beat the Calculator”.
Scholars create visual representation of even and odd numbers by coloring squares on grid paper in partners to represent the numbers 1-15, color different colors, cut out, and glue on T-chart under tiles even and odd. /
11:20-12:00Take class to recess, pick up Mrs. Pendery’s 1st grade Class —squirt hands take to lunch. Pick up my class at 12:00 from Cafeteria. Teacher lunch 11:30-12:00.
Wednesday /Morning Work
8-8:451. DLR
3. Handwriting Discuss concepts on next page in the book. Students complete page and teacher grades ( E, S, N, or U)
If done early, scholars Read to Self or Work on Writing
Check DLR w/ red pen /
Reading/LA 8:45-9:45
FOCUS LESSON: Partner Project: Explain that each pair of scholars will be assigned a special “case” and report back how the main character is feeling in a Marc Brown story. Give each pair of students detective cases and book. Partners read together and mark feelings in the story with post-it notes located inside detective cases.Round One Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard)
FOCUS LESSON: Remind scholars how to look at the details closely for clues about the characters emotions, detectives look carefully at things others might miss. Have them select one post it note for the beginning, middle and end of their “case” book to record on their “report” sheet inside their Reading Detective case folder.
Round Two Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard) /
Recess 9:45-10:00
/Math 10:00-11:20
Students complete ADD worksheet, check together with red pen.Routine: Quick Images: Ten Frames
Display the six-dot and the ten-dot frame cards. Monitor students thinking- specifically use a 5x2 array?
Repeat with ten dot and one- dot frames.
Present activity TE p. 139 How Many Legs in Our Class? Facilitate discussion Looking for Patterns noting 2:1 relationship and record sentence from TE p. 142.
Body Smart Activity: Scholars stand in a circle, pick student to start counting around the circle until they reach 30 and that scholar sits down, continue until one person is standing.
Teach the workshop game of “Swiper” with 2s cards.
Workshop Choices:
Swiper, Beat the Calculator , Close to 20, Cover Up /
11:20-12:00Take class to recess, pick up Mrs. Pendery’s 1st grade Class —squirt hands take to lunch. Pick up my class at 12:00 from Cafeteria. Teacher lunch 11:30-12:00.
Thursday /Morning Work
8-8:451. DLR
3. Handwriting Discuss concepts on next page in the book. Students complete page and teacher grades ( E, S, N, or U)
If done early, scholars Read to Self or Work on Writing
Check DLR w/ red pen /
Reading/LA 8:45-9:45
FOCUS LESSON: Have a few scholar pairs share their case reports from Wed. lesson. Review inferring character feelings using powerpoint slideshow. Discuss slides 1-7. (Allow pairs who did not finish their detective work on Wed. to work together on their case during D5 round.)Round One Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard)
FOCUS LESSON: Introduce MI Project Choices (Art, Body, and Word Smart) for inferring character feelings by showing slides number 8-11. Scholars divide into three areas based on which MI choice sounds appealing. (For Body and Word Smart choices scholars may work alone or in pairs) Scholars will work on projects later in the day.
Round Two Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard) /
Recess 9:45-10:00
/Math 10:00-11:20
Students complete ADD worksheet, check together with red pen.Routine: Today’s Number: Counting Around the Class by 2s. Keep track of the numbers said on the 100s chart or number line. Count a second time recording numbers in a list. Finally, scholars count backwards by 2s starting with the ending number.
Investigations Book 3- 3.4/How Many Fingers in Class?
Introduce Counting by 5s using TE p. 144 and 5 connecting cubes per pair. Estimate of total amount of cubes in class, count off cubes while recording amount Counting by 5s, Counting by 10s
Provide scholars with SAB p. 53. Remind students of strategies for How Many Legs, discuss strategies and tools for solving. Discuss and record scholar’s observations about counting by 5s and 10s.
Workshop Choices:
Swiper, Beat the Calculator, Close to 20, Cover Up /
11:20-12:00Take class to recess, pick up Mrs. Pendery’s 1st grade Class —squirt hands take to lunch. Pick up my class at 12:00 from Cafeteria. Teacher lunch 11:30-12:00.
Friday /Morning Work
8-8:451. DLR
3. Handwriting Discuss concepts on next page in the book. Students complete page and teacher grades ( E, S, N, or U)
If done early, scholars Read to Self or Work on Writing
Check DLR w/ red pen /
Reading/LA 8:45-9:45
Spelling: Give Unit 16 spelling test by calling out the regular list word first and then the challenge list word. See spelling list in Friday’s folder for names of students for each list and words to call out.FOCUS LESSON: Detective pairs that have not shared their “Character Cases” present their evidence to tell how their character is feeling in their assigned Marc Brown book. (Allow scholars who did not finish their MI project to finish during D5 round.)
Round One Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard)
FOCUS LESSON: Scholars present MI projects to classmates
Round Two Daily 5: Scholars check-in w/teacher, choose and begin one of Daily Five options (see clipboard) / Recess 9:45-10:00 /
Math 10:00-11:20
EXCEL – pull out w/Mr. Benham for Cole, Jason, Rileigh, Skyler, Shaden, and ZoeStudents complete ADD worksheet, check together with red pen.
Routine: Today’s Number: 35
As a class generate expressions that equal 35 by using 3 addends. Discuss strategies and record.
Investigations Book 3- 3.5/Collect 50¢
Introduce Collect 50¢ Activity using TE p. 149, coins, dot dice ,instructions, and How Many Pennys? chart
nickel, penny, quarter, dime
Follow up with discussion on Trading Coins and complete Coin Equivalencies Chart together.*
2:45 Katie H. to P.E / Hailey to Susan/ Jake to Barb
*Keep chart posted for next week’s workshops and adding additional combinations. /
11:20-12:00Take class to recess, pick up Mrs. Pendery’s 1st grade Class —squirt hands take to lunch. Pick up my class at 12:00 from Cafeteria. Teacher lunch 11:30-12:00.
Monday / 12-12:15 Restroom /Read Class Novel / Science/Social Studies 12:15-1:15While reading The Quilt Story by Tony Johnston Tomie DePaola. guide scholars in a discussion of how the quilt changes over time and passes through generations.
Read: Yonder by Tony Johnston Using sticky notes, scholars will practice noting details that changed over time within story. Stress using details from illustrations as well as story.
Sarah and Maggie go to Literacy Support
with Mrs. Goin from 12:45-1:15 / Reading/Writing Workshop 1:15-1:45
Take scholars to computer lab. First scholars take spelling pretest for Unit 16 on Spelling then scholars choose from Daily Five Links on Mrs. Rhodes’ homepage on Green Valley website. / Specials 1:45-2:45
M/W/F: Drop off at Music, pick up at P.E.
Tues.: Drop off at Computer, pick up at P.E.
Thurs: Drop off at Library, pick up at P.E. / 2:45-3:15
Share Writing from Work-shop
Prepare for dismissal / Dismissal 3:15 out north doors
Tuesday / 12-12:15 Restroom /Read Class Novel / Science/Social Studies 12:15-1:15
Review Change theme by focusing on how things Change Over Time.
Read Home Place (big book) After reading book, discuss how the home place changes over time. Discuss details and what evidence shows how it has changed. Demonstrate how to take notes to document evidence of things that have changed over time-- communication, clothing, shelter, traditions, & transportation on note taking sheet.
Watch video from United Steaming-American Thanksgiving in Thanksgiving folder on server.
Sarah and Maggie go to Literacy Support
with Mrs. Goin from 12:45-1:15 / Reading/Writing Workshop 1:15-1:45
Comprehension Connections Lesson: Inferring
Launching Activity: Review prior concepts of metacognition and schema. Show poster showing the formula for inferring (see book p.55)
Conduct Launching Activity (p. 52)
Concrete Experience: Shoes
Show mystery shoe and discuss who wears this shoe – evidence can be recorded on poster if time permits. (see page 53 for poster sample) / Specials 1:45-2:45
M/W/F: Drop off at Music, pick up at P.E.
Tues.: Drop off at Computer, pick up at P.E.
Thurs: Drop off at Library, pick up at P.E. / 2:45-3:15
Share Writing from Workshop
Prepare for dismissal
Speech with Mrs. Chappell: Sarah
Connor / Dismissal 3:15 out north doors
/12-12:15 Restroom /Read Class Novel
/ Science/Social Studies 12:15-1:15Read: Oh What a Thanksgiving! Introduce flipbook that will show how Thanksgiving has changed over time. Introduce note taking sheet and elements.
Scholars will take notes on traditions, clothing, shelter, transportation, and communication as story is read—noting details in illustrations as well as story.
Scholars will use notes to complete flip book on Thursday.
Sarah and Maggie go to Literacy Supportwith Mrs. Goin from 12:45-1:15 / Reading/Writing Workshop 1:15-1:45
CAFÉ Lesson: Comprehension Strategy: Infer and Support with Evidence
Inferring Game: (see CAFÉ book pages 99-100)
Place inferring statement cards in a bag
Discuss how readings can make an inference about character feelings, but they can also make inferences about character actions.
Select a scholar to pick a card out of the bag and read the inferring statement aloud to the class.
Scholars try to guess possible actions that might be going on based on clues in the statement (evidence). / Specials 1:45-2:45
M/W/F: Drop off at Music, pick up at P.E.
Tues.: Drop off at Computer, pick up at P.E.
Thurs: Drop off at Library, pick up at P.E. / 2:45-3:15
Share Writing from Work-shop
Prepare for dismissal / Dismissal 3:15 out north doors
Thursday / 12-12:15 Restroom /Read Class Novel / Science/Social Studies 12:15-1:15
Scholars will use notes taken previously to show how Thanksgiving has changed over time. Scholars will use notes of details of traditions, clothing, shelter, transportation and communication to create a flip book. Using this information, scholars will write a sentence for each element and create an illustration using all elements.