The Scott County Fiscal Court held a scheduled meeting on Monday, November 13, 2017. Judge Lusby called the meeting to order. Present were Magistrates Mr. Hostetler, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Corman, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Burke, Mr. Livingston, and County Attorney, Rand Marshall.
A motion was made by Mr. Lyons with second by Mr. Livingston to approve the previous meeting minutes. Court voted unanimous.
A motion was made by Mr. Wallace with second by Mr. Palmer to approve the following transfers. Court voted unanimous.
5005-445County Attorney Office Supplies $2,000.00
9200-999Reserve for Transfer$2,000.00
5116-445Electrical Inspection Office Supplies$15,000.00
9200-999Reserve for Transfer$15,000.00
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston with second by Mr. Corman to approve the bills as presented and the following hand checks. Court voted unanimous.
Hamilton-Hinkle/LGEA $57,407.52, Jail/Gen $500,000.00, Cassondra Shields/Gen $40.00, Koorsen/Gen $356.65
Sheriff fees were submitted in the amount of $24,318.04.
Clerk fees were submitted in the amount of $105,241.99.
EMS Assistant Director of Quality Assurance & Improvement, Corey Wood presented resignations from Dalton Anderson, Chris Castle, and Jesiah Woodruff. A motion was made by Mr. Livingston with second by Mr. Lyons to accept the resignations. Court voted unanimous.
Mr. Wood requested permission for three employees to attend a conference in Ohio. A motion was made by Mr. Palmer with second by Mr. Livingston to approve the out of state travel. Court voted unanimous.
A motion was made by Mr. Hostetler with second by Mr. Wallace to reappoint Ben VanMeter to the Georgetown-Scott County Parks & Recreation Board. Court voted unanimous.
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston with second by Mr. Lyons to reappoint Roy Cornett & Nicole Rivera, and appoint Daniel Harrison to the Georgetown-Scott County Tourism Board. Court voted unanimous.
Jailer, Derran Broyles requested to hire Shala Johnson full-time and Delaney Hill & Brandon Power part-time. A motion was made by Mr. Palmer with second by Mr. Corman to approve the new hires. Court voted unanimous.
Mr. Marshall gave first reading of Ordinance 17-03; a second amendment to an ordinance relating to the establishment of a code of ethics for elected and appointed county officials and employees or candidates for public office in Scott County, Kentucky. Mr. Lyons expressed concern with the definitions section regarding unpaid employees/volunteers. Mr. Marshall stated he would make necessary clarifications before second reading. A motion was made by Mr. Lyons with second by Mr. Livingston to approve first reading. Court voted unanimous.
A motion was made by Mr. Burke with second by Mr. Corman to adopt the 2018 state holiday schedule. Court voted unanimous.
Kentucky Water Resources Research Associate Director, Steve Evans discussed water quality testing options for the landfill. Mr. Hostetler suggested air quality testing in addition to water testing. Judge Lusby requested a contract clarifying the testing types and frequency. Mr. Evans stated he would work on having it available for the next meeting.
Being no further business court was adjourned.