The Ark, 33 Kirkgate, Tadcaster. North Yorkshire. LS24 9AQ
T: 01937 834113 E: W: tadcastertowncouncil.co.uk
Office Open: Monday to Thursday, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm (closed Fridays)
PRESENT: Chairman Councillor D Bain Mackay
Councillors G R Parker, S Cobb, I Edmondson, C W Metcalfe (Part) and
R H Sweeting
In Attendance Clerk to the Council, Jane Crowther
Deputy Clerk to the Council, Jo Mottershead
Present One member of the public, David Gluck TRCIC (Part)
E99 APOLOGIES – (Item 1) - Were received and accepted from Councillors G Lodge, E Mansfield,
K Perkins, K Price.
E100 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – (Item 2) - There were no declarations of interest at this point or at any other point on the agenda.
E101 PUBLIC SESSION – SUSPEND STANDING ORDERS – (Item 3 &4) - There were no members of the public to speak on any matters as it relates to the town at this stage of the meeting.
E102 CLERK’S REPORT – (Item 5) - The Clerk to reported that all items were ongoing or on the agenda.
Councillor Metcalfe joined the meeting.
E103 PLANNING – (Item 6)
E103.1 - PLANNING APPLICATIONS – Members noted and commented on the following planning applications received from Selby District Council:-
25/14 – 33 Kelcbar Way – Proposed two storey side/rear extension plus new dormer to front.
RESOLVED - Members felt that the plans were an overdevelopment of the site and disproportionate in relation to neighboring properties and other housing extensions in the area.
ACTION – Clerk to reply to SDC accordingly.
E103.2 – WITHDRAWN APPLICATIONS – Members noted the following Withdrawn Planning Application received from Selby District Council.
19/14 – Street Record Wharfe Bank Terrace – The Workshop – Proposed demolition of former builder’s workshop in the conservation area.
E104.1 – Members discussed and noted the following items of correspondence:-
E104.1.1 – Email - Selby District Council - regarding the removal of planters from in front of 43 Kirkgate.
The Clerk reported that the above email had informed the Council that work to refurbish 43 Kirkgate were due to start on 24 November 2014, therefore the two planters to the front would need removing before that date.
Members discussed possible locations for the planters.
RESOLVED – That the Chariman of the Environment Committee Councillor Mackay and Councillor Sweeting be given plenary powers to decide on a location for the two planters outside 43 Kirkgate and the four outside Shann House.
ACTION – Clerk to confirm with NYCC Highways that the agreed locations for the planters would be acceptable.
The Clerk reported that the removal of planters to two separate locations would incur extra costs.
RESOLVED – Members agreed to any extra costs required for the re siting of the six planters.
E104.1.2 – Email - Yorkshire Water – Locating private sewage pumping stations for transfer to Yorkshire Water. (Circulated prior to the meeting)
E104.1.3 – North Yorkshire Police Community Messaging – Members discussed an email received from Julia Mulligan regarding a request for feedback on new Police Plan for North Yorkshire. (Circulated prior to the meeting)
RESOLVED – Members considered the priorities and agreed that they would prefer priority 2 “Cutting Crime and anti-social behaviour as the top priority.”
E104.1.4 – North Yorkshire County Council – Library Consultation – Your Views Matter – Consultation on proposals to change how library services are run across North Yorkshire - Members consider proposals for libraries in North Yorkshire. Consultation period 3 November 2014 – 8 February 2015.(Circulated prior to the meeting)
Councillor Metcalfe reported that the Head of NYCC Libraries was due to gather views and opinions at the next CEF meeting and report back at a later meeting.
104.1.5 – Shops and Empty Properties in Tadcaster – Members discussed emails received from businesses in the town regarding the shops and empty businesses in the town.
A business owner reported that two businesses on Bridge Street had circulated an email to the Council and TRCIC concerning the number of empty business premises in the town and how help could be given to existing businesses.
Councillor Metcalfe suggested that the email be forwarded to Rose Norris at SDC.
ACTION – Clerk to deal.
Councillor Metcalfe reported that the Riverside Project was partly being taken forward as a result of a survey highlighting the need to improve the river frontage in an attempt to bring visitors to the town for the benefit of businesses.
Members felt that The Swan was an eyesore on Bridge Street.
The Clerk reminded members that a letter requesting information for the future of The Swan had been sent to the owner, no reply had been received.
Councillor Metcalfe reported that SDC would be working on enforcement of empty properties however this had not been taken forward whilst there was an ongoing court case.
E104.1.6 – Email regarding Street Signage Mayfield Terrace – A letter received from a resident regarding a request for a street sign at Mayfield Terrace.
Members were informed that SDC had raised an order for a street sign “Leading to Mayfield Terrace”
E105.1 – Update from the Tadcaster and Rural Community Interest Company to update members regarding Christmas Illuminations 2014.
The small trees and fixed illuminations would be in placed centrally in the town including The Ark and Kirkgate. Permission to use The Arks electricity was sought from members.
Councillor Sweeting reported that the TRCIC had received £6,000 in sponsors and donations from local businesses totaling £11,000 (including TTC funding) for Christmas Illuminations 2015.
· That electricity from the Ark be used for a Christmas Tree and illuminations at The Ark.
· That an outside electric socket be installed at The Ark.
· Should the socket not be installed in time for the 2014 illuminations, that electricity be sourced through the porch doorway and a temporary socket organised by the TRCIC
105.2 – Councillor Sweeting reported that there was no information regarding the number of items and the amount of space required for future storage of Christmas Illuminations in the Cemetery Chapel, he would report back at a later date.
The Clerk reported that the sum insured for Christmas Illuminations at the Cemetery Chapel was £17,000. This would need updating should further pieces were added.
The Clerk asked who would own any new Christmas Illuminations going forward.
ACTION - Councillor Sweeting to ascertain ownership of the Christmas Illuminations at the next meeting of the TRCIC and report back.
E106.1 - Planting in Tadcaster – Councillor Metcalfe reported he and Councillor Sweeting had met with the current TTC contractor to discuss ideas/improvements for the planting in Tadcaster for 2015/16 and was awaiting a response. Ways of multiplying the £5,000 allocated by TTC to be investigated.
The Clerk reported that the contract was due to end on the 31 March 2015.
RESOLVED – That this item be discussed in Part II of the meeting.
E106.2 - Gateways – Councillor Metcalfe clarified that the CEF had asked the TRCIC to investigate ways to improve the gateways to the town. The TRCIC were to make proposals at a later date.
10.1 – Councillor Sweeting reported that everything was in hand for the Christmas Market. The scaffolding on High Street was to remain in place for the market and plans to divert traffic appropriately was ongoing.
10.2 – Members were informed that members would be needed to marshal at the market. Volunteers from Tadcaster Litter Group had also agreed to help on the day.
ACTION – Clerk to send a marshal availability sheet to members.
10.3 – Members agreed the delivery by Councillors of posters to outlets in and around the town.
E108 COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW – (Item 11) – The Clerk reported an update of the Community Governance Review with regard to boundary lines in Tadcaster had been requested, but had not yet received a reply.
Members were informed that Stutton Parish Council had objected to TTCs request to move the Tadcaster Boundary. TTC had not been informed of the objection.
ACTION – Clerk to chase the above reply from SDC.
E109 NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL – CHANGES TO THE HIGHWAY GRASS CUTTING SERVICE – (Item 12) - Members discussed a reply to the letter. Comments to be received by 28 November 2014. (Circulated prior to the meeting)
RESOLVED – That TTC take no action.
E110 ALLOTMENTS – (Item 13)
E110.1 - To discuss any matters relating to the allotments - None
E110.2 – Members discussed a request for the reinstatement of the annual skip facility at Stutton Road Allotments.
Members agreed that the allotments should remain self-funding and therefore there was no funding for the annual hire of a skip.
RESOLVED – That the cost of hiring a skip was not included in allotment rents therefore a skip could not be provided.
ACTION – Clerk to reply.
E110.3 – Allotment Rent – Members discussed and agreed Allotment Rent to be charged for 2015.
RESOLVED – That there be no increase to allotment rents for 2015.
E111 ENVIRONMENT BUDGET – (Item 14) – Members discussed the budget provision for the Environment Committee for 2015-2016 (info circulated prior to the meeting).
· Councillor Metcalfe felt that the Riverbank required a further cut (three cuts) per year.
· That the 2015/16 budget for Riverside Maintenance be raised from £2,000 to £3,000.
· That members agreed the Draft Environment Budget and to take the recommendations to the Finance & General Purposes Committee for approval.
E112 FINANCE – (Item 15) - Payment of accounts – Were circulated at the meeting and three Councillors to sign the cheques as follows –
1 / 8125 / Distinctive Catering / 200.00 / 0 / 200.002 / 8126 / DCG Tree Surgery / 950.00 / 0 / 950.00
3 / 8127 / Riley Smith Hall Charitable Company / 100.00 / 0 / 100.00
4 / 8128 / Wybone / 311.41 / 62.28 / 373.69
5 / 8129 / B K Parnaby & Sons / 121.60 / 24.32 / 145.92
6 / 8130 / Living Landscapes / 846.10 / 0 / 846.10
7 / 8131 / Petty Cash / 87.23 / 0 / 87.23
TOTAL / 2616.34 / 86.60 / 2702.94
Direct Debit Payments
DD Date / Amount / VAT / Credit / Total1 / 10.11.14 / 2635 / 26.35
E113.1 – Members noted the timetable for the Spring/March Newsletter 2015 Newsletter and the items already agreed at previous meetings (circulated prior to the meeting)
E113.2 – Members agreed the following suggestions for the Spring/March Newsletter
· Planned Improvements to the quality of riverbank maintenance 2015.
· Report on the Christmas Market 2014
· Report on the Tadcaster Illuminations 2014
E114 MEDIA AND WEBSITE MATTERS – Members agreed the following for inclusion on the Website:-
· The freeze in allotments rents for 2015.
E120 That the items discussed in Part II be ratified and approved