For the Financial Year Ending
31st August 2013
SECTION 1: Administrative Details
1a Name of Company:
The Catholic Academy Trust in Aldershot (St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School)
1b Charity Registration Number:
The Academy Trust is a charity under the direction of the Secretary of State for Education.
1c Address:
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Bridge Road, Aldershot GU11 3DD
1d Members:
Dr Campbell McCafferty CBE
Mgr Thomas McGrath VG
Mr Michael Whitty MA KSG
1e Directors/Governors:
Ms Bella Bassey
Mrs Debbie Flynn
Mrs Sharon (Pippa) Greze
Mr Simon Harris
Mr Bill James
Mr Peter Keogh
Father Chris Whelan
Mrs Deirdre McNeill
Mr Dave Paterson
Mr Alejandro (Ale) Peirone
Mr Nigel Smith
Mr Paul Stockley
Mrs Jane Whittle
Mr Matthew Wigley
1e Additional Directors in the reporting year:
SECTION 2: Structure, Governance and Management
2a Particulars:
Governing Document: Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State
Constitution: Incorporated Company 7728054
2b Appointment of Directors / Governors:
Directors/ Governors are appointed by formal application.
Foundation Directors/Governors are appointed by the Bishop.
Staff & Parent Directors/Governors are elected.
SECTION 3: Financial Review
3a Policy on Reserves:
The company does not have a policy on reserves. The company may carry forward any amount from its funds unrestricted.
3b Deficit funds:
The Company has no deficit funds in the reporting period.
2012/13 End of Year - This does not include any assets as identified in our audit report. It represents in year trading.
Account / Income / Expenditure / BalanceMain / £2,247,079. / £2,203,207. / £43,872.
Catering / £80,604. / £80,248 / £356.
Reserve / £223,313. / 191,340 / £31,973
Governors / £8,832. / £4,181. / £4,651.
Teaching School / £93,026. / £2,215 / £90,811.
Overall / £2,652,854. / £2,481,191. / £171,663.
Movement in Accruals for 2012/2013 / -£5660.
Reserve for 3G Pitch / / -£130.696
Carry forward for 2012/2013 / £35,307
Carry Forward from 2011/2012 / £12,797
Total carry forward 2013/2014 / £48,104
The carry forward for the year is £35307 or 0.011% of our annual income. This
confirms the Academy’s commitment to sound financial management and a further commitment to spend in year funds for the benefit of our pupils. These funds have been allocated for in year projects for 2013/14.
SECTION 4: Funds held as custodian on behalf of others
4a Assets held:
The Company has no assets held in the reporting period.
4b Assets held on behalf of:
The Company has the buildings as notional assets. Effectively these assets are the property of The Diocese of Portsmouth. The land is offered on notional lease without charge, from the Land owners, the Diocese of Portsmouth. This lease is an informal understanding. In addition we have a formal 7 year lease on the part of the land occupied by the 3G pitch with the Diocese of Portsmouth.
4c Arrangements for safe custody of assets:
The Company has no assets held in the reporting period.
SECTION 5: Additional Information
5a Administrative delegation:
The day to day administration of the company is delegated to Mr Bill James,
CEO of The Catholic Academy Trust and Headteacher of St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School.
5b Organisations relevant to the Company:
Bankers: Lloyds TSB
75 Castle Street
Farnham Surrey GU9 7LT
Wise & Co Chartered Accountants
Wey Court West, Union Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7PT
Payroll Service Provider:
Hampshire County Council
External Customer Group, Corporate Services
3rd Floor Hampshire House
84-98 Southampton Road
Hampshire SO50 5PA
5c Policies and procedures:
The following policies have been adopted in the reporting period.
Dinner Money Policy
5d Organisational structure:
Please see Appendix 1
5e Risks:
The associated risks within the Charity are company are relatively low. The risk of the Academy changing from a foundation school is guarded by the members. The other main risk is funding but with tight financial control this can be mitigated.
SECTION 6: Objectives and Activities
6a Objects of the Company:
To advance the education and training of persons in the provision of such care, education and recreational facilities in its foundation from the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.
6b Aims of the Company:
6c Main aims for the coming year:
1.To continue to meet the objects of the Company
2.To complete our first year as teaching school having fulfilled our obligations with respect to our action plan.
3.To review and update any relevant policies relating to the Company for 2013/14
4.To maintain the teaching standards and the high outcomes for the
pupils at both Key Stages with an increased focus on the VA progress score
5. To report on the success of the 3 G pitch
6. To continue the tight financial management of the Academy.
7. To update the heating system in St. Saviour’s Building
Join up the Fire Alarm systems
8. To complete the playground project
9. To make a decision on possible expansion
6d Strategy to achieve main aims:
1.Sound financial management
2.Update all policies by Jan 2014
3.Secure funding
4.Monthly Finance meetings
5. Undertake due diligence for the projects in St. Saviours
6. Make teachers/ managers accountable through performance management
6e Activities of the Company:
§ The Company has had a successful second year of operation. We have successfully become a teaching school and are in our first year of operation which will span two annual reports.
The Pupil’s performance for the Academic year is as follows:
KS1 Results (7 Years)
Reading APS 17.3 (Nat 16.3)
Writing APS 16.0 (Nat 14.9)
Mathematics APS 16.9 (Nat 16.1)
KS2 Results (11 Years)
Reading APS 30.1 (Nat 28.5)
Writing APS 27.9 (Nat 27.5)
Mathematics APS 29.6 (Nat 28.7)
SECTION 7: Achievements and Performance
7a Performance against previous objectives:
1.To continue to meet the objects of the Company (Achieved)
2.To make an application to become a teaching school (Achieved)
3.To review and update policies relating to the Company for 2012/13 (Achieved)
4.To maintain the teaching standards and the high outcomes for the
pupils at both Key Stages (Achieved)
5. To undertake the building of a 3G floodlit football pitch (Achieved)
6. To continue the tight financial management of the Academy. (Achieved)
7. To update the heating system in St. Mary’s/St. Joseph’s Building (Achieved)
7b Fundraising:
Fund raising was undertaken by the parents and pupils. Total fundraising for the reporting period was £6130.00.
We donated money to the following Charities, Cafod, Rushmoor Borough Council Mayor’s Charities, Lepra, Cabrini, and Traidcraft. These were managed by the school committee.
7c Investments:
There were no investments in the reporting period.
7d Factors beyond the Company’s control:
There were no factors in the reporting period.
SECTION 8: Financial Review
8a How has expenditure supported key objectives
The donation of £100000 from St. Joseph’s CCG has enabled the 3G pitch to become a reality. This was support with successful grant applications to both Sport England (£50000) and Rushmoor Borough Council (£5000). Sound financial management has enabled all our other objectives to be met.
8b Material Investments:
There were no material investments in excess of £5,000 in the reporting period.
SECTION 9: Future Plans
9a Aims for the next reporting period:
See section 6C
December 2013
Signed: Mr W James Dr Campbell McCafferty CBE
Headteacher/CEO Chair of Directors/Governors