Clean Food RoadMap
Protein / MEAT: chicken breast, extra lean white meat turkey, london broil, flank, steak, bison, pork tenderloin, beef tenderloin, FISH - flounder, soul, cod, halibut, mahi mahi, red snapper, tilapia, shrimp, tuna, salmon, trout
Whey Protein
Cottage Cheese, Greek yogurt
Healthy Fats / nuts, almonds, avocado, seeds, natural peanut butter, almond butter, coconut, cashews (unsalted)
Limit dairy due to high sugar/low protein content / unsweetened almond milk, organic skim milk
Complex Carbs
Complex carbs are high in fiber improving digestion and energy levels. They also help to stabilize blood sugar levels.
Fruit is a high in natural sugar and should be consumed early in the day. / VEGETABLES: broccoli, celery, carrots, all types of lettuce, asparagus, eggplant, spinach, artichokes, onions, tomato, zucchini, okra, cucumbers, cauliflower, brussel sprouts
FRUIT: blackberries, blueberry, grapefruit, raspberry
WHOLE GRAIN: Oatmeal, brown rice, cream of wheat, millet, buckwheat, bulgar, wheat germ, whole grain pasta, quinoa Ezekiel breads, spelt flour tortilla * high protein carb and may be used as a protein
Starchy Carb Vegetables / Sweet potato, pumpkin, squash, yams, carrots, radishes
Healthy Fats / Coconut, olive oil, avocado, grape seed, pumpkin seed, sunflower oil, safflower oil
Seasonings / Limit salt. Fresh or dried herbs. Mrs. Dash no salt seasonings, mustard, vanilla extract, almond balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar, natural unsweetened apple sauce.
Super Foods / Flaxseed, Chai
General Rules
  • Lean protein, a complex carbohydrate and a good fat at every meal.
  • Eat every 3 hours, 4-6 meals a day to keep blood sugar stable and keep metabolism humming.
  • Drink water all day! Drink coffee and tea without sugars or creamers.
  • Limit alcohol, soda or other diet drinks.
  • If you will go to bed less than 3 hours after meal 5, limit or eliminate the starch in that meal.

Below are sample meals:
Meal 1 – eat within 45 minutes of waking
Protein (3 to 4oz)
Fruit and/or veggie (1cup veggie and/or cup fruit)
Whole grain(½ cup or 1 slice) Good fat (1T.) / Whey Protein Shake or GNC Lean w/berries
Ezekiel toast
Breakfast sandwich -Scrambled egg, sugar free fruit spread, Ezekiel bread
Boiled egg, 1 cup blueberries, Ezekiel toast
Meal 2
Protein (3 to 4oz)
Good fat (1T.)
Fruit and/or veggie (1cup veggie and/or 1/2cup fruit) / Mexican Taco Salad - Ground turkey,on bed of lettuce, avocado, top with 1 tablespoon of salsa
Panera Chicken Caesar salad (no cheese no croutons)
Cottage cheese and grapefruit
Meal 3
Protein (3 to 4oz)
Veggie (1 cup)
Whole grain (1/2 cup, 1 slice)
Good fat (1T.) / Whole wheat pita, cucumbers slices & hummus
Chicken sandwich - breast on Ezekiel bread with lettuce
Meal 4
Protein (3 to 4 oz.)
Veggie (1cup)
Good fat (1T.) / Quest bar or GNC Lean shake
Salad with nuts
Meal 5
Protein (3 to 4oz)
Veggie (1 cup) •
Starch (1/4 cup) Good fat (1T.) / Chicken breast cubes, spinach, roasted sweet potatoes
Fat free, low sodium turkey lunch meat, brown rice cake, almond butter