Table of Contents: Unit #1:

Aug 18th / Take Five / What do the following terms refer to?
Aug 18th / In Class Assignment / Create a neighborhood map
Aug 19th / Take Five / Make a list of the types of maps that geographers use to study the world and human interaction.
Aug 21st-22nd- / In class/take home assignment / Thematic map exercise—political maps (previously graded—does not need to be included)
Aug 24th / Scavenger Hunt / Previously graded—does not need to be included
Aug 24th / Take Five / Describe the process of the hydrologic cycle.
Aug 25th / Tic Tac Toe / Previously graded—does not need to be included
Aug 25th / Take Five / What is an epicenter? What is a ring of fire? Why do you think that people continue to live very close to active volcanoes?
Aug 26th / In class assignment / Complete end of section questions
Aug 26th / Take Five / What is worse-too much water or not enough?
Aug 27th / In class assignment / Create a thematic map of weather patterns of the US
Aug 27th / Take Five / What is the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering? What agents can break apart rocks?
Aug 28th / Take Five / 1-5 questions…give an example of each type of precipitation…
Aug 28th / Take Five / What is the difference between weather and climate? Etc questions…
Aug 28th / In class assignment / Complete the Chp3 Assessment on pg 68-69
Aug 31st / Take Five / What is culture, society & ethnicity?
Aug 31st / Take Five / Using the chart on pg 74 answer the questions.