Flip Chart
Date: 19th October 2016
Flip chart 1
- To be the responsible person with regards to safeguarding
- To offer supervision for case management
- Ensure all staff have the appropriate level of training
- Ensure staff have read and understood policies and procedures for the setting
- Give recording oversight i.e. CAF assessment, Portage, Running Reocds, RSR
- Attend first time home visits.
- Level 1 for all staff
- Level 2 for DSL and refresher
- Keep individual learning on current legislation, procedures, policies and review
- CAF training
- Peer support
- Supervision
Child focus
- All recordings have observations of the child to capture ‘Child’s voice’
- As DSL we ensure the focus in all assessments
- What does it look like for a children living in that home – can it be seen in the assessment and plan
Flip chart 2
- Keeping up to date with training
- Safeguarding policy procedure
- Regular briefings with staff – keeping them informed with updates
- Keeping safeguarding high priority
- Visits / professionals to follow policy / procedures
- Publishing safeguarding procedures
- Display of referral and main contacts (website)
- Staff visitors to be aware of absence of DSL what process to follow
- Recording
- Meetings
- Cascading information to staff
- Deputy to be fully aware trained and confident
- Training is over every day training / night / meetings
- Supervision – identify training needs
- DSL – other multi agency training
- Keep up to date with training
Child focus
- Holding child in mind
- Are children aware, who, how
- Disclosures / role play / conversations
Flip chart 3
- Up to date current practice
- Knowing children
- Keeping records up to date
- Liaise with agencies and other staff
- Safeguarding embedded in all that happens
- Making decisions
- Follow things up
- DBS checks
- Single central records
- Share information with all staff including govs
- Procedures in place that everyone can / does follow
Child focus
- Confidentiality
- Child’s voice
- Monitoring
- Organise
- Intervention
Flip chart 4
- Staff roles and responsibilities
- Staff training
- Accountability / feedback
- Information sharing / communication
- Policies in place
- Keeping children safe / everyone’s responsibility
- Coordinating response within the setting
- CP conferences
- Referral process
- Disseminate training
- Training up to date
- Single central record
- Safer recruitment
- DBS checks
- Supervisions
- Training where appropriate
- Wrap / prevent / FGM / CSE etc
- Disqualification by association
- Pants
- Level 2 – annual training
Child focus
- Pupil voice – listen
- Signs of safety – support
Flip chart 5
- Attendance at CP conferences
- Support appropriate staff to attend
- Provide training for our staff
- Maintain / check S/C/R & DBS, safer recruitment practices
- Support staff to apply thresholds and make decisions re: referrals, what next?
- Oversee safety of children and users of your service
- Maintaining good record keeping
- Policies and procedures
- Attend briefings/ updates
- Level 2 and 3 training
- NSPCC led
- Protective behaviours
- Prevent
Child focus
- Talk to child
- Safe space for children
- What does child’s life look like in this?
Flip chart 6
- Everyone aware to bring concerns to you
- Making referrals
- Managing team
- Aware of any referrals made
- Following up
- Talking to families
- Attending CP meetings i.e. CIN / Strat / conference / CAF
- Attend meetings with professionals
- Monitoring attendance
- DSL training
- Safer recruitment
- Anti-extremism
- Level 3 safeguarding
- Conference
- CAF training
- In house experience
Child focus
- Wishes and feelings
- Observations of child
- Class teachers and parents
- Talk to workers who know child best
- Home visits