Baltimore City Public School System


Edmondson-Westside High School #400

Athol and Edmondson Avenues

Baltimore, MD 21229


Delphine M. Lee, Principal

Dr. Charlene Cooper Boston, Interim CEO

Dr. Deborah L. Wortham, AAO

Area #6

July 14, 2006

5 Edmondson-Westside High School #400


Table of Contents ...... 1

Executive Summary ...... 2

Evidence of Need ...... 6

Action Plan ...... 18

Professional Development Plan ...... 28

Management System ...... 30

School Improvement Team Signature Page ...... 32

5 Edmondson-Westside High School #400



Mission and Vision - The mission of Edmondson-Westside High School is to deliver a citywide Career and Technology Educational Center. This includes efficient and timely instruction that prepares students to make intelligent career choices to enter, complete, and advance successfully in a changing work world, institutions of higher learning, or the military. Our vision is to create, implement, and constantly improve rigorous interdepartmental and multi-content approaches, supported by parents and stakeholders, that combine academic and career and technology curriculum, teaching, assessment, and professional development practices to enhance student achievement.

Student Demographics - The closing enrollment of students for the school was 1,114 in grades nine through twelve. Of these students, 98% are African American and 2% are Caucasian. There are 422 ninth graders, 298 tenth graders, 213 eleventh graders and 181 twelfth graders. Eighty-four receive special education services and 70% are eligible for free/reduced priced meals.

Staff Demographics - Edmondson-Westside has a professional staff of 95 members. This includes a professional teaching staff of 86 members, a Child Study Team composed of two full-time and three part-time members, and an administrative team comprised of four assistant principals, two housed in each building. There are 49 tenured teachers that hold at minimum an Advanced Professional Certificate indicating a bachelor’s and masters’ or equivalent degrees. There are 15 teachers that hold a Standard Certificate I, and three that hold a Standard Certificate II. These comprise 79% of the teaching staff. There are 14 conditional and 3 provisional teachers on staff working toward certification representing 21%. Two of the provisional teachers do not hold a bachelor’s degree, however, one is a certified RN.

School Improvement Status - Edmondson-Westside High School was identified as a school in need of improvement according to NCLB criteria in school years 2004-2005 and 2005-2006. The school was placed in the school improvement status because we did not meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in mathematics or attendance for regular education students. Neither did we meet AYP in mathematics, reading, and attendance for our special education population. Parents were notified of the school improvement status by mailings in September of each school year, school improvement team meetings, Parent Advisory Board Meetings, and the first Parent Teacher Organization Meeting.

Major Changes Since 2004 - In terms of facilities, the school library was upgraded and automated and transformed to a media center. A grant was received from a community member to purchase needed books and other supplies for the media center. Additionally, technical support was provided to upgrade our Internet connections. Building A was wired for Internet use and two additional computer labs became available for use by students and teachers.

Programmatically, Algebra I and English I became 90-minute courses offered all year. The Twilight Program (Credit and Recovery Program) was available online, primarily for graduating seniors. The Saturday Mathematics Tutorial Program was offered for Algebra I students. This program was designed to assist and prepare ninth grade students for the High School Assessment. The Summer Bridge Program provided support to eighth grade middle school students’ transitioning to high school. Special Education groundwork was laid for co-teaching an inclusion model in English I and Algebra I. Our special education student population doubled. The curriculum changed in the science department and biology moved from ninth to eleventh grade. The course Issues and Physical Science was added. Intense training was given throughout the school year for teachers teaching new curricula.

Hall monitors were added to address school climate issues related to attendance. The Media Production Technology Department was organized to introduce students to all forms of the media. Once students became familiar with each form of media, they focused on the production of video and print projects.

Organization for Instruction - The Edmondson Building houses the academic classrooms, including English, mathematics, science, social studies, and foreign language; a gymnasium; music wing; AFROTC classrooms; and cafeteria. The Westside Building houses all of the career and technology programs including several computer laboratories and other well-equipped laboratories in cosmetology, early childhood education, culinary arts, telecommunications, and a media production laboratory that is awaiting its final stage to include television media. Additionally, three guidance counselors, a work study coordinator, the college access specialist, an art classroom/laboratory and a vocational support service teacher are all housed in the Westside Building. A new SYSCO laboratory was created to accommodate the SYSCO program basically built by instructors and students.

Our instructional program offerings are divided into four components. In the College Prep component, every eligible student is assigned a college preparatory academic program. The four-period schedule allows a student to acquire the credits necessary to enter a post-graduate institution while pursuing the specialized program of choice. The Occupational Prep I component consists of the following programs: automotive technology, cosmetology, graphic and printing communication, and media production technology. The Occupational Prep II component consists of the following programs: commercial baking, carpentry, and construction technology. The Tech Prep component consists of administrative services, electronics/computer repair, computer aided drafting, early childhood education, culinary arts, finance and accounting, nursing assisting and surgical technician, computer aided drafting, culinary arts, commercial baking, and media production technology. In addition, our program offerings include a very successful Junior Air Force R.O.T.C. Program.

Edmondson-Westside High School provides special education services to eighty-four students in which 67% were classified in the least restrictive environment A and B. There are 28 students in the Moderately Intellectually Limited (MOIL) program receiving services in LRE C.

In 2006-2007 a new scheduling model will be instituted to include full year 90-minute blocks for English I, English II, Algebra I, and Government. In addition 45-minute full year classes will be scheduled for Algebra I Interventions, Geometry, U.S. History, Issues of Physical Science, and Chemistry. All other subjects are 90-minute blocks per semester or 90-minute blocks per year. The year long blocks are designed to support effective teaching for helping our students to pass four standardized tests as part of their high school graduation requirements. English I and Algebra I teachers have a common planning period to allow teachers to plan together and participate in professional development as a team during the common planning time.

Data and Results - The 2005 Maryland Report Card indicates that our students met AYP indicators for the MSA reading assessment and participation for all students and the African American, white, and FARMS sub-groups and for our graduation rate. We also met the AYP indicator for mathematics participation. We did not meet any AYP indicators for mathematics assessments. The 2005 HSA data indicate pass rates of 38.2% for English, 11.5% for algebra/data analysis, 48.3% for government, and 34.9% for biology. In 2005-2006, we fell 0.8% below our 2004-2005 attendance rate and 4.6% below the 94% standard for student attendance. In 2004-2005, the daily attendance rate for students with disabilities was measured at 89.5% and at 89.6% in 2005-2006. These were comparable to the rate of attendance for non-disabled peers in both years. The percentages of students with disabilities in combined classes of LRE A/B were measured at 74% in 2004-2005 and 61% in 2005-2006.

Goals and Objectives - The following goals describe the focus of our three-year plan of action while the objectives provide targets for the 2006-2007 school year.

Goal 1.0 Student Performance (MSA - AYP): By June 2009, the Edmondson-Westside High School will meet or exceed the requirements for Adequate Yearly Progress Annual Measurable Objectives of 65.8% in reading (English 2) and 56.1% in mathematics (Algebra/Data Analysis).

Objective 1.1 (Reading - AYP): Between July 2006 and June 2007, the percentage of students at Edmondson-Westside High School who score in the MSA proficient and advanced levels, as measured by the HSA English 2 Assessment, will increase from 42.5% to 52.2% in reading for all students and subgroups to meet or exceed the school's Adequate Yearly Progress Annual Measurable Objective.

Objective 1.2 (Mathematics - AYP): Between July 2006 and June 2007, the percentage of students at Edmondson-Westside High School who score in the MSA proficient and advanced levels, as measured by the HSA Algebra/Data Analysis Assessment, will increase from the 2006 Algebra/Data Analysis baseline results (Available in August 2006) to 38.6% in mathematics for students and subgroups to meet or exceed the school's Adequate Yearly Progress Annual Measurable Objective.

Goal 2.0 Student Performance (HSA): By June 2009, 100% of the students at Edmondson-Westside High School will pass on their first attempt the High School Assessment tests in English, algebra/data analysis, government, and biology to graduate from high school.

Objective 2.1 (HSA): Between July 2006 and June 2007, the percentage of students at Edmondson-Westside High School who pass the HSA English test on their first attempt will increase from 38.2% to 100%.

Objective 2.2 (HSA): Between July 2006 and June 2007, the percentage of students at Edmondson-Westside High School who pass the HSA algebra/data analysis test on their first attempt will increase from 11.5% to 100%.

Objective 2.3 (HSA): Between July 2006 and June 2007, the percentage of students at Edmondson-Westside High School who pass the HSA government test on their first attempt will increase from 48.3% to 100%.

Objective 2.4 (HSA): Between July 2006 and June 2007, 100% of designated senior students will take the Biology test to meet their graduation requirements. (Note: These students are not required to meet a passing score.)

Goal 3.0 Student Attendance, Drop Out, and Mobility: By June 2009, Edmondson-Westside High School will meet or exceed the 94% state standard for high school attendance.

Objective 3.1: Between July 2006 and June 2007, the percentage of students attending Edmondson-Westside High School will increase from 89.4% to 94.0%.

Goal 4.0 High School Graduation Rates: By June 2009, Edmondson-Westside High School will meet or exceed the 90% state standard for high school graduation.

Objective 4.1: Between July 2006 and June 2007, the percentage of students graduating from Edmondson-Westside High School will increase from 92.3% to 95.0%.

Priority Initiatives for 2006-2007 - Based on the evidence of need data, the following priorities will command our full attention in the 2006-2007 school year.

Priority One: Create, implement, and constantly improve rigorous interdepartmental and multi-content approaches, supported by parents and stakeholders, that combine academic and career and technology curriculum, teaching, assessment, and professional development practices to help our students increase student achievement on HSA/MSA assessments.

Priority Two: Develop new practices and continue the strategies that are working to improve student attendance. This includes fiscal resources to add personnel to help with the personal phone calls to parents concerning absences and lateness to school and home visitations and to provide incentives and rewards for students that meet quarterly targets.

Priority Three: Coordinate academic and career and technology programs with special education and related services and parent/family and community involvement to help students focus on short term goals in classrooms and long term goals to graduate from high school and move to post-secondary school and/or career choices.

5 Edmondson-Westside High School #400


Introduction - Our evidence of need for improvement is based on our effort, dedication, and resources to support our school's vision of school improvement, mission, philosophy, and unique features. The data sources and results included in Tables 1-15 below describe our progress and priorities for school improvement to meet state and local standards and requirements in the context of our vision.

Our Vision Of School Improvement - We developed the following vision statement to guide our school improvement efforts in the next three years.

We are committed to achieving the vision before the year 2009 of creating, implementing, and constantly improving rigorous interdepartmental and multi-content approaches, supported by parents and stakeholders, that combine academic and career and technology curriculum, teaching, assessment, and professional development practices so that each student will pass Maryland High School Assessment tests in English, algebra/data analysis, government, and biology and self-selected career certification and armed forces tests; complete credit and service learning requirements; and perform successfully on classroom assessments, portfolios, project-based exhibitions and standardized tests such as the SAT.

Our School Mission - Our mission is to deliver a citywide Career and Technology Educational Center in Baltimore, Maryland. This includes efficient and timely instruction that prepares students to make intelligent career choices to enter, complete, and advance successfully in a changing work world, institutions of higher learning, or the military. We will know that we are achieving our vision and mission when our graduating students leave Edmondson-Westside as competent and confident learners -- young men and women capable of:

1. Relating topics, ideas, skills, and techniques from academic and career technology programs to solve real world problems;

2. Carrying out an active role in their education beyond high school;

3. Taking a high degree of responsibility for academic, personal, and professional growth;

4. Demonstrating the role of a responsible citizen.

Our School Philosophy - We believe that all students can learn when given effective instruction, sufficient time, and appropriate resources. Moreover, we believe that quality education results from the efforts of teachers and students who actively participate together in learning experiences. Finally, we believe that our school should be a safe, civil, clean, and drug-free environment supported by parents, families, business partners, and the community at-large.

Our Unique Features - We are unique from other high schools in the following ways: