
Air Force Research Laboratory/Space Vehicles Directorate


1. BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT TITLE: Space Vehicles Battlespace Environment Division research Interests – Kirtland


3. PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUCEMENT (CALL) TITLE: A Computationally Efficient Method for High Energy Charged Particle Transport


5. TECHNICAL POINT OF CONTACT: The technical point of contact for this CALL is Dr. Judy Fennelly, AFRL/RVBXR, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-853-2568, Fax 505-853-2252, Email .

6. CONTRACTING POINTS OF CONTACT: The contracting points of contact for this CALL are: Contracting Specialist: Mr. Francis M. Eggert, Det 8 AFRL/RVKB, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-7603, Fax 505-846-0945, Email: or Contracting Officer: Ms. Jean A. Barnes, Det 8 AFRL/RVKB, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-4695, Fax 505-846-4695, Email:


The principal purpose of this effort is to support the algorithmic research and development for the enhancement of public domain general-purpose Monte Carlo radiation transport codes for space applications, where these codes are used to study interactions between the natural space radiation environment and space hardware or astronauts. Specifically, this effort would include the development and demonstrate of computationally efficient and accurate alternative to the current condensed history Monte Carlo method for energetic charged particles that includes electrons, protons and heavier ions. The research would result in an algorithm that would be optimal for implementation in a single-event Monte Carlo simulation and is computationally considerably less costly than analog single-event simulation. The inclusion of the algorithm would be designed for such public released production codes as the Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX) and the GEometry ANd Tracking (GEANT) production codes.

8. ANTICIPATED FUNDING: Anticipated funding for this assistance agreement or award is: FY 11: $58.3K; FY 12: $100K; FY 13: $100K; FY 14: $100K; FY 15: $100K, FY16: $41.7K. This funding profile is an estimate only and will not be a contractual obligation for funding. All funding is subject to change due to government discretion and availability.

9. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The anticipated period of performance for individual awards resulting from this CALL is 60 months in duration. The period of performance is to be proposed in the format “includes 60 months for technical effort and 0 months for Final Report preparation.” The government will require a final report upon completion of the effort.

10. PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: The due date for proposals submitted in response to this CALL is no later than 12 Noon, Mountain Standard Time (MST) on 21 January 2011. A proposal received after this deadline shall be considered “late” and will not be considered for award. Proposals for any other technology area identified in the baseline BAA will not be accepted at this time unless a CALL for proposals in that specific area is open. Proposals for this requested Grant may be submitted either (1) directly with a hard copy and a CD to the AFRL Contracts Specialist listed below, OR (2) electronically through the government-wide electronic portal. You must notify the Contracts Specialist immediately upon submitting your proposal electronically to Mr. Francis M. Eggert, Contract Specialist, e-mail: If mailing a hard copy, send one hard and a CD to: AFRL/RVKB; Attn: Contract Specialist, Mr. Francis M. Eggert; 2251 Maxwell Ave SE, (Mail Room, Bldg 424); Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5773, e-mail: Phone: 505-846-7603. Please use Attachments “A” through “E” to help you prepare your proposal.

11. CALL AMENDMENTS: Offerors should monitor only for this particular CALL and for any additional notices to this CALL that may permit extensions to the proposal submission date or otherwise modify this announcement.

12. ANTICIPATED TYPE OF CONTRACTS/INSTRUMENTS: The Air Force anticipates awarding a GRANT as a result of this CALL but reserves the right to award the instrument best suited to the nature of research proposed in accordance with DOD 3210.6R, dated 13 April 1998, DoD Grant and Agreement Regulations, using Merit-based, competitive procedures per Subpart “C”, 22.315.

13. ANTICIPATED NUMBER OF AWARDS: The Air Force anticipates awarding one Grant. However, the Air Force does reserve the right to make multiple awards or no awards pursuant to this CALL.


15. INTENT TO PROPOSE: Potential offerors are requested to advise the contracting point of contact if they intend to submit a proposal in response to this CALL. Such notification is merely a courtesy and is not a commitment by the offeror to submit a proposal.

16. DELIVERABLES ITEMS: A Final Report due upon completion of the work.


18. APPLICABILITY OF BASELINE BAA: All requirements of BAA-RV-10-01 apply unless specifically amended and addressed in this CALL. For complete information regarding BAA-RV-10-01, refer to the initial opened-ended BAA. It contains information applicable to all CALLS issued under the BAA and provides information on the overall program, proposal preparation and submission requirements, proposal review and evaluation criteria, award administration, agency contacts, etc. Direct questions to the points of contact identified above.

19. NOTICE FOR PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please prepare your proposal in accordance with Attachment A, Proposal Preparation Instructions. Please follow Attachment B, Assistance Instructions for preparing budgets when submitting your proposal along with Attachment A. Please complete and return Attachment C, Certification and Representations, signed and dated. Please complete, sign and date the information provided per Attachment D, Proprietary Information Certification, if you have any information that is considered proprietary. Please follow Attachment “E” when preparing a Contractor Statement Of Work (CSOW) when submitting your proposal. Please provide all information and documentation to the address in paragraph 10 above.

5. Attachments

1. Attachment A, Proposal Preparation Instructions

2. Attachment B, Assistance Instructions for Preparing Budgets.

3. Attachment C, Certification & Representations.

4. Attachment D, Proprietary Information Certification

5. Attachment E, Non-Proprietary, Contractor Statement Of Work (CSOW) Suggested Format

Attachment A

Proposal Instructions

To BAA-RV-10-01, CALL 011

Expected GRANT # FA9453-11-X-XXXX

Title: A Computationally Efficient Method for High Energy Charged Particle Transport (Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Codes for Space Applications)

Dated: 6 Dec 10


General Instructions

(a) Offerors are advised that only Grants/Agreements Officers are legally authorized to contractually bind or otherwise commit the government.

(b) The cost of preparing proposal packages (technical and budget proposals) in response to this Notice of Funding Opportunity is not considered an allowable direct charge to the resulting agreement.

(c) Other Submission Requirements.

(1) Proposal Cover Page – SF 424 (R&R) Form: All proposals, both electronic and hard copies, for grants must include SF 424 (R&R) as a cover page. Forms are available on To access the forms, go to

(2) Proposals for Grants: Proposals for grants may be submitted either (1) directly with a hard copy and a CD to the AFRL Contracts Specialist listed in paragraph (3) below, OR (2) electronically through the government-wide electronic portal. You must notify the Contracts Specialist immediately upon submitting your proposal electronically to Mr. Francis M. Eggert, e-mail:

(3) If mailing a hard copy, send one hard and a CD to: AFRL/RVKB; Attn: Contract Specialist, Mr. Francis M. Eggert; 2251 Maxwell Ave SE, (Mail Room, Bldg 424); Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5773, e-mail: Phone: 505-846-7603, NLT 21 Jan 2011, 12:00 MST time to be considered.

(4) For Electronic Submission:

i. Advance Preparation – Electronic proposals must be submitted through There are several one-time actions your organization must have completed. Long before the proposal submission deadline, you should verify that the persons authorized to submit proposals for your organization have completed these actions. If not, it may take them up to 21 days to complete the actions before they will be able to submit proposals.

ii. Electronic Submission Process: The process your organization must complete includes obtaining a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, registering with the Central Contract Registry (CCR), registering with the credential provider, and registering with Designating an E-Business Point of Contact (EBiz POC) and obtaining a special password called MPIN are important steps in the registration process. Go to

iii. Your organization’s E-Business POC, identified during CCR Registration, must authorize someone to become an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR). This safeguards your organization from individuals who may attempt to submit proposals without permission. Note: In some organizations, a person may serve as both an E-Business POC and an AOR.

iv. The Organization Registration Checklist is located at to guide you through the process.

v. If a proposal is submitted through, PureEdge Viewer will need to be downloaded. This small, free program will allow you to access, complete, and submit applications electronically and securely. For a free version of the software, visit the following web site:

vi. Should you have questions relating to the registration process, system requirements, how an application form works or the submittal process, call at 1-800-518-4726 or .

(5) Submitting the Electronic Proposal

i. Application forms and instructions are available at To access these materials, go to Select “Apply for Grant”, and then select “Download Application Package”. Enter the CFDA number (typically 12.800). You should also enter the BAA number, and then follow the prompts to download the application package.

ii. The applicant will receive a confirmation page upon completing the submission to This confirmation page is a record of the time and date stamp that is used to determine whether the proposal was submitted by the deadline. A proposal received after the deadline shall be considered “late” and will not be considered for award.

(6) Det 8, AFRL/PK Instructions for Preparing Budgets (Assistance) are in Attachment “B” dated 21 Sep 10.




1. Offerors shall:

a. Provide these Instructions to all lower tier offerors. Proprietary data from lower tier offerors may be submitted directly to the Government in accordance with Proposal Preparation Instructions in this announcement. For the purpose of these instructions, the terms “proposals” and “proposed” are synonymous with “budgets” and “budgeted”.

b. Furnish Tables 1 through 4 (examples attached) for the entire performance period (supported by rationale required by paragraph 2) in hard copy and on CD as IBM PC compatible, Microsoft Excel, to include all cell formulas. Include a separate Cost Element Summary by Offeror Fiscal Year (OFY) for the basic and each option or task order as proposed. Identify when the offeror’s fiscal year (OFY) begins and ends.

c. Provide the following information as the first page of the proposal for the Prime and Each lower tier offeror.

i. Name, title, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of offeror’s point contact ii. Amount proposed for basic effort and each option

iii. Name, address and telephone number of the cognizant DCMA and DCAA offices iv. Name, title, signature of authorized representative

v. Date offer is submitted and expiration date of offer

vi. DUNS Number

vii. CAGE Code

2. Using the format in Table 1, submit a cost element summary by major cost element by OFY for each contract line item (CLIN) (i.e. basic period of performance and each option (if applicable) and/or Task, etc.). The detail required for each major cost element is described below. Address all cost elements applicable to the proposed effort and provide a narrative to support the basis of estimate.

a. Direct Labor. As part of Table 1, list the proposed hours, rates, and calculated amounts for each direct labor category by OFY, by CLIN. As part of the basis of estimate narrative, provide rationale for proposed hours and labor mix, and provide the base labor rates for each category. Identify the source of the base rates and explain the methodology used to project each rate for subsequent years. If applicable, identify the proposed escalation factors applied to future estimates and rationale for the proposed factors.

Note: If temporary or part-time labor is proposed, explain the differences between the pay rates for full-time and temporary or part-time workers, and the impact of those differences on the direct rates proposed. Identify all uncompensated labor (straight time and/or overtime) included in this cost element, and explain the impact of uncompensated time on direct rates proposed.

b. Indirect Cost Rates and/or Factors. As part of Table 1, list the proposed base, rate/factor and calculated amount for each indirect cost by OFY, by CLIN. As part of the basis of estimate narrative, identify all indirect cost rates/factors (such as fringe benefits, labor overhead, material overhead, G&A, Cost of Money (COM), etc.) and applicable allocation bases by OFY. If composite rates are used, provide the calculations used in deriving the composite rates. Identify the basis of proposed rates (e.g., rate agreements and date of agreement, bidding rates and submission date, actual rates and effective date, billing rates and approval date, etc.). Note: Normally, neither G&A nor COM can be applied to costs that are included in the offeror’s Independent Research and Development account.

c. Lower Tier Offerors/Interorganizational Transfers (IOTs). Obtain budgets from each subcontractor and IOT (those actually performing labor hours) using the same cost element breakout required for Table 1 for the basic, each option or task order(if applicable). Provide a list of anticipated Lower Tier Offerors/IOTs using Table 2. Perform and provide evaluation results of cost/price analysis of Lower Tier Offerors/IOT budgets. If decrement factors are used, explain their development and application. . NOTE: Budgets (including Tables 1 thru 4) from all lower tier offerors are due by the closing date in this announcement.

d. Material/Equipment. As part of Table 1, list material/equipment costs by OFY by CLIN. Using Table 4, provide a consolidated priced summary of individual material/equipment quantities and the basis for pricing (vendor quotes, invoice prices, etc.) by OFY by CLIN. For all items proposed, identify the item and show the source, quantity and price. As part of the basis of estimate narrative, provide information regarding the rationale/methodology used to derive the proposed material/equipment estimate.