OATI Tariff Administration ServicesPage 1 of 8
Statement of Requirements
Additional statuses such as ANNULLED, and DISPLACED needed captured on TSR Metrics Summary
Functional Specification
Feb 2008
Version 0.9
Open Access Technology International, Inc.
2300 Berkshire Lane North
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441
Phone: (763) 201-2000 Fax: (763) 553-2813
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OATI10/25/2018Page 1 of 7
Functional Specification Template v1.0
This document and attachments contain confidential and proprietary information of Open Access Technology International, Inc. This information is not to be used, disseminated, distributed, or otherwise transferred without the expressed written permission of Open Access Technology International, Inc.
OATI Tariff Administration Services, webTrans, and webOASIS are trademarks and service marks of Open Access Technology International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Revision History
Version / Date / Description / Author0.9 / 03/31/2008 / Internal release / OATI
1Functional Design
1.2Functional Description
1.2.2Current Customer Update Process Change
1.2.3Current Transcust GET QueryString and Post NameValuePairs Changes
1.2.4Future Changes
Database Schema
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OATI10/25/2018Page 1 of 7
Functional Specification Template v1.0
1Functional Design
Currently Displaced, and Annulled reservations are counted as confirmed on TSR Metrics page. A change is needed to capture Displaced, and Annulled reservations as Annulled, and Displaced reservations and not combine them with accepted/confirmed due to different status.
1.2Functional Description
1.2.1Current Process Change
Current functionality is that TSRs with Annulled and Displaced statuses are counted as confirmed reservations.A change need to be made to log those statuses separately. These status updates will belogged when actions are taken from the Transmission Detail display (Seller and CustomerView), Seller Update Display, Customer Update Display, Transcust (CSV and URL) Template,and the Transsell (CSV and URL) Template. This will be accomplished by changing the logic not to use the TSRStatusTimeStamp to log status changes but to you TSR Audit trail. Anyplace where currently statuses are logged need to use audit trail instead.
Currently Records are inserted into TSRStatusTimeStamp table when status gets updated in the following places:
-When TSR Update status script is called
-When status changes on Customer update
-When status changes on Seller Update
-When quick buttons on TSR Detail Page are used to change the status of the TSR.
-When TSR is first entered to record a queued status.
This document contains proprietary information of OATI, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without explicit permission of OATI, Inc.