Table of Contents
Conference Information
Conference Schedule Inside Cover
Map of First EFC, Maplewood Inside Back Cover
General Information 3
Our Speakers 4
Session Notes 5
Workshop Descriptions .9
Workshop Notes 11
Exhibitors 13
Conference Action Items
Conference Action Items 14
NCD Board of Directors Nominees 14
Churches Seeking Affiliation 15
Sample Ballot. 16
Proposed 2014-2015 NCD Budget .17
Mark Your Calendars 18
District Fellowship Groups 19
Licensing Discussion Groups 20
NCD Board of Directors & District Ministry Teams 21
NCD Contacts 23
Welcome to the 2014 Annual Conference of the North Central District! We are pleased that we can share in your fellowship. Enjoy the connecting, learning, and refreshment. Make some new friends, catch up with old ones.
Our Hosts
Our thanks to First EFC of Maplewood for hosting this year’s conference. Pass your thanks on to Pastor Todd Olson, the First EFC staff, and the church volunteers for assisting us. Their hospitality enriches our conference. You may notice others around the facility as First EFC hosts the Liberty Classical Academy and has other church events during the conference.
Prayer Room
A quiet room for prayer and reflection is available throughout the conference. It is located in room 205. Feel free to visit this room throughout the conference.
Exhbitors Area
We again welcome a number of exhibitors to our conference. They are located in the High School Room, just off the gym which is the location of our meals.
Book Table
Our speaker, Aaron Couch, interned under the ministry of Jim Putman of Real Life Ministries in Idaho. Aaron lives out the disciplemaking principles described in Jim Putnam’s books, which include Real-Life Discipleship, DiscipleShift, and Church is a Team Sport. These books are available at the NextStep Resources table (along with many other titles) in the exhibitor area.
Business Meeting Matters
You must be a duly authorized conference delegate in order to be eligible to vote. Conference delegates have an orange dot on their nametag. Only individuals with an orange dot on their nametag will be able to vote. If you have not yet registered as a delegate, please do so at the registration table by 7:00 pm on Monday. The business meeting will be held during the breakfast session at 7:45 am on Tuesday.
NCD written reports are available online ( or scan
QR Code.
Shamineau Lunch
The annual meeting of Shamineau Ministries will follow our last conference session on Tuesday. If you registered for this meal, you have a green dot on your nametag. If not, talk to Herb at the Shamineau display to determine if there are any extra lunches available.
If you have questions or needs, see us at the NCD Registration/Office table. Keep praying throughout the conference for the Lord’s protection, instruction, and transformation.
Speakers: Aaron Couch & Joshua Gray
Aaron has been in ministry for over 21 years. As a pastor in his second church start, he is still amazed at how our faithful God works. Aaron has been privileged to be part of a movement of churches, led in part by pastor and author Jim Putman, that is changing the face of how discipleship is accomplished within the churches of America.As a result of this, he gets the opportunity to travel and speak often. In keeping with the disciplemaking culture of his church, Aaron has brought another church leader, Josh Gray, with him to the conference.
Aaron has a master’s degree from Hope International University and a bachelor’s degree from Boise Bible College, but his greatest joy is his family. Aaron has been married 20 years and has four kids. They range in age from 17 to 8. Aaron and his wife, Kelli, have served in ministry since the beginning of their marriage. They love the church and love watching God empower people to be set free.
· Favorite TV show: Gold Rush
· Favorite ice cream flavor: Reese's peanut butter cup
· Favorite season of the year: fall - hunting season
· Favorite movie: Gladiator
· Favorite caffeinated beverage: Turkish coffee
· Favorite place to pray: office
· Favorite blogs: Seth Godin's blog, Ed Stetzer's blog,
· Place I would like to visit: Turkey - New Testament Christianity origins
· I'd love to have coffee with ______: President Obama
· Scripture that has shaped my view of the church: John 17:4
· Book most often quoted (besides the Bible): Shattered Dreams, Larry Crabb
· Random fact about me: I build and sell gold-mining equipment
· Mentor: John Samuel, Talent Research Foundation
Joshua Gray
· Favorite TV show: Gold Rush
· Favorite ice cream flavor: banana
· Favorite season of the year (and why): summer - I like the heat
· Favorite movie: Band of Brothers
· Favorite caffeinated beverage: velvet hammer from a local coffee shop
· Favorite place to pray: my car
· One place you would like to visit sometime: Bolivia
· I'd love to have coffee with ______: Dale Carnegie
· What book (besides the Bible) do I often quote from? Usually the book I most recently read. Same Kind of Different as Me was my latest read.
· A random fact about me: I am an only child.
· Who has been a mentor to me? Aaron Couch
Session #1 Monday, 1:00 pm
Understanding Disciplemaking
Session #2 Monday, 7:00 pm
The Importance of Disciplemaking
Session #3 Tuesday, 9:30 am
How are Disciples Made?
Session #4 Tuesday, 11:15 am
Moving a Church Toward Disciplemaking
Workshops #1: (2:45-3:45 pm)
Managing Health Care Expenses in Retirement Room 201
Presenter: Norm Nystrom
Fifty-seven percent of baby boomers said they had a "poor understanding" (31%) or know "almost nothing" (26%) about Medicare, according to a recent survey by Bankers Trust. Three-quarters of boomers (72%) did not know that most Americans on Medicare pay premiums, copays, and deductibles. One in seven thought Medicare was free. Only 14% knew that Medicare does not cover long-term care. A health care crisis is looming in this country, and it is essential for baby boomers to understand what they need to do to prepare for it financially. This educational workshop will cover a variety of topics such as enrollment periods, Medicare costs, coordination with private insurance, minimizing excess expenses, and preparing for higher health care costs. Presenter: Norm Nystrom, independent financial advisor and financial health education coordinator at New Hope Church (EFCA).
Community Gardens as an Outreach Tool Room 202
Presenter: Jon Addington
Harvest Gardens is a community outreach of First EFC in Maplewood. Started in 2009 with a vision to build a bridge with the community, it has grown to encompass ministry to the hungry and recent refugee immigrants. Garden plots are provided to 1000+ gardeners on a first-come basis at no cost. Gardeners come from many communities around the Twin Cities, a diverse mixture of cultures and languages. The workshop will look at the story and journey of how the ministry has developed and the mechanics of how the gardens operate. The workshop will be led by Jon Addington, the coordinator of the Harvest Gardens ministry. Jon will be onsite at the gardens area (a few blocks from the church building) during the second workshop time for any individuals who would like to get a first-hand look.
Disciplemaking is Relationships Room 204
Presenter: Glenn Olson
Have you ever felt like you're aiming at disciplemaking but are not hitting the bull's-eye, practically speaking? Kavanah identifies the catalyst of combining intentional action with the expectation of God’s active presence. Kavanah describes what inflows to a disciple and what overflows from the disciple as they and the discipler follow Jesus together. It’s the four practices empowered by the Holy Spirit that result in a disciplemaking bull's-eye.
Leadership Development: An Integral Part of the Church's Disciplemaking
Presenters: Cor Chmieleski, Bekah Wacek, Rob Warland Activities Center
Leadership development blesses people individually and strengthens the church corporately. As church staff and leaders, we are called to use our God-given gifts to “equip God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12-13 NIV). What an amazing opportunity! We get to help equip people to attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ; both knowing Christ personally and understanding all that he did and taught. This session will look at the vision, value, and implications of leadership development in the church. The workshop will be presented by three leaders who are integrally involved in the fruitful leadership training endeavors of Hope Community Church (EFCA) in downtown Minneapolis: Cor Chmieleski (senior associate pastor), Bekah Wacek (Trek 1 ministry associate), and Rob Warland (leadership development coordinator).
Workshops #2: (4:15-5:15)
Planning Well for Social Security Retirement Benefits Room 201
Presenter: Norm Nystrom
Social Security is a very important benefit to most people in their retirement years. Decisions you make regarding Social Security can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of benefits you stand to receive over your lifetime. You need to understand how taking early retirement or delaying retirement will impact how much you will receive in retirement. You will need to know how to coordinate spousal benefits and use some of the recent strategies to maximize your retirement benefits. This informative seminar covers the basics of Social Security and reveals strategies for maximizing your benefits. Presenter: Norm Nystrom, independent financial advisor and financial health education coordinator at New Hope Church (EFCA).
Effective Partnership for “All People” Discipleship – Discipling Children Through Church and Home Room 202
Presenter: Julie Andersen
The call to make disciples of all nations/people is not age-specific. What does an effective partnership between church and home look like when it comes to helping children become disciples of Christ? What components are necessary? What does it look like in our churches? Find some practical strategies and benchmarks to develop your overall discipleship strategy as a church that includes children and the family. Julie is Director of Children’s Ministries at Trinity EFC, Lakeville.
How to Disciple Your Church to Become a Great Commission Church
Presenter: Steve Austvold, NCD Mission Mobilizer Room 204
In this workshop will we look at ten practical steps on how to disciple your church to be a Great Commission church. Come and see what steps are needed to raise your mission awareness and involvement.
Empowering the Body of Christ to Use Their Gifts and Talents to Do Justice – Special Focus Asia Room 206
Presenters: Melody Warren, Kathy Austvold, Mobilization Coordinators
How does your church do justice? Melody recently returned from a Justice Initiatives ministry trip/adventure toIndia and Thailand. She will share the amazing opportunities the Lord gave her to meet and train women who are vulnerable or have escaped from sex trafficking. Learn somepractical ideas for how your church can encourage and empower people to use their gifts and talents to do justice locally and internationally.
Charity Gives but Justice Changes Activities Center
Presenter: John Gerhardt
In today’s world there is a cry for justice: in the Ukraine, in the inner cities of the world, and especially from the millennials, who desire the church to practice biblical social justice. What is biblical social justice and what role should it play in our lives? This workshop will look at God’s word and His call that we walk humbly, act justly, and love mercy. John Gerhardt has 20+ years of experience laboring to bring God’s justice to the inner city of New Orleans
Workshop Notes Monday, 2:45 pm
Workshop Notes Monday, 4:15 pm
Our Exhibitors
CIF (Christian Investors Financial) / David Viland /
EFCA Foundation / Lanny Harris /
EFCA ReachGlobal / Craig McClun /
EFCA ReachGlobal – Cameroon / Ryan Gerbrandt /
EFCA ReachGlobal--Justice Initiatives / Kathy Austvold /
EFCA ReachGlobal—Crisis Response / Rob & Jackie Passer /
Elim Care, Inc. / Susan Ask /
Faith Community Nursing / Mary Van Der Werf /
FCMM Retirement Plan / Jerry Rich /
NCD Church Planting / Dan Moose /
NCD Family & Children’s Ministries / Julie Andersen /
NCD Mission Mobilizer / Steve Austvold /
NCD Pastoral Care / Jim Anderson
Kelley Johnson /
NCD Student Ministries / Glenn Olson /
NextStep Resources / Aaron Uran /
Repair of Broken Walls / Enrique & Carol Acosta /
Shamineau Ministries
Rock Ridge / Herb Bloomquist
Larry & Lois Johnson
Tim & Cindy Moe /
Safe Families for Children / Bev Upshaw /
Trinity International University / Carl Johnson /
Urban Impact / John Gerhardt /
NewsService 2000
A Ministry to the Persecuted Christians / Dr Pat /
2014 Conference Action Items
· Voting on acceptance of churches: The Lighthouse (Hackensack, MN), Grace Community Church (New Ulm, MN)
· Voting on the 2014-2015 District budget
· Voting on District Superintendent and Director of Church Planting
· Voting on members to the District Board of Directors
NCD Board of Director Nominees
Chris Cundiff
Chris has served as the pastor of Sandstone EFC since 2007. During his high school years he was convinced of and later affirmed in a calling into ministry. He attended and graduated from Moody Bible Institute and completed the M.Div degree from TEDS in preparation for ministry. Chris and his wife, Katie, moved to Sandstone in October 2007 to begin serving the Sandstone EFC. Chris’ passions are being a godly husband and father to his wife Katie and his three children Rebekah (5 years old) Keturah (3 years old), and Josiah (11 months) preaching God's Word to himself and others, and watching God transform his life and others through the Scriptures (best part of the job!).In his spare time he enjoys playing with his children, golf, hiking, camping, hunting, and fishing.