Table of Contents – Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

Introduction 271

P.O. Maintenance 271

Steps for Creating a New Purchase Order 272

First Select Option Menu Item Explanation 273

Field Descriptions for Enter P.O. Lines screen 275

Cursor Movement for Enter P.O. Lines screen 279

Second Select Option Menu Item Explanation 282

Steps for Editing/Ordering an Existing Purchase Order 284

P.O. View/Select 286

Ship Via Code Maintenance 288

Receive Inventory 288

Field Descriptions for Receive Inventory screen 289

Steps for Receiving Inventory 291

Purchase Order Receipt Adjustments 295

P.O. Receipt Adjustments Audit Report 296

Purchase Order Merge Management 296

Print Receipt Roll Tags 297

Open P.O. Report 297

Open P.O. Report (for Faxing) 299


***CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE*** This documentation contains confidential information belonging to Textile Management Systems, Inc. and RollMaster Software, which is protected by copyright laws and other privileges. This information is intended for the exclusive use of legally licensed RollMaster Software users. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this documentation in error, please immediately notify us by telephone at (800) 777-4107.

Table of Contents Purchase Orders continued…

Print Purchase Orders 299

Receiving Report 300

Receiving Report By Product Type 301

Receiving Report (Not Inv) By Prod Type 301

P.O. History Inquiry 301

Open PO’s Closed in Error 302


RollMaster System Documentation – Purchase Orders – 6/1/2012

Purchase Orders


The Purchase Orders menu contains modules designed to manage the purchasing and receiving of material in the RollMaster System. The P.O. Maintenance module is tied to the Order Entry module so that special order purchase orders can be created from within a job and stock purchase orders from the Purchase Orders menu. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with creating a P.O. from the Order Entry module before you review the Purchase Orders section of this manual.


From the Master Menu, arrow down to Purchase Orders and hit enter. The Purchase Orders menu will appear as follows:

Items 1-16 are modules that can be accessed from this menu—they will be explained in the order they appear in this menu. Item #17 will allow you to switch to another branch if applicable. Hit the Esc key to return to the Master Menu.

P.O. Maintenance:

From this module you can create a new stock purchase order or access an existing purchase order (created from this module or created from an order) to place an order or make changes/additions to an existing P.O. As you learned in the Sales Processing documentation, you can create purchase orders from within the Order Entry module, which is the suggested method for special order dealers. When you enter this module, the following screen will appear:

Steps for Creating a New Purchase Order:

When you pull up the Purchase Order Maintenance screen, the cursor will be positioned at the Branch field, defaulting to the current branch. If you need to access or create a purchase order in another branch, you can type that branch number in this field and the system will instantly change branches within this program. Once you have entered through the Branch field, the system will jump to the PO Num field and prompt the next available purchase order number. Hit enter to accept that number or type in a new number. You can also perform a lookup of an existing P.O. by Vendor by hitting the F1 key. If you are creating a new P.O., the system will prompt the following message: Use this P.O. # Now? (Y,N) N. To open a new P.O., change this default to “Y” for yes. The system will place the cursor at the PO Date field, which will default to the current date. Enter to accept the date or type in a new date using eight characters, i.e., 09132006. At the Ref # field, enter the vendor’s reference number—you can return to this field to enter the reference number if the order was not placed prior to creating the P.O. in the system. Please Note: the Ref # field will print out on the P.O. and you can perform a P.O. lookup by Reference number via the F2 key.

From the Ref # field, the system will place the cursor at the Vendor field. If you do not recall the ID for the vendor you are placing an order with, you can hit enter at the Vendor field to pull up a “Vendor Look-Up” screen or type the first couple of letters of the Vendor name to shorten the lookup. You can also use the use the F2 key to get an alpha look-up. Once a Vendor ID is selected, the system will fill in the Vendor ID, account number, and the vendor name, address, and telephone information, provided that information was added to the Vendor Maintenance module. Once the vendor information is filled in, the system will then place the cursor at the Terms field. If you will be receiving special terms on this purchase, enter those terms in this field. This field will read over into the Accounts Payable Open Item Maintenance module when the vendor invoice is booked. If the special payment terms are too long for the field, you can type SEE PO NOTES instead and then type a more detailed description of the special terms in the PO Notes screen for the A/P department to read. If no special terms apply, simply hit enter to accept “USUAL.” The system will then place the cursor in the Ord By field. This field should be used to capture the name of the person who called in the order. In the Taken By field, type the name of the person at the mill or distributor who took the order—you may need to return to this field after the order is placed. These two fields will print out on the P.O. and on the Open P.O. Report. In the Ship To Address box, you can enter through the fields to make any changes if necessary—any changes will only apply to this P.O. The Ship To Address information was entered in the system through the Branch Maintenance module—any permanent changes should be made through that module. Once you have entered all the way through the Ship To Address box, the system will pull up a Select Option menu.

First Select Option Menu

In Purchase Order Maintenance Screen


As soon as you enter through all the fields in the Ship To Address box, a Select Option menu will appear as follows (you can also hit the Esc key at any time in the Ship To box to bring up this menu):

Enter Line Items:

This option will bring up the Enter P.O. Lines screen where you can add lines to a P.O. and/or edit existing P.O. lines. The procedures for adding/editing P.O. Lines can be found immediately following the Select Option menu explanation.

Change Header:

This option will place the cursor back at the P.O. Date field so that you can enter back through the fields in the Purchase Order Maintenance screen to make any necessary changes. You will probably use this option to add a reference number and a contact name to a P.O. after you have ordered material.

P.O. Notes:

This option will bring up a P.O. Notes screen in which you can type detailed comments concerning this P.O. You can read any notes that were added by the salesperson from Order Entry and add purchasing notes concerning availability, shipping information, etc. These notes will print out on the P.O. In addition, when you add P.O. Notes, the system will place the following message under the Zip field in the Ship To Address box: P.O. NOTES EXIST. P.O. Notes are also accessible from the Receive Inventory module and the A/P Open Item Mtc. module during the Invoice posting process.

Line Status:

If you hit enter on that option the system will pop up a Line Status screen that will appear as follows:

This Line Status box will display each line on the PO and give a status of either Open or Closed. If a PO Line is Open, you can access that line for additional information. This eliminates the need to enter into each line on a PO.


This option will cancel or close a P.O. in the system, which will remove it from the Open P.O. Report. You can reopen a P.O. through the Open PO’s Closed in Error module so you don’t need to worry if a P.O. is closed by mistake. If an order is canceled or when the material on a P.O. has been received in the system, the P.O. should be canceled/closed. A P.O. that is still attached to a job in the system can not be closed or canceled—you would need to go into that job, unassign the material from the order line, and then return to this option to close or cancel the P.O.

Generate B2B P.O.:

This option will be available for RollMaster B2B clients currently subscribing to the B2B service and will only work with B2B compliant vendors. If the previous conditions exist, you can use this option to electronically send the entire P.O. to a B2B vendor, rather than sending each line individually. In this instance, all the P.O. Lines need to be entered and then this option used to send all lines.

To begin adding lines to a P.O., select the Enter Line Items option and hit enter. The following Enter P.O. Lines screen will appear:

Field Descriptions for Enter P.O. Lines screen:

Product Code- in this field enter the Product Code for the material you wish to order—you can hit enter to get a Product Code look-up. (Please Note: As soon as you enter this field the system will display the (F1) Wild Card Lookup option below the Sty# field. This lookup option has been thoroughly explained in the Order Entry section of this documentation. This option will also be available from the Prod./Style field.)

Prod./Style- in this field, enter the name of the product you wish to order—you can hit enter to bring up a catalog look-up screen. If a product has not been added to the catalog, it can be added from this screen by typing in the exact product name and color name and then typing a “Y” at the Item Not Found prompt. The system will take you into the Catalog Maintenance module and then return you once the product has been added in the system.

Color/Type- this field will automatically fill in the color/type information based on the product selected in the field above. If the product you are ordering has been added to the system catalog but not the color, you can add the color from this field. Make sure you type the product name in the above field exactly as it appears in the system catalog and then type the new color name in this field. Hit enter to bring up the Item Not Found prompt and type a “Y” to proceed. The system will then prompt the following: This Prod/Style Already Exists! Use as Model? (Y,N) Y. Hit enter to bring up the Catalog Maintenance screen. Hit enter to get to the Color/Type Num field and type in the number for this color. Hit enter again and then hit the F2 key to save the new color.

Vendor Style (display only)- this field will automatically fill in the vendor style name based on the product selected in the Prod./Style field above.

Vendor Color (display only)- this field will automatically fill in the vendor color name based on the product selected in the Prod./Style field above.

For explanation of (R)oll, (C)ut: prompt and (F1) to Compare Roll/Cut Prices option, see that section below.

Ship Via- in this field, type the name of the shipping company transporting the material up to ten characters or hit enter to get a look up. This is a required field of entry and Ship Via Codes can be created and edited in the Ship Via Maintenance module located in the Purchase Orders menu. As a suggestion, because the system will allow you to sort open PO’s by this field in the Open P.O. Report, if material is on backorder, you can enter “BO” in this field and then run an Open P.O. Report by the Ship Via field, and include only those P.O.’s with BO in that field to get a list of backordered material. If you are entering multiple lines on a P.O., the Ship Via Code you enter on the first line will automatically default on all subsequent lines. You can override this code if applicable.

Date Shipped- this field will default to the current date. If this is the ship date hit enter to accept; otherwise override with the date the material will ship out of the vendor’s warehouse. If you are entering multiple lines on a P.O., the date you enter on the first line will automatically default on all subsequent lines. You can override this date if applicable.