Title / Research methods in healthcare
Code / PT 518
Level / 5
Credit rating / 10 credits
Pre-requisites / Progression to year 2 of BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Type of module / Extensive
Aims /
  • To provide training in research methodology sufficient to conduct investigations in healthcare at BSc (Hons) level and graduate entry level
  • To develop specific research skills in project design, methods of data collection, analysis and presentation of research findings, relevant to professional practice.
  • To develop the ability to critically evaluate research, an understanding of theoretical issues relating to research and the potential limitations of a variety of research methods.

Learning outcomes/objectives / On successful completion of the module, students will be able to;
  1. Design and undertake small scale pieces of research using a quantitative and qualitative methods.
  2. Use an understanding of the theoretical issues relating to research to critically evaluate published literature.
  3. Identify the range of research skills that they have developed and understand how this research knowledge is relevant to their professional role as a health professional.

Content / The content of the module will consist of ; the research process; introduction to qualitative research; introduction to quantitative research; audit; quantitative data analysis and statistics; qualitative analysis techniques; reliability, validity and experimental design; survey and questionnaire design; data collection and interview skills, ethics and research; critical analysis of research papers.
Teaching and learning strategies /
  • Students will be provided with recorded lectures so that they can access key information at relevant times in their learning process. On line resources and exercises for consolidating learning will also be available.
  • The students will apply this theory by undertaking 2 practical exercises where they will work in groups to design and carryout a small investigation in a given topic. One project will entail qualitative data collection and one quantitative. The students will be supported by a member of teaching staff through a series of group tutorials in the design, execution and analysis stages of the project and will then be expected to give a short presentation to their peers.
  • The module will conclude with a series of lectures or workshops focused on the application of research in clinical practice, for example clinical audit, evidence based practice and undertaking research within the NHS. These will be supported by clinical colleagues.

Learning support / Students have access to online teaching resources including recorded lectures, so that they are able to access the information they require at each stage of the module process. They will also be working in groups of peers, facilitated by a member of staff who will oversee the learning process in the practical component of the module.
Recommended reading
Bell J ( 2005) Doing your research project. Open University Press, Berkshire, UK.
Creswell J (2009) Research design qualitative quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Sage.
Green J. and D’Olivera M. (2006) Learning to use statistical tests in psychology. Open University Press, Berkshire, UK.Hicks, C. (2009). Research Methods for Clinical Therapists. Churchill Livingstone
Holloway I. (2008) A – Z of qualitative research in healthcare. Blackwell.
Silverman , (2009). Doing Qualitative Research: a practical handbook. Sage
Assessment tasks / There will be two components to the assessment of this module.
  • A reflective statement reflecting the learning journey including the experience of designing and implementing small scale research projects in this module and how an enhanced knowledge of research will be relevant in their future career. Word count 1000. (50%) (LO 1,3)
  • A critically evaluated literature review, based on one of the studies undertaken as part of the module. Word count 1000. (50%) (LO 2)
There will be a requirement for student to pass both components of the assessment to pass the module.
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module provides a sound theoretical understanding of research methods and audit in the healthcare field. In addition the students will be taking part in two exercises in designing and carrying out data collection to answer a research question, one in the qualitative field and one in the quantitative field. This will consolidate their understanding of the research process and will facilitate their ability to understand and evaluate published research.
Area examination board to which module relates / BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Module team/authors/coordinator / Lucy Redhead (coordinator) members of staff from the BSc Physiotherapy team
Semester offered, where appropriate / Semester 1
Site where delivered / Eastbourne
Date of first approval / January 2002
Date of last revision / May 2007
Date of approval of this version / Nov 2013
Version number / Version 1
Replacement for previous module / PP203
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / BSc ( Hons) Physiotherapy: Compulsory
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / BSc ( Hons) Physiotherapy: Compulsory
School home / School of Health Professions, Faculty of Health
External examiner / Dr Anne Wallace 2013 to 2017
Dr Iain Beith2010 to 2014
Allocation of study hours to activities
10 credits = 100 learning hours / Activity / Study hours / %
SCHEDULED / 25 / 25
Independent study including wider reading/ practice, follow-up work, completion of assessment tasks, revision etc / 75 / 75
Learning away from the University that is not a year abroad or work-based learning
Assessment tasks
Type of assessment tasks
Summative assessment tasks which lead to the award of credit or which are required for progression (expressed as a %) / Activity / Further details / %
Written exam
Written assignment/ essay, report, dissertation, portfolio, project output /
  • A reflective statement reflecting the learning journey through this module and how an enhanced knowledge of research will be relevant in their future career. Word count 1000. (50%)
  • A critically evaluated literature review, based on one of the studies undertaken as part of the module. Word count 1000. (50%)
/ 50
Oral assessment and presentation, practical skills assessment
Set exercises assessing application of knowledge, analytical, problem-solving or evaluative skills