Minutes of the

OPSEU Convention 2015

May 7 - 9, 2015

Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto

Thursday, May 7, 2015 – Morning Session

President Thomas, called the Convention to order at 9:13 a.m.

The Harassment and Discrimination Policy was presented in video format. President Thomas identified the Advisors and Investigators under the Harassment and Discrimination Policy for Convention 2015.

The President welcomed all delegates, alternates, observers and guests to the 40th Annual Convention, the highest decision-making body of OPSEU.

Moment of Silence

A Minute of Silence was observed in memory of all those who have passed away since our last Convention, including Sister Nicole Belair L.668, Brother Clive Kingsbury, L.506 and Sister Doreen Harris, L.385. We also remember members of our Canadian Armed Forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice overseas.

All participants joined in singing O Canada.

Joe Cressy, Toronto City Councillor (Ward 20), brought greetings from Toronto city council welcoming OPSEU attendees.

Andrea Horwath, Ontario NDP leader addressed the Convention.

General announcements were made on events and services available at Convention. (Video)

President Thomas introduced the head table:

1  Eduardo Almeida, First Vice-President/Treasurer

1  Maria Wysocki, Procedural Advisor

1  Frank Rooney, Constitution and Rules of Order Advisor

1  Sherry Bader, Recording Secretary

1  Nicole Glass, A/Corporate Secretary/Backup Recording Secretary

1  Tracy Danbrook, Backup Recording Secretary

President Thomas made two announcements: the 1st “OPSEU’s Got Talent Night” on Thursday evening and Comedy Night on Friday.

Credentials Committee Report

Moved: S. Abdey, Cred.Ctte., L.151/Seconded: C. Whipple, Cred.Ctte., L.614

èAdoption of Credentials Committee Report as of 10:02 a.m.

Delegates 892

Alternates 437

Observers 148

Retirees 7

EBMs 19

Committees 50

Solidarity Guests 9

Guests 13

Total 1,575

Vote on Adoption of Credentials Report CARRIED

Section A – Convention Agenda

Moved: W. Thomas, President/Seconded: E. Almeida, First Vice-President/Treasurer

èAdoption of the Convention Agenda as distributed.

Vote on the Agenda CARRIED

Section B – Minutes of Last Convention 2014

Moved: W. Thomas, President/Seconded: E. Almeida, First Vice-President/Treasurer

èAdoption of the Minutes of Convention 2014 as printed in Section B.

Correction on Minutes from 2014; Convention adjourned at 11:24 a.m, not p.m.

Vote on the Minutes of Convention 2014 CARRIED

President’s Address

Smokey began his address by announcing that he is not worried about our union; that we are in a great position to challenge the Ontario Liberal Party’s austerity agenda and that our finances are in great shape.

He pointed out that our members are extremely active in demonstrations and lobbying, giving OPSEU a high public profile in the union world. OPSEU’s analysis of the economy and its’ media credibility have reporters covering our stories and getting our message out. He pointed out that our organizing department is busier than ever because our union is growing.

President Thomas cited a Statistics Canada report that shows Ontario’s economy is bigger and richer than ever before, yet Queen’s Park is determined to sell off public assets and to privatize public services.

President Thomas emphasized the importance of supporting a “fight back” campaign and highlighted some of the tactics OPSEU will use to combat Premier Kathleen Wynne’s austerity measures. He referred to Executive Board resolutions which are designed to give us the power we need to fight back.

Smokey introduced OPSEU’s new “fight back” song, called Fire it Up.


Nominations for the Office of President and First Vice-President/Treasurer

As per orders of the day, the Nominations for Office of President and First Vice-President/Treasurer commenced.

The chair was turned over to Larry Brown, National Secretary-Treasurer of the National Union of Public and General Employees, (NUPGE) who explained the nomination procedures to be followed.

Nominations for the Office of President

Larry Brown, National Secretary-Treasurer, NUPGE, chaired the election process. One written nomination properly signed by the nominee and nominators was filed with the Chair of the Credentials Committee.

Nominees Nominators

Warren (Smokey) Thomas Ron Elliot

There being no further nominations, nominations for the Office of President closed.

Ron Elliot was given up to two minutes to introduce Smokey Thomas as his nominee for the Office of President of OPSEU.

Warren (Smokey) Thomas accepts his nomination for the Office of President.

Warren (Smokey) Thomas was acclaimed as President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union.

President Warren (Smokey) Thomas addressed the Convention.

Nominations for the Office of First Vice-President/Treasurer

Larry Brown, stated that the same rules and procedures apply to the nomination process for the Office of the First Vice-President/Treasurer.

Nominees Nominators

Eduardo Almeida Nancy Pridham

There being no further nominations, nominations for the Office of First Vice-President/Secretary closed

Nancy Pridham was given up to two minutes to introduce Eduardo Almeida as her nominee for the Office of First Vice-President/Treasurer of OPSEU.

Eduardo Almeida accepts his nomination for the Office of the First-Vice-President/Treasurer.

Eduardo Almeida was acclaimed as First Vice-President/Treasurer of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union.

First Vice-President/Treasurer Eduardo Almeida addressed the Convention.

Elections for the Office of President and First Vice-President/Treasurer

The Elections for Office of President and First Vice-President/Treasurer commenced.

Larry Brown, National Secretary-Treasurer of the National Union of Public and General Employees, (NUPGE) explained the election procedures to be followed for the acclaimed Office of the President and First Vice-President/Treasurer.

The casting of one ballot took place for the office of the President and the First Vice-President/Treasurer.

President Thomas resumed the Chair.

Moved by: J. Arbus, L.613/Seconded: S. Labelle, L.348

Amendment to the Agenda Motion

èAmend agenda by deleting the Q&A session for the Office of President and Vice-President scheduled for this afternoon.

Smokey reminded the delegates that 2/3 must vote in favour of the motion for it to carry.

Vote on Amendment to Agenda______CARRIED

Section C – Audited Financial Statements and Notes

Section F – Report on Remuneration

President Thomas introduced Terri McKinnon, our external auditor from PricewaterhouseCoopers and Maurice Gabay, OPSEU Accountant. Terri McKinnon referred the delegates to Section C and gave a brief overview of the financial statements.

Questions were entertained and a discussion ensued.

President Thomas thanked Terri McKinnon on behalf of the Convention.

Resolutions Committee

Roxanne Barnes, Resolutions Committee Chair, introduced members of the Resolutions Committee.

Region 1 - Gino Franche, L.130

Region 2 - Karen Clark, L.212

Region 3 - Roxanne Barnes, L.308, Chair

Region 4 - Daryl O’Grady, L.456

Region 5 - Donald Wright, L.557

Region 6 - Nathan Aubin, L.617, Vice-Chair

Region 7 - Richard Belleau, L.731

EBM - Carl Thibodeau, EBM L.708

Staff Advisor - Mandy Dumais

Support Staff - Karlene Henry

Resolutions Committee

Statutory Resolution A1 – Financial Statements

Submitted by: Executive Board

Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation: FOR

Moved: R. Barnes, Res. Ctte., L.308/Seconded: D. Wright, Res. Ctte., L.557

BE IT RESOLVED THAT in compliance with Article 26.2 of the Constitution and Section 97 of the Corporations Act, the Financial Statements for the 12-month period ending December 2014, including the Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, the Statement of Fund Balances and the Statement of Cash Flows, together with the Auditors’ report thereon, and all transactions reflected thereby be approved and that the President and First Vice-President/Treasurer be authorized to sign the financial statements on behalf of the Executive Board.

Vote on Statutory Resolution A1 – Financial Statements CARRIED

Resolutions Committee

Statutory Resolution A3 – Appointment of Auditors

Submitted by: Executive Board

Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation: FOR

Moved: R. Barnes, Res. Ctte., L.308/Seconded: D. Wright, Res. Ctte., L.557

è BE IT RESOLVED THAT in compliance with Article 26.2 and 28.4 of the Constitution and Section 94 of the Corporations Act, PWC, PricewaterhouseCoopers; be Auditors of OPSEU for the fiscal year January 1, 2015 through to December 31, 2015 and the Executive Board fix the Auditors’ remuneration.

Vote on Statutory Resolution A3 – Appointment

of Auditors CARRIED

Resolutions Committee

Statutory Resolution A2 – Section E - Executive Board Report

Submitted by: Executive Board

Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation: FOR

Moved: R. Barnes, Res. Ctte., L.308/Seconded: D. Wright, Res. Ctte., L.557

è BE IT RESOLVED THAT in compliance with Section 129 of the Corporations Act, the Convention endorse the actions of the Executive Board from the closing of the last Convention until the closing of this Convention.

Vote on Statutory Resolution A2 - Executive Board


Resolutions Committee

EB8 – Executive Board – Section G

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation: FOR

Moved: D. Wright, Res. Ctte., L.557/Seconded: G. Franche, Res. Ctte., L.130

CAAT (Support) Negotiations Procedures

WHEREAS bargaining procedures must be approved by the Executive Board and submitted to Convention; and

WHEREAS the CAAT (Support) members have been consulted on the proposed amendments and have indicated their support through motions passed at the meeting held in March;

èTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the CAAT (Support) Negotiations Procedures is approved.

Moved: M. Martin, L.557/Seconded: J. Hagan, L.561

Referral Motion

èRefer back to Committee with the following instruction, to be brought back to the Convention floor immediately:

1.  Add NEW 5.7 (b) to read (former 2.10)

Immediately following the elections of the standing committees, the Delegates shall elect 4 mobilizers for the term of the bargaining process in the following manner;

Region 1 and 2 Delegates shall nominate and elect one mobilizer and one alternate mobilizer;

Region 3 and 4 Delegates shall nominate and elect one mobilizer and one alternate mobilizer

Region 5 Delegates shall nominate and elect one mobilizer and one alternate mobilizer

Region 6 and 7 Delegates shall nominate and elect one mobilizer and one alternate mobilizer.

2.  Article 7.1(a) be changed to read: chair all meetings of the team and meetings of the mobilizers

3.  Article 7.1(c) be changed to read: be responsible for the orderly conduct and discipline of the team and mobilizers

4.  Article 7.1(d) be changed to read: explain allowable expense claims for the Team and mobilizers in light of Union policies

Vote on Referral back to Committee – EB8 CARRIED

The Committee met on the referral and voted in favour

Vote on Resolutions EB8 – CAAT (S) Negotiations

-Add mobilizers CARRIED

Resolutions Committee

M4 – Membership Activities – Section G

Submitted by: Sudbury Area Council
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation: FOR
Moved: D. Wright, Res. Ctte., L.557/Seconded: G. Franche, Res. Ctte., L.130

WHEREAS the advancement in technology allows for forms, claims, nominations, minutes to be sent directly to the appropriate staff, chairperson, or department for approval in an expeditious manner;

èTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT OPSEU allows and accepts scanned, faxed, or emailed copies of expense forms, nominations, credentials, and minutes for all events sponsored by OPSEU.

Vote on Resolution M4 CARRIED

Resolutions Committee

F1 – Affiliation – Section G

Submitted by: Locals 557, 102 and The London and District Area Council
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation: FOR

Moved: D. Wright, Res. Ctte., L.557/Seconded: G. Franche, Res. Ctte., L.13

WHEREAS it has become evident that many political parties and politicians have been moving to the right; and

WHEREAS we know that the Conservatives and Liberals are not friends of OPSEU; and

WHEREAS we know the NDP is the only party who will support progressive social policy, anti-scab legislation, health and safety rights and free collective bargaining ; and

WHEREAS we can help further shape the policies and the agenda of the party from inside rather than outside;

èTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT within six months, OPSEU join the New Democratic Party and take our place alongside other Labour Unions who have already done so; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT we encourage our members to become active within the New Democratic Party by joining their local riding associations and participating in the running of those associations.

Moved: E. Bagnall, L.362/Seconded: A. Shirk, L.362

Closure on Resolution F1 – CARRIED

Doors tiled – Standing Count

FOR: 336


Vote on Resolution F1 DEFEATED

Resolutions Committee

M1 – Membership Activities – Section G

Submitted by: Local 137 and The London and District Area Council
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation: AGAINST
Moved: K. Clark, Res. Ctte., L.212/Seconded: N. Aubin, Res Ctte., L.617

WHEREAS it has become evident that many political parties and politicians have been moving to the right; and

WHEREAS we know that the Conservatives and Liberals are not friends of OPSEU; and

WHEREAS we know the NDP is the only party who will support progressive social policy, anti-scab legislation, health and safety rights and free collective bargaining ; and

WHEREAS we can help further shape the policies and the agenda of the party from inside rather than outside;

èTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT within six months, OPSEU join the New Democratic Party and take our place alongside other Labour Unions who have already done so; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT we encourage our members to become active within the New Democratic Party by joining their local riding associations and participating in the running of those associations.

Moved: J. Arscott, L.532/Seconded: B. Agnew, L.560

Closure on Resolution M1 - CARRIED

Vote on Resolution M1 ______DEFEATED


L u n c h R e c e s s

Thursday, May 7, 2015 – Afternoon Session

President Thomas called the meeting to order at 1:47 p.m.

Credentials Committee Report

Moved: S. Abdey, Cred.Ctte., L.151/Seconded: C. Whipple, Cred. Ctte., L.614

èAdoption of Credentials Committee Report as of 10:02 a.m.

Delegates 941

Alternates 470

Observers 167

Retirees 7

EBMs 19

Committees 50

Solidarity Guests 10

Guests 14

Total 1,678

Vote on Adoption of Credentials Report CARRIED

Section D – Budget 2015

Eduardo Almeida, First Vice-President/Treasurer, presented the budget on behalf of the Executive Board.

Moved: E. Almeida, First Vice-President/Treasurer/Seconded: W. Thomas, President

è Adoption of the 2015 Budget as printed in Section D.

Moved: R.LePage, L.329/Seconded: A.Donaldson, L.329

Amendment to Budget

WHEREAS there has been a recognized dramatic increase in the number of workplace violence incidents in Active Care Hospitals, Mental Health Centre facilities and Community Care Agencies; and