Christina Tanner


Scripps Institute of Oceanography

Biological Oceanography graduate student, begin 9/2007.

UCSanta Barbara

B.S. March 2006, Honors, Distinction in Major - Aquatic Biology.


Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) Summer Intern, 2007 to present

•Collaborating with the Benthic Ecology and Biology Lab to study the effects of hypercapnia on the brachiopod Laqueus californianus and the effects of ocean acidification on the larval development of California grunion.

Kaplan, Pre-college SAT Teacher, 11/2006 to present

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) Summer Intern, 2006

•Discussed ongoing research with marine labs throughout central California and especially MontereyBay and utilized provided data to compile the State of the Central California Marine Ecosystem as part of MBARI’s summer internship program under the mentoring of Francisco Chavez. Click here for copy of report.

Gaines Lab, 07/2005 to 06/2006

•During the summer of 2005 traveled the coast of South Africa in part of an interhemispheric study of the major upwelling zones of the world. In conjunction with being a field/lab assistant I developed aSenior Honors Thesis.

Field and Lab Assistant

•Holbrook/Schmitt Lab,09/2004 to 06/2005 Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant and Research Diver for as part of an ongoing study of the temporal and spatial variations in the community structure of the subtidal zone along Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands. I partook in annual collections of data (SCUBA), sorting of samples, and upkeep of lab.

•Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans,08/2004 to 07/2005

Research Diver and Field/Lab Assistant for PISCO, a large-scale, multi-campus marine research program that focuses on links between nearshore oceanography and biology along the U.S. West Coast. I participated in sorting intertidal recruitment samples and assisted in collection of field data from intertidal and subtidal sites.


Certified Scuba DiverAAUS/Research Certified includes advanced, nitrox, and rescue diver certifications, as well as certified scientific diving with AAUS, and CPR certification.


MBARI Intern Symposium, 08/23/2007 oral presentation entitled,Effects of Hypercapnia on the Brachiopod, Laqueus californianus.

MBARI Intern Symposium, 08/17/2006 oral presentation entitled State of the Central California Marine Ecosystem based on my summer internship project at MBARI.

Undergraduate Research Colloquium, 05/18/2006 presented poster entitled, Spatial variationof benthic microalgae on rocky shores of South Africabased on independent research conducted with the Gaines Lab in South Africa.

West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Seminar, 4/22/2006oral presentation entitled, Causes of variation in rocky shore communities of South Africa.

Western Society of Naturalists, 11/19/2005 presented poster entitled, Linking rock type, microalgal abundance, and grazer population dynamics along the intertidal zone of South Africa

Education Volunteer, Fall 2003, Assistant Marine Biology Educator with Waves on Wheels at the Museum Of Natural History, Santa Barbara


Director’s Fellowship, SIO Fall 2007

Audrey Lynn Copeland Memorial Award 2006, given annually to an outstanding student in the biological sciences at UCSB.Informational Link

Nomination for the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research2006by the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology at UCSB.

National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship 2006, Honorable Mention

Worster Family Grant, $2500

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Award, $500

Funding awards received to conduct summer research in South Africa, 2005.

Dean’s Honors, Fall 2002/2004/2005, minimum GPA of 3.75 for the quarter.