Internal assessment resource reference number English/3/7B – version 4



Internal Assessment Resource

Subject Reference: English 3.7

Internal assessment resource reference number: English/3/7 – B version 42

“In Search Of”

Supports internal assessment for:

Achievement Standard: 90726 v2

Complete independent research on a language or literature topic and present conclusions in writing

Credits: 4

Date version published: January 2006

Ministry of Education

quality assurance status For use in internal assessment from 2006


© Crown 2006

Internal assessment resource reference number English/3/7B – version 4


Teacher Guidelines:

The following guidelines are supplied to enable teachers to carry out valid and consistent assessment using this internal assessment resource.


This investigation is integrated with themes that the class explores as part of the study of one or more texts. Students then complete their own independent research based on themes they select. They focus on formulating effective research questions, then select and read other relevant texts and present a written report. As well as examining the theme in each text they investigate connections between texts and develop judgements about those connections.


This activity requires a combination of class and homework time. Students can collect information and develop their reports in and out of class time. Teachers will need careful checkpoint procedures to ensure authenticity of student output.

Headings and examples have been suggested for aspects of the research process and reports. Students should follow these. Explanatory Note 6 requires that a written bibliography is provided.

Resource requirements:

Access to information sources to model the research process should be given during class time.

Possible Local Adaptation:

Where local adaptations are made, teachers and schools should ensure that they have:

·  checked that the adapted assessment validly assesses the achievement standard;

·  checked the copyright status of any material imported into the assessment resource;

·  complied with all internal and external quality assurance requirements.


©Crown 2006

Internal assessment resource reference number English/3/7B – version 4



Internal Assessment Resource

Subject Reference: English 3.7

Internal assessment resource reference number: English/3/7 – B version 4

“In Search Of”

Supports internal assessment for:

Achievement Standard: 90726 v2

Complete independent research on a language or literature topic and present conclusions in writing

Credits: 4

Student Instructions Sheet

Part of your English programme will focus on one or more texts featuring themes that are important to writers and directors. Using text(s) studied in class as a starting point, complete your own investigation into one of these themes based on several texts you have chosen. As suggested by the title of this activity, you will develop research questions that expand understandings of your topic. You will select relevant information from a range of referenced resources. The report on your judgements will make connections between the texts and develop judgements about the importance or significance of your chosen theme. In this way you will have gone ‘in search of’ how texts have explored your theme, then presented your judgements.

An essential step in the research process involves formulating effective research questions that are central to you expanding your understanding of your chosen theme and developing judgements. As you read texts as part of your research you will be encouraged to keep your research questions under review. You may decide to adapt your questions to make them more effective and relevant.

Your teacher will introduce you to the research process using a range of sample materials.

You will complete work in class and for homework. Your teacher will guide you on how much time you have to prepare the task. Your research will be presented in written form.

You will be assessed on how well you:

·  propose research questions which expand understandings of your topic

·  select relevant information from a range of referenced resources

·  presenting well supported conclusions that develop judgements in an appropriate written format.

Task 1: In search of … themes and texts

a)  As a class discuss significant themes in texts which are part of your English programme this year. A range of themes in New Zealand texts read in an English programme might include:

·  the development of a New Zealand identity

·  freedom versus conformity

·  race relations in New Zealand

·  New Zealanders’ relationship with the environment

·  spiritual and/or personal growth

Add other themes to this list. This activity uses texts drawn from a New Zealand setting. You can approach your selected theme using texts from other backgrounds.

b)  Write the themes linked to texts from your English programme on the board. With your teacher’s input list other texts linked to that theme. You could set your ideas out in this way for each theme:

c)  Having considered a range of possible themes and texts as a class, select one theme. You must gain teacher approval for your theme before beginning research. You can complete research on ‘relationships in NZ Literature’ (from tasks 1(a) and (b)), or other themes shown in the exemplars.

d)  Expand your initial list to include other possible texts that could be linked to your selected theme. You could include:

·  written texts, such as fiction, drama, biography / autobiography, short story collections, and poetry anthologies.

·  visual texts, such as film, television, and theatre.

·  oral texts, such as discussions, interviews, radio documentaries and readings.

You must gain teacher approval for the texts you intending using for your research. You should also examine any critical readings and commentaries available on these texts.

Task 2: In search of … research questions

a)  Your research questions must allow you to expand understandings of your theme. To gain achievement you must be able to present judgements (draw conclusions) about the information you have found. At excellence level those judgements will include perceptive judgements.

Consider these research questions developed to explore the ‘relationships in New Zealand literature’ theme. Effective questions can lead you to interpret and make judgements about your information.

b)  Read the research reports in Exemplars A and B focusing especially on how the research questions are addressed. Using the annotations on the right of each report as a guide, underline several sections where students make judgements. Note that these judgements are sustained across the report to gain excellence.

Read this extract from a research report on New Zealanders’ Relationship with their Environment.

Complete your analysis of the reports in Exemplars A and B in the same way:

What relationship do New Zealanders have with the environment?

In the poem, `The Mountains' the persona is terrified of the rugged landscape that surrounds his hometown. To him the mountains seem predatory and dangerous "like tigers". He gives the example that the shape and conditions of the landscape have more influence on where we build our cities and run our communities than anything else. He feels that nature has some sort of control over humans and it is this control that he fears. This power turns the environment into a spiritual presence. The persona senses freedom in nature but is too scared of its power to grasp this freedom. However, in the song `Nature' by Wayne Mason the persona craves this freedom. It seems that he is troubled by his life and so turns to nature for "some thoughts that are new", that is a new start. There is no fear apparent in this text though which suggests that it is up to the individual whether they are afraid of nature’s power or not. In some respects these two texts embody the ambivalent attitude New Zealanders have towards the environment: on the one hand fearful, on the other having a real desire to be immersed in it.

It is important that you keep your research report stage in mind as you select and record information from your texts. The information you assemble at this stage will be the basis of the judgements you will make in your report.

c)  Develop at least three research questions. It is essential that your research questions allow you to make judgements. You can use or adapt the questions shown in task 2 and in the exemplars for your own research, but you may not repeat any information, judgements or judgements.

As you find new texts, keep your research questions under review as you may decide to adapt the questions to make them more effective and relevant.

Task 3: In search of … relevant information

a)  You need to select information from a range of referenced sources. As you consider each text you need to scan it to determine its usefulness and relevance. When you have determined if a source is potentially useful, skim read it keeping your research questions in mind.

b)  Look over this sample log entry based on a text studied in class:

Title Wife to Husband
Director/ Author Fleur Adcock
Date of entry 9/5/2003
1. Through whose eyes do we witness the relationship presented in each text?
The narrator is a married woman. She is still awake after an argument with her husband – he seems less concerned: “into the pit of sleep/ You go with a sudden skid.” She is more troubled: “On me/ Stillness falls gradually . . . twitching nerves”. We see the gulf between the characters through the woman’s eyes and because of this we sympathise with her.
2.How does the context (time, place, social conditions, other people) influence the relationship?
After the argument, the husband’s head is turned away but her face is “hidden.” This might suggest that she hides (or has to hide) her true feelings but he doesn’t feel the need to mask his views. The husband seems to be the dominant character.
3. Connections with other texts?
Some connections between narrator and Beth in Once Were Warriors. Marriage sustained on a physical level but lovemaking appears to only paper over deeper cracks in marriage. Some connections on same idea to The Piano. Interesting that the portrayal of male insensitivity is consistent over these three texts despite time difference and setting and both male and female authors. (N.B. Must check Baxter out for counter to this.) Perhaps, here both characters share some of the blame: “Do we dare, now, to open our eyes?”

b)  Use your research questions as headings as you record information.

c)  You may include texts studied in class as part of the introductory stages to the research process, but the emphasis of your research will be on texts you have selected.

Task 4: Completing your research report

a)  Before you begin your research, read the research reports in the exemplars and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.

b)  Follow the format of exemplars A to F (Excellence to Achievement). To meet the criteria for this achievement standard, you must:

·  include your research questions which expand understandings of your topic. You may use or adapt research questions from this activity or the exemplars.

·  select relevant information from a range of referenced resources. must show that you have selected information, not simply copied information with no attempt at selection. You could choose several ways to demonstrate this, including using data charts, written notes, or highlighted sections of printed materials. Regardless of how this information is presented, you must clearly acknowledge your sources.

·  present well supported conclusions that develop judgements in a written report. Your report will be approximately 700 words long, and include a bibliography.

·  You may not repeat any judgements or judgements from the exemplars used in this activity.

c)  You are now ready to present your conclusions in an appropriate written format. Structure and organise your information and ideas in your report to include:

·  an introduction outlining the focus of your research

·  a number of sections integrating conclusions and judgements linked to your key questions

·  a conclusion

·  a bibliography

Your report should show the accurate use and control of writing conventions.

Exemplar A: Excellence

In search of: ‘Representations of Masculinity’ -

as explored in Foreskin’s Lament, Man Alone, What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?, Once Were Warriors, ‘The Farmhand’.

Research Questions:

1.  How significant is the central character’s masculinity and how does it help shape his role in each text?

2.  How important is masculinity to the society portrayed in each text?

3.  What similarities are there between the texts in how masculinity is portrayed?


Title: Foreskin's Lament

Author: Greg McGee

Date: 7/4/2003

QU 1:

The central figure in the text is Seymour known to his friends as "Foreskin." The university educated man is unlike his rugby teammates who are rural Kiwi `hard' men . Masculinity puts more important things, like life, into perspective for him as it is shown when one of the men tries to play through the pain barrier (an attempt to appear strong and manly) but suffers further injuries, which prove to be fatal.

QU 2:

The rural, rugby orientated society is seemingly the epitome of masculinity. The society has little tolerance or respect for gays (poofs) or women (fluff). Rugby is seen to be the epitome of masculinity; a hard, no nonsense man's game that ultimately separates the men from the boys.

QU 3:

There is a definite attitude towards physical weakness and lack of power which is seen as unmanly. This is also the case with homosexuality which can also be observed in Once Were Warriors when Jake’s son is labelled a ‘poof’ for not displaying `masculine' behaviour.

Title: Once Were Warriors

Director: Lee Tamahori