
Version 9/19/2017


First 5 LA (F5LA) supports the efforts of Best Start Community Partnerships with resources that communities can use to enhance and strengthen the work of the Community Partnership, its members, and the community. These resources consist of two pools of funds: 1)Training and Technical Assistance, and 2) Communications and Outreach.

The Training and Technical Assistance Pool can be used for training, workshops, and conferences that build community capacity. In FY2017-18, each Best Start community has $50,000 available for training and technical assistance activities, events, and opportunities. Included in this handbook are the guidelines and applications for 1) Training and Technical Assistance, and 2) Conferences.

The Communications and Outreach Poolcan be used for community sponsorships, events, collateral and premium items, and media opportunities that promote the Best Start community effort. In FY2017-18, each Best Start community has $60,000 available for communications and outreach activities, events, and opportunities. Included in this handbook are the guidelines and applications for 1) Community Sponsorships, and 2) Collateral and Premium Items


To access these resources, requests must be sent to the assigned Program Officer for each Best Start community to determine initial eligibility under First 5 LA’s requirements. Eligibility requirements are outlined in the guidelines.

If deemed eligible, all requests must then be approved by the members of the Best Start Community Partnership through the decision making and approval process set forth in the bylaws unless the Community Partnership has voted to give a particular committee or workgroup the authority to make the final approval. Approved use of funds will be tracked and reported to Community Partnerships by First 5 LA on a monthly basis to support ongoing decision making.


Included in this Community Resources handbook are the guidelines and application form for:

  1. Training and Technical Assistance
  2. Guidelines……………………………………………………………………..4
  3. Application…………………………………………………………………….9
  4. Conferences
  5. Guidelines……………………………………………………………………..10
  6. Application…………………………………………………………………….16
  7. Community Sponsorships
  8. Guidelines……………………………………………………………………..18
  9. Application…………………………………………………………………….23
  10. Collateral and Premium Items
  11. Guidelines……………………………………………………………………..26
  12. Application……………………………………………………………………. 29

Community Resources Request Process

Communications & Marketing / Training & Technical Assistance
$60,000 / $50,000
Sponsorships / Training & Technical Assistance
Collateral & Premium Items / Conferences

Approval Process



First 5 LA supports the capacity building of the Best Start Community Partnerships by strengthening the knowledge, skills, and abilities of parents, residents, organizations and institutions in the community. The Training and Technical Assistance Fund is available to Community Partnerships for the purpose of providing training and workshops that facilitate its members’ development in this area. In fiscal year 2017-18, each Best Start community has $50,000 available in the Training and Technical Assistance Fund that can be used towards these trainings and workshops.

Training and technical assistance is the process by which members of Community Partnerships obtain the necessary knowledge, tools, and other resources to develop, implement, and assess improvements in their work. The process is often supported by a consultant who serves as a facilitator and trainer. Training and technical assistance activity will often be content-specific and time-limited.

Please note that First 5 LA is developing a more streamlined process for Training and Technical Assistance requests. In the interim, these will be the guidelines that Best Start communities should follow.

Eligibility Requirements

For a training and technical assistance request to be eligible, the request must meet the following criteria:

  • Be related to the Best Start Community Partnership’s goals and priorities.
  • Be related to First 5 LA’s vision to ensure that every child enters kindergarten ready to succeed in school and life.
  • Be aligned with the Community Partnership’s capacity building plan developed with the Capacity Builder.
  • Be located within the boundaries of a Best Start community, or serve members within the Best Start community. To learn more about the Best Start community boundaries, visit:

Activities that are not eligible for funding include:

  • An applicant that is already receiving funding from First 5 LA for the same activity.
  • An applicant that has received the maximum fiscal year funding amount from First 5 LA under its fiscal policies.
  • Activities where the primary focus is religious or political.
  • Activities that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, citizenship, familial status, or disability.

Funding Amounts

Funding for each training and technical assistance request will be subject to a procurementprocess, depending on the expected cost of providing the training. For activities under $5,000, a contractor will be selected by the Program Officer.The Community Partnership can recommendpreferredtraining and TA providers by identifying them on the request form in the “Training/TA Provider” section, and the Program Officer will then select a TA provider based on First 5 LA policies and community input. Payment to contractors for activities under $5,000 will be made by First 5 LA after training occurs. Activities from $5,000 - $24,999 will require an informal bidding process led by the Program Officer to select contractors.

Application Process

In order for a training and technical assistance activity to be considered for funding, the Community Partnership will designate a member to proceed with the following steps:

Step One – Submission and Eligibility Review:

The applicant for Training and Technical Assistance funds must be a member of the Best Start Community Partnership and may be a parent, resident, staff of a community organization, or Capacity Builder acting on the Partnership’s behalf with member approval.

A complete Training and Technical Assistance request form must be first submitted via email to the Best Start community’s assigned First 5 LA Program Officer so that eligibility for funding can be determined. Once received, a Program Officer will respond to the applicant in 48 business hours.

First 5 LA will determine if the request meets the eligibility requirementsdescribed above. If the application does not meet these requirements, the Program Officerwill return the application with an explanation as to why the application will not be considered. If the application meets the requirements, the Program Officer will send the request to the Best Start Community’s Capacity Builder for consideration in Step Two.

Note: The application must be received a minimum of sixty (60) business days prior to the activity. Because First 5 LA may be required to go through an procurement process, timelines and planning are critically important. Please contact the Program Officer or the Capacity Builder for meeting dates. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Step Two – Community Partnership Vote:

If deemed eligible for funding by First 5 LA, the request will go through the Best Start Community Partnership’s approvals process, based on the voting criteria set forth by the Partnership’s bylaws, to approve or deny the request. If approved, the application will proceed to Step Three. If denied, the Capacity Builder will update the assigned Program Officer within 3 business days. The Program Officer will then formally notify the applicant of the Partnership’s decision.

If the request has been previously approved through the Community Partnership’s approval process at an earlier stage, the Capacity Builder will notify the Program Officer so that the request can continue to the contractor selection process.

Step Three – Contractor Selection by First 5 LA:

The approved application request will be submitted by the Capacity Builder to First 5 LA, and the Program Officer will contact the potential TA provider to obtain all required documentation for final funding consideration. If there are any further questions or needs during this time, First 5 LA will contact the applicant.

Step Four – Notification of Contractor Selection:

The Program Officer will notify the Capacity Builder about which contractor has been selected. The contractor will be announced to the Community Partnership members at the next possible meeting.

Other Considerations

Final Funding Authority

First 5 LA has final funding authority regarding Training and Technical Assistance requests. All approved requests submitted by Best Start Community Partnerships and subgroups regarding training and technical assistance are considered funding recommendations to First 5 LA.

Conflicts of Interest

If the applicant or a representative from the applying organization is also a member of the voting body (Communications Workgroup/Leadership Group/Partnership), that person must recuse themselves during deliberation and voting on the application. It is suggested that the member not be physically present during these activities. Please see Appendix A.


Please contact the assigned Program Officer for your Best Start Community.

Appendix A


What is Conflict of Interest?

An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when a Community Partnership member is in a position to influence a decision that may result in a personal gain for that person or for a relative as a result of business dealings with First 5 LA. First 5 LA defines a relative as any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the decision-maker/influencer is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage.

Best Start Community Partnership members are prohibited from using their influence in a First 5 LA funding decision when he/she knows or has some reason to know he/she has a financial interest. This includes exerting influence over others who are voting on a funding decision.

It is imperative that persons with any influence on transactions involving grant awards, sponsorships, purchases or contracts disclose an actual and perceived conflict of interest to the designated First 5 LA staff member (i.e., Program Officer, Contracts Officer, etc.), as soon as possible. By alerting First 5 LA to the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest, safeguards can establish to protect all parties.

The potential for personal gain includes, but is not limited to, situations where a person or relative has a significant ownership with a grantee, contractor or partner with which First 5 LA does business. Personal gains can also result from situations where a person or relative receives a kickback, bribe, gift, or special consideration as a result of a transaction or business dealings involving First 5 LA.

It should be noted that Best Start Community Partnership members may be asked to sign an acknowledgement of our conflict of interest policy as a condition of participating in a First 5 LA decision-making process that involves awarding grants, contracts or sponsorships.


Program Officer: / Date:
Applicant Name and Contact Information:
Training or TA Need:
What community or organizational need would this TTA address?
Expected Outcome(s) / Objective(s):
How will this TTA address the need stated above?
Target Audience: /  Leadership Group or Task Force Community Partnership
 Best Start Community Members Other:
Anticipated Number of Attendees:
Length of Training:
Logistical Needs: /  Audio-Visual Catering Child Care
 Facility / Venue  Interpretation / Translation  Transportation
Estimated Costs:
Training / TA Provider(s):
List any consultants that may be able to provide this TTA.
Other Information or Comments (optional):
For First 5 LA Use:
Approved by:
 Community Partnership
Recommending Committee (if applicable)  Program Officer



First 5 LA is a leading early childhood advocate working collaboratively across Los Angeles County to ensure that every child enters kindergarten ready to succeed in school and life. One of ways in which we work to meet this vision is Best Start, which focuses on building supportive communities where children and families can thrive.

Conferences offer community members opportunity to develop new skills, learn about new tools, meet experts and influencers face to face that help strengthen community leadership and capacity to implement new ideas and approaches to support the work happening through Community Partnerships. Please note that First 5 LA is developing a more streamlined process for conference travel. In the interim, these will be the guidelines that Best Start communities should follow.

Eligibility Requirements

For conference attendance to be approved, the request must meet the following criteria:

  • Be related to First 5 LA’s vision to ensure that every child enters kindergarten ready to succeed in school and life.
  • Be aligned with the Community Partnership’s capacity building plan developed with the Capacity Builder.
  • Help Best Start Communities learn more about policyand/or resources environments affecting LA County children ages prenatal to 5 and their families.
  • Supports leadership development and learning of community members to advance their work in the community
  • Travel complies with risk and liability requirements established by First 5 LA

Conferences and events that are not eligible for funding include:

  • Activities that have a religious or political focus.
  • Events that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, citizenship, or disability.
  • Conferences that do not support First 5 LA’s mission and/or Best Start Partnerships goals.

Who is Eligibleto Attend

  • Parents
  • Residents
  • Leadership Board Members
  • Other community members/representatives approved by the Partnership

Travel Policy

Travel Authorization and Approval

When a Best Start community member is interested in attending a conference, workshop, meeting, or another business-related event that is 100 miles or more outside of Los Angeles County and is requesting reimbursement beyond mileage, it must complete a Travel Authorization Form (TAF) and adhere to the TravelGuidelines set forth by LA County Children Proposition 10 Commission for Travel and Reimbursement

Travel arrangements should not be made until the appropriate First 5 LA executives approve the TAF and First 5 LA confirms travel logistics.

All non-First 5 LA employees who are requested by First 5 LA to travel for First 5 LA business-related purposes are subject to the same travel policies and procedures as First 5 LA employees. Travel Authorization Forms for non-First 5 LA employees should be completed by initiating Department and must be approved by the Executive Director or the Executive Vice President. All non-First 5 LA employees must sign a release of liability.

Application Process

For a Best Start community partnership member to be considered for funding for conference travel, the following steps must be taken:

Step One: Submit Pre-Conference Application Proposal

  • Applicant must submit via email a pre-conference application proposal to their Program Officer (PO) outlining the estimated cost, number of attendees from the community, and reasons for attending the conference. The pre-application proposal must be received a minimum of ninety (90) business daysbefore the event. Because the application must go through an internal review process, timelines and planning are critically important for applicants. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Step Two: Program Officer Eligibility Review and Approval by First 5 LA Executives

  • The Program Officer will determine if the application meets the eligibility requirementsdescribed above. PO will develop an internal memo that will be shared with the Senior PO, Department Director, and Executive Vice President. If the application does not meet the requirements, the POwill return the application with an explanation as to why the application will not be considered. If the application meets the requirements, the Program Officer will work with the Best Start Capacity Builder to move request forward.
  • If conference proposals are reviewed and approved by First 5 LA, Program Officers will instruct applicants to obtain approval from the Best Start Partnership or Leadership Group, according to established bylaws. If Partnership approval has already been obtained, the applicant can begin step five. Otherwise, completion of steps three and four is required for the request to move forward. It is highly recommended that the applicant work with the Capacity Builder to be present at the meeting where the application will be reviewed to answer questions and provide community members with more information.

Step Three – Leadership Group Review:

  • ThePartnership’s Leadership Group (a.k.a Guidance Body, Advisory Committee, Healthy Lifestyles Group, depending on the community) will review the conference proposal. In some Best Start communities, the application review by community starts here. The Leadership Group votes, based on the voting criteria set forth by the Partnership’s bylaws, to approve or deny the application.
  • If approved, the application will go to a final vote by the Best StartCommunity’s full Partnership. If denied, the applicant will be notified by the Program Officer.

Step Four – Community Partnership Vote:

  • The Best StartCommunity’s full Partnership will vote, based on the voting criteria set forth by the Partnership’s bylaws, to approve or deny the request. If approved, the application will proceed to Step Five. If denied, the applicant will be notified.

Step Five – Funding Consideration by First 5 LA:

  • The approved application request will be submitted by the Capacity Builder
  • First 5 LA staff will then contact the applicant to obtain all required documentation including

First 5 LA release (release of liability)

Umbrella Travel Authorization Form with anticipated cost, prepopulated by PO using the information from the pre-conference proposal