Observed haplotype / MHT / SWGDAM / Yfiler / Yfiler Plus
one time / 101 / 110 / 144 / 150
2 times / 12 / 26 / 3
3 times / 2
4 times / 1 / 1
5 times / 2
6 times / 1
7 times
8 times
9 times / 1
HD / 0.995099715 / 0.9977856 / 0.999868493 / 1.000±0.0008
HMP / 0.013333333 / 0.010133333 / 0.006933333 / 0.006666667
DC / 0.787 / 0.840 / 0.980 / 1
HD = Haplotype diversity; HMP = Haplotype Match Probability; DC = Discrimination capacity.
Table 2. Pairwise genetic distances between populations (Φst-values, under the diagonal) and their significance (p-values, above the diagonal).
Population / Belvedere Italy / Brescia Italy / LaSpezia Italy / Lombardy Italy / Marche Italy / Puglia Italy / Ravenna Italy / Sicily Italy / Tuscany Italy / Verona Italy / Bergamo ItalyBelvedere / - / 0.0000 / 0.0305 / 0.0769 / 0.0237 / 0.5006 / 0.0004 / 0.2037 / 0.0009 / 0.0063 / 0.0013
Brescia / 0.1162 / - / 0.1292 / 0.0003 / 0.0000 / 0.0008 / 0.0311 / 0.0000 / 0.1868 / 0.0002 / 0.0819
La Spezia / 0.0370 / 0.0085 / - / 0.7169 / 0.5321 / 0.4356 / 0.7627 / 0.0928 / 0.3447 / 0.8484 / 0.5327
Lombardy / 0.0196 / 0.0405 / -0.0072 / - / 0.2214 / 0.6777 / 0.0411 / 0.1324 / 0.0889 / 0.4416 / 0.0514
Marche / 0.0363 / 0.0403 / -0.0037 / 0.0036 / - / 0.2864 / 0.0024 / 0.0683 / 0.0283 / 0.0055 / 0.0047
Puglia / -0.0029 / 0.0592 / -0.0017 / -0.0058 / 0.0030 / - / 0.0146 / 0.3894 / 0.0176 / 0.0986 / 0.0178
Ravenna / 0.0712 / 0.0054 / -0.0057 / 0.0119 / 0.0232 / 0.0274 / - / 0.0002 / 0.3397 / 0.0734 / 0.8840
Sicily / 0.0074 / 0.0688 / 0.0124 / 0.0072 / 0.0094 / 0.0002 / 0.0390 / - / 0.0002 / 0.0004 / 0.0000
Tuscany / 0.0902 / 0.0043 / 0.0009 / 0.0133 / 0.0238 / 0.0353 / 0.0005 / 0.0448 / - / 0.0854 / 0.3566
Verona / 0.0426 / 0.0204 / -0.0067 / -0.0007 / 0.0178 / 0.0100 / 0.0029 / 0.0272 / 0.0086 / - / 0.1868
Bergamo / 0.0725 / 0.0050 / -0.0028 / 0.0122 / 0.0272 / 0.0281 / -0.0027 / 0.0395 / 0.0002 / 0.0018 / -