8:00 P.M. June 7, 2016

The first meeting of the month was held in the Town Hall meeting room with John Kline, Nancy Vines, Frank Ruehr, Jr., and Fiscal Officer Jill Corbett present. Chairperson, John Kline called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag led by Nancy Vines.

Others present – Jim Corbett , John Benjamin, Charles Casalicchio, Ronald Kotkowski, Jo Gobble, Rich Rumplik, Rachel Murphy, Alan Bruggman, Robert Golubski, Todd Brugmann, Karen Schulz, Peg Nagle, and Andrew Youngblood.

Copies of the minutes from the May 17th, 2016 Regular Meeting were made available for those present.

Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the May 17th . 2016 Regular Meeting, and to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion carried.

John Kline started off the meeting by reading the following letter left by Jason Garey the Shalersville Township Zoning Inspector. The letter written on the back of Jason’s bi-monthly Zoning Report read as follows:

“This job is very stressful. You will never know how many hours I put in trying to help people. Few were thankful. This Brugmann thing is just another example of that. They make the rules and when they apply to them they get angry. When I no longer have the backing and confidence of the board of trustee’s it’s time to say goodbye. I found John’s call to be outrageous. How you can treat a dedicated 18 year employee like this I will never know. All the files are up to date as well as the USB Stick. Everything owned by Shalersville is in the office across the street.”

John Kline had called Jason Garey on Monday and when he didn’t get an answer he simply left a voicemail to inform him that at Tuesday’s Regular Meeting they will want to discuss his position and performance as the Zoning Inspector. John said “I didn’t want him to be blindsided, so this was a courtesy call.” John stated that the Board has had complaints about Jason. John didn’t want to judge, and wanted to hear from Jason in person.

Jason obviously decided to resign by leaving the above letter, and not to attend tonight’s meeting.

Nancy Vines mentioned that Ronald Kotkowski will be the interim Zoning Inspector until one will be hired.

Frank Ruehr, Jr. would like to hire, if possible someone that lives in Shalersville Township. The board didn’t know if this possible, so our legal counsel will have to be called.

Nancy will contact Christopher Meduri our legal counsel to see what we will need to do to have this position filled.

Fiscal Officer, Jill Corbett will change the greeting on the office phone and the Shalersville Township webpage.

Keith Brugmann inquired on the salary and hours needed with this position. The trustees discussed that this is a part-time position and the salary will have to be discussed.

The board asks the citizens if they have any comment concerning this matter.

Andrew Youngblood commented that he felt this was a cheap shot that Jason called out Brugmann’s in his letter. As far as Brugmann’s employee Danielle whom has been trying to work with Jason over the last few months, has proven to be very difficult.

Nancy asked Todd Brugmann to please pass onto Danielle the Board of Trustees sincere apologies for what she has had to deal with

Ronald Kotkowski spoke on the issue about the carports in the township and the zoning requirements. This is an area that the Board of Zoning will be looking at to work toward allowing as reasonable accommodations as possible. Todd Peats will work on coming up with a description or definition as to what exactly defines a carport and not just an accessory building.


8:00 P.M. June 7, 16

Rich Rumplik came to the meeting to discuss the issue he has with the prior Zoning Inspector, Jason Garey on his carport. He has a carport on his property that has been up for over a year. Jason had come onto his property, and left his calling card in his door after trying to peer into his home through the side windows. Rich had called Jason and Jason was not pleasant, very short and rude. Rich did not receive any letter that he was in violation with the carport. Rich has been jumping through hoops to get the correct permits. His reason for coming to the meeting was to find out where he stands with his permit and to express his displeasure with how the Zoning Inspector has handled the issue with his carport. The trustees assured him to not worry about it now.

Peg Nagle came to drop off flags for the Township. Each military is represented.

Jo Gobble asks if there is any new news on Aurora East water problems. Nancy Vines reported that Ryan Shakelford did not get the grant monies he had applied for from the FEMA grants that were available. Ryan will try again next year.

Chuck Casalicchio wanted to state how nice the program was for the Shalersville Memorial Day Parade Service. The Board thanked Chuck as well for his microphone equipment and his time.

Karen Shultz gave an update on ADA compliance with the Shalersville School. She has sent the interested architects copies of the blueprints. The time frame for response from the architects is Friday, June 17th. This is for a survey of what needs to be done to bring the school into compliance. Charles Cochran from the Portage County Building Department has been very helpful in guidance with this process.

Karen also asked if she should request an extension on completing the walking trail for the Shalersville Park. As it stands now, this project was to be completed by the end of June. She will ask for another 30 days. The road crew is close to completing. They still have to finish about a quarter of the trail, and install the exercise equipment and signs.

Robert Goluaski asked if there is anything the township can do about the braking noise from the trucks on St. Rt. 44. He and his neighbors would like to petition the State to put up “No Engine Brake” signs. Robert had contacted Frank Ruehr, Jr. prior to the meeting. Frank contacted Joe Deferrer from ODOT. The plan is to pass a resolution, get the signs, and let ODOT where they are to be installed. At the time the signs are posted, they become the responsibility of ODOT to maintain.

Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to have Resolution 2016-06 for signage No Brake Engines. The signs are to be placed approximately ½ mile from the corners of the intersection of St. Rt. 44 and St. Rt. 303. The motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Jim Corbett, Road Supervisor informed the board that St. Rt. 303 will be closed from Coit Rd. to Red Fox from June 13-15 to replace two culvert pipes.

Jim needed to replace the brakes on #102 truck. He spent $495.00 for the brakes. Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to spend $500.00 to cover the cost. The motion was seconded by John Kline. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Jim also asked if there are any maps on where to place the equipment for the walking trail. Karen has this, and they may also be something in with the equipment themselves.

Keith Brugmann formally announced that he would be interested in applying for the Zoning Inspector position. He also wanted to let the Board know as far as the elevator for the school he would offer our township what he offered Mantua Center for their elevator, and that was to donate all the digging and his services for this project.

Correspondence was read as follows:

The Fiscal Officer reported Legislative Activities Alerts were emailed from Heidi Fought for the Ohio Township Association noting weekly activities. Copies of other materials received by email, fax or mail were provided to the Trustees for review in case action needs to be taken.

Jill Corbett spoke on the life insurance for the road crew. They are currently covered under Dearborn National for $15,000 Life & ADD, and $300 STD.



8:00 P.M. June 7, 16

They were also recently added to Morgan White for $10,000 because Jill didn’t know about the policy with Dearborn. The board decided to keep Jim and John coverage with Dearborn. Jill will see about adding the trustees and herself (fiscal officer) to this policy so they will cover under the same company instead of having two different ones.

Jill received an email from Frank Harmon with Ohio Insurance Services speaking to the issues with OPEC and reassuring the members that OPEC is in good standing.

The property tax for the property next to the Shalersville Town Hall needed to be paid for 2015. They have been paid now and from here on the Township will be tax exempt for this property.

Jill received the letter from the Ohio Department of Public Safety that the resolution for the $5 license tax has been received and will go into effect January 2017.

Jill received a confirmation from ODOT for the winter salt contract.

CompManagement sent a letter of confirmation for the 2017 BWC Group. They also extended our 2017 rate of $120.00 to 2018 as an appreciation for our business.

OPERS sent out 2017 rates, 10% for employees and 14% for employers.

Portage County Health and Kent Health Departments are teaming up to inform and to provide services for their citizens on mosquitos.

The Maplewood Church on St. Rt. 88 and Peck Rd. called and requested permission to post a sign a sign on the corner of St. Rt. 44 and St. Rt. 303 advertising for their VBS. The board approved this and the sign is to be placed in the Shalersville Township School property.

Jill again let those in attendance that the Board of Election is seeking volunteers for the upcoming fall elections.

Nancy Vines turned into Jill monies from the rental of the Shalersville Park Pavilion. She also turned in copies of the property Insurance for the Shalersville Historical Society.

Nancy had a request from Brian Hirsch to put up an Ox Roast sign to be placed in the Shalersville Township School property.

Nancy made a suggestion that since the Northgate Church/Overtaken at the Shalersville School is cleaning the school, wouldn’t it be in the best interest of the board to just have them clean instead of also paying Brian Hirsh. For their services we just wouldn’t charge them the cost of ½ the paper towels and toilet paper, ½ the monthly rate for the garbage disposal and ½ the monthly rate of the internet service, approximately $100.00 a month. Nancy made the motion that we will terminate Brian Hirsh as custodian for the Shalersville School and that the church will continue to clean as they have been. The motion was seconded by John Kline. Two were in favor and one abstained, the motion was carried.

Chamber of Commerce next meeting will be June 15th. Nancy asked if the tables and chairs could be set up by Tuesday evening the 14th.

Nancy asked if Micki DeVos our Shalersville Town Hall Custodian could receive a raised. Her six months is up at the end of June. She is doing a great job and rentals are up. The board decided that they will hold off with a raised at this time. Jill will let the board know at the next meeting what the past custodian made.

Nancy discussed putting up planters on the sides of the school signs. Since there are trees there it was decided to pass on this.

Nancy bought bug spray and delivered to the Portage County Jail for the road crews to police our ditches and roadsides.

Frank Ruehr, Jr. wanted to know where we were on the Shalersville Park walkway. Jim said a few more loads of grindings by the end of the week. He will have Frank Sr. wait to mow the park until next week. Jim will get a posthole digger when he finds out where the equipment will be going. They plan on start mowing the roadsides next week as well.


8:00 P.M. June 7, 16

The board discussed the verbiage needed to advertise in the paper for a new Zoning Inspector.

John Kline discussed the web page particular the zoning page. There are blank pages throughout the posted zoning book. Article Four is also missing. This will be looked into.

Mary Helen Smith from the Portage County Health Department has requested time at our next month’s first meeting to give a presentation on what the department can offer to the communities and to take questions.

Jill Corbett, Fiscal Officer asked the trustees for signatures on the following items;

Withholding vouchers for OPERS and Ohio Treasurers.

The balanced Bank Reconciliation for the month of May.

A Blanket Certificate was needed for the porta johns for the park to finish out the summer season for $500.00 Monies were reallocated from the General Fund Contingencies 1000-930-930-0000 to the Operating Supplies 1000-610-420-0000.

A Regular Purchase Order for Eleanor Resh for her deposit on the rental of the town hall that was made in 2015.

A Then & Now Purchase Order to Republic Services for the spring clean-up.

A Regular Purchase Order for the Crestwood High School Band for the donation for their participation in the Memorial Day parade.

Checks were written as follows;

60-2016 / Ohio Treasurer of State / $ 302.13
60-2016 / Public Employees Retirement Systems / $ 4,982.76
21160 / Portage County Treasurer / $ 1,345.13
21161 / John R. Benjamin / $ 1,436.96
21162 / Clyde J. Corbett / $ 1,615.16
21163 / Jill R. Corbett / $ 1,139.08
21164 / Gregory DeVos / $ 230.47
21165 / Michelle DeVos / $ 563.91
21166 / Jason Garey / $ 673.44
21167 / Brian W. Hirsch / $ 378.30
21168 / John R. Kline / $ 790.61
21169 / Frank R. Ruehr Jr / $ 685.49
21170 / Lawrence L. Ruggles / $ 433.04
21171 / Nancy Vines / $ 739.82
21172 / AT&T / $ 278.07
21173 / Ohio Edison / $ 697.53
21174 / Dominion East Ohio / $ 446.31
21175 / Republic Services #870 / $ 10,458.10
21176 / Vision Service Plan / $ 45.67
21177 / Ohio Public Entity Consortium / $ 21.00
21178 / Waste Management of Ohio, Inc. / $ 541.53
21179 / The Garden Spot / $ 304.31
21180 / Auditor of State / $ 762.00
21181 / 1st. Forms & Systems / $ 73.03
21189 / Jason Garey / $ 4.00
21190 / Portage Portable Toilets, Inc. / $ 300.00
21191 / Portage County Water Resources / $ 96.91
21192 / Ballentine Sand & Gravel / $ 21.01
21193 / Western Reserve Farm Co-Op / $ 157.99
21194 / Mantua Hardware Lawn and Garden / $ 380.26
21195 / Mantua Auto Parts / $ 16.24
21196 / Greg DeVos / $ 67.75
21197 / Becky Kuchenbecker / $ 100.00
21198 / Amber King / $ 100.00
21199 / Eleanor Resh / $ 100.00
Total Amount Paid / $ 30,288.01

There being no further business Chairperson, John Kline directed the meeting to adjourn at 10:00 p.m.