Well, What Will We Drink?

Developed by

Diana Larrabee

Thomas J. Corcoran High SchoolSchool Name

SyracuseTown,New York

For the

My Environment, My Health, My Choices project

University of Rochester

Rochester, NY


This environmental health learning experience encourages students to investigate the publicly available information on drinking water sources. Using a directed case study, students research information on private well water and a public water supply. Providing public water supplier quality reportsfrom the local area increases student interest. The students prepare a presentation advising the Alvarez family on whether they should continue to use their well or if they should connect to a proposed extension of their local public water supply. A laboratory activity using serial dilution of food coloring illustrates several ways of expressing solution concentrations.

Table of Contents

Pre/Post Test / 3-4
Pre/Post Test Answer Key / 5-6
Learning Context and Teacher Information / 7-8
Instructions for Implementing the Activity / 8-10
Resources / 10-11
New York State Learning Standards / 12
Possible Extensions / 13
Student Handouts for Day 1 / 14-16
Student Handouts for Day 2 / 17-21
Student Handouts for Day 3 / 22-23
Teacher - Sample Student Answers / 24-29

Teachers, we would appreciate your feedback. Please complete our brief, online Environmental Health Science Activity Evaluation Survey after you implement these lessons in your classroom.

The survey is available online at:

Well, What Will We Drink?

(Student Pre/Post Test)

Name ______

  1. Pure water at 25°C has a pH of





  1. When a mixture of water, sand and salt is filtered, what passes through the filter paper?

(1)water only

(2)water and salt, only

(3)water and sand, only

(4)water, sand and salt

  1. A homeowner has a problem with excessive corrosion of his copper water supply pipes. Which is the most likely pH of his water?





4. Which salt solution is the most concentrated?

(1)4mg salt in 1000mL of solution

(2)4g salt in 1000mL of solution

(3)4mg salt in 100mL of solution

(4)4g salt in 100mL

5. A 200. .gram sample of a salt solution contains 0.050 grams of NaCl. What is the concentration of the solution parts per million (ppm)?

(1)2.5 X 10-4ppm

(2)50. ppm

(3)250 ppm

(4)5.0 X 104ppm

6. Which type of water is classified as a substance?

(1)salt water

(2)tap water

(3)pure water

(4)mineral water

7. A sample of drinking water is tested and found to have a fluoride concentration of1mg per liter of water. This is the same concentration as

(1)1 ppm

(2)10 ppm

(3)100 ppm

(4)1000 ppm

8. Rust is a mixture of chemical compounds, including Fe2O3. Rust stains on bathtubs and toilets indicates that the water contains a high concentration of





9. Which of the following solutions of sodium chloride dissolved in water is the leastconcentrated?

(1)5 % by mass

(2)0.5 % by mass

(3)5 parts per million

(4)50 parts per million

10. A recent measurement of Skaneateles Lake showed dissolved oxygen levels in thelake to be at least 10 mg/kg at all depths. What is the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the lake in parts per million (ppm)?

(1)32 ppm

(2)10 ppm

(3)320 ppm

(4)1 ppm

Teacher Pre-test and Post-test Answer Key

  1. Pure water at 25°C has a pH of





  1. When a mixture of water, sand and salt is filtered, what passes through the filter paper?

(1)water only

(2)water and salt, only

(3)water and sand, only

(4)water, sand and salt

  1. A homeowner has a problem with excessive corrosion of his copper water supply pipes. Which is the most likely pH of his water?





4. Which salt solution is the most concentrated?

(1)4mg salt in 1000mL of solution

(2)4g salt in 1000mL of solution

(3)4mg salt in 100mL of solution

(4)4g salt in 100mL

5. A 200. .gram sample of a salt solution contains 0.050 grams of NaCl. What is the concentration of the solution parts per million (ppm)?

(1)2.5 X 10-4ppm

(2)50. ppm

(3)250 ppm

(4)5.0 X 104ppm

6. Which type of water is classified as a substance?

(1)salt water

(2)tap water

(3)pure water

(4)mineral water

7. A sample of drinking water is tested and found to have a fluoride concentration of1mg per liter of water. This is the same concentration as

(1)1 ppm

(2)10 ppm

(3)100 ppm

(4)1000 ppm

8. Rust is a mixture of chemical compounds, including Fe2O3. Rust stains on bathtubs and toilets indicates that the water contains a high concentration of





9. Which of the following solutions of sodium chloride dissolved in water is the leastconcentrated?

(1)5 % by mass

(2)0.5 % by mass

(3)5 parts per million

(4)50 parts per million

10. A recent measurement of Skaneateles Lake showed dissolved oxygen levels in thelake to be at least 10 mg/kg at all depths. What is the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the lake in parts per million (ppm)?

(1)32 ppm

(2)10 ppm

(3)320 ppm

(4)1 ppm

Well, What Will We Drink?

Learning Context

Subject Area:Chemistry

Overall Purpose: Students will investigate the advantages and disadvantages of different sources of potable water.

Learning Objectives:Students will

  • Interpret water quality data
  • Compare data using solution concentration
  • Use government information sources
  • Use Risk/Benefit Analysis

Prerequisite knowledge and skills:Students should have

  • Knowledge of Types of Matter(Solutions)
  • Basic web search and navigation skills
  • Cooperative group experience or instruction
  • Laboratory safety and measurement skills
  • Understanding of risk/benefit analysis


Classroom Timeline:

Day 1 - Directed case study introduction and research 1-2 periods

Day 2 - Lab – 1 laboratory or class period

Day 3 - Directed case study decision making and presentations 1 period

Equipment and Supplies:

For the Case Study:

  • One copy of Well, What Will We Drink? Scenario per student
  • One copy of Well, What Will We Drink?Your Task, Contaminant Table per student.
  • One copy of Well, What Will We Drink? Presentation per student
  • One copy ofOrchard Hill Labssimulated water testing report per student
  • One sheet of chart paper or poster paper per group
  • One set of markers per group
  • Access to resources for research (select one of the following options):
  • Students search for their own resources on the web
  • Students use links provided by the teacher. (See page 9)
  • Students use printouts of sites provided by the teacher. (See page 9)

For the lab activity:

  • One copy of Well, What Will We Drink? ppm, ppb, and Serial Dilution Lab per student
  • One set of laboratory supplies per pair of students:
  • 9 stirrers (toothpicks)
  • 1 small container with100-150 mL of water labeled “use for diluting solutions”
  • 1 large container with 250-500 mL of water labeled “use for rinsing pipettes”
  • 2 plastic dropping pipettes for use in the serial dilution procedure
  • 1 pipettefull of food coloring*
  • 1 white plastic spot plate

* You may substitute dropper bottles of food coloring instead. If you are using the dropper bottles of food coloring, five drops seems to be a similar volume to 10 from a pipette.

Instructions for Implementing the Activity:

Before beginning this learning experience, teachers should decide how students will do their research. Student research for this learning experience may be accomplished in several ways. Students may be charged with finding all of the background information on their own on the web. Or, they may be given web addresses provided by the teacher. The third option is to provide students with printed resources. The time required will vary based on the option chosen. Using the water quality report from a local water supply is strongly encouraged. Information for web addresses or print resources is provided underRecommended Student Resources and Additional Student Resources on page 9.

Day 1: Directed Case Study - Introduction

  1. Place students into cooperative groups of 3-5. Discussgroup roles and ground rules.
  2. Distribute Well, What Will We Drink?Scenario.
  3. Have students read the scenario. Select students to read the parts of Norma and Jim. You may also have a student narrate. Provide highlighted copies for each reader.
  4. Inform the class that they will be finding the information to help the Alvarez’s decide what water source they should use—their well or the public water supply.
  5. Distribute the Well, What Will We Drink?Your Task, Contaminant Tablehandout.
  6. Distribute print resources for student research or explain to students how they will use the Internet to do their research. Based on how students will find information, set a timeline for completion of research. If studentsdo their own research, remind them that they will need to cite their information sources.
  7. Ask students to work together with their group to complete the task. As they work, circulate and listen in to provide assistance through answering or asking guiding questions.
  8. Near the end of class, stop the group work. Remind students of the time line for completing their research.
  9. Explain that additional class time will be provided for groups to review and share the results of their research during later activities. Ask for questions.
  10. Collect print resources for use in other classes (optional).

Day Two: Laboratory Activity

  1. Distribute laboratory supplies to each pair of students.
  • 9 stirrers (toothpicks)
  • 1 small container with100-150 mL of water labeled “use for diluting solutions”
  • 1 large container with 250-500 mL of water labeled “use for rinsing pipettes”
  • 2 plastic dropping pipettes for use in the serial dilution procedure
  • 1 pipette full or dropping bottle of food coloring
  • 1 white plastic spot plate
  1. Distribute one copy ofWell, What Will We Drink - ppm, ppb, and Serial Dilution Lab to each student.
  2. Introduce the lab by relating it to the information students found from their research.
  3. Review safety procedures—particularly the appropriate handling of dropper pipettes.
  4. Have students carry out the lab procedure. Monitor students as they work. Common errors include always drawing from tube #1 and not adequately rinsing the dropper.
  5. Supervise cleanup.
  6. If time allows, you may wish to discuss calculating solution concentration and provide additional practice.

Day 3: Directed Case Study – Presentations

  1. Re-establish existing cooperative groups. Review roles and ground rules.
  2. Distribute one copy of theOrchard Hill Labs well testing report and one copy of the Well, What Will We Drink?Presentationhandout to each student.
  3. Ask students to read the Well, What Will We Drink?Presentationhandout. Explain that they should use their prior research and the Orchard Hill Labs well testing report to prepare for their group presentation.
  4. Presentations should be 3 minutes long. Explain that groups should prepare a poster summarizing the important points supporting their recommendations for the Alvarez family.
  5. Tell students they have 10 minutes to prepare their presentation. This may be extended by the teacher if they need more time.
  6. Distribute chart paper and markers to each group.
  7. Students should make presentations to the class.
  8. If time remains, a discussion of local or school drinking water would be appropriate.


Recommended Student Resources: The following resources are the minimum required to complete the activity. If students are doing a web search, these might be suggested places to start. If two links are provided, the second goes directly to a pdf (Acrobat) file that the teacher can use to produce print resources.

EPA National Primary Drinking Water Standards Office of Water (4606M), EPA 816-F-03-016,June 2003


Individual Water Supply Wells – Fact Sheet #3 New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Water Supply Protection, March 1,2006



Home Water Testing Fact Sheet, EPA, Office of Water, EPA 816-F-05-013 May 2005 (pdf only)

Water Quality Report Links New YorkState Department of Health, July 2006

This page is the source for individual Annual Water Quality Reports. Students will need to use one, preferably something local or recognizable to them.

Additional Student Resources: These would be useful for student research but are optional.

Water on Tap: What You Need to Know booklet, EPA, Office of Water (4601), EPA 816-K-03-007, October 2003


Drinking Water From Household Wells booklet, EPA, Office of Water, EPA 816-K-02-003, January 2002


Teacher Background Resources:

US Environmental Protection Agency Ground Water & Drinking Water page. Good place to start and for students to start.

EPA List of Drinking Water Contaminants & MCL’s. Also available as a pdf.


Water on Tap: What You Need to Know, booklet, also available in Spanish and Chinese

Online and pdf booklet on private wells

NYS Department of Health Drinking Water Protection Program

Individual Water Supply Wells-Fact Sheet 3, Recommended Residential Water Quality Testing

Links to required water quality reports for large NYS public water supplies. This page should be used to get information for the public water supply portion of the case study. You may also be able to get print copies from the supplier directly.

This is a non-governmental site with a lot of well documented information on home water testing.

Cited Source:Lab adapted from

Science Demonstration Projects in Drinking Water, United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, April 1990,EPA570/ 9-90-007, available at

New YorkState Learning Standards and Performance Indicators:

Standard 4

Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical

development of ideas in science.

Key Idea 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.

Performance Indicator 3.1:

Explain the properties of materials in terms of the arrangement and properties of the atoms that compose them.

Major Understandings

  • 3.1sMixtures are composed of two or more different substances that can be separated by physical means. When different substances are mixed together, a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture is formed.
  • 3.1t The proportions of components in a mixture can be varied. Each component in a mixture retains its original properties.
  • 3.1nn Differences in properties such as density, particle size, molecular polarity, boiling and freezing points, and solubility permit physical separation of the components of the mixture.
  • 3.1oo A solution is a homogeneous mixture of a solute dissolved in a solvent. The solubility of a solute in a given amount of solvent is dependent on the temperature, the pressure, and the chemical natures of the solute and solvent.
  • 3.1pp The concentration of a solution may be expressed in molarity (M), percent by volume, percent by mass, or parts per million (ppm).
  • 3.1ss The acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution can be measured by its pH value. The relative level of acidity or alkalinity of these solutions can be shown by using indicators.
  • 3.1tt On the pH scale, each decrease of one unit of pH represents a tenfold increase in hydronium ion concentration.

Possible Extensions

  • Bottled Water- Ask students to compare bottled water with public water supplies , especially if student initiated
  • Location- Compare public water supply reports from different areas of the state, country or world. For example, Bermuda residents still use rainwater collected from their roofs as their primarysupply of drinking water. Island nations sometimes use desalination. Arid regions have additional concerns.
  • Well Report- Create different well reports for different groups. Getting different well reports could lead to some interesting changes of opinion.
  • Individual Contaminant Research- Ask individual students to do more research on the health effects of specific contaminants in well or public water supplies.
  • Apply the serial dilution technique to a pH lab.
  • Discuss situations in with minute amounts of chemical contaminants (such as hormones) might have health effects. For example, the hormone estrogen in the blood is measuredin picograms per mL, which is a part per trillion.

Well, What Will We Drink? Scenario

“Good morning, sunshine!”, Jim said as he walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. “What’s new?”

Norma Alvarez put down her newspaper and smiled at her husband. They had been married less then a year and had just purchased their first home together. They both loved the old farmhouse with its big rooms and high ceilings, even if it meant they would spend this and many other Saturdays painting and remodeling things. And it gave them lots of space for Norma’s 75 year old grandmother to live with them, and for the family they hoped to start soon.

“Not much,” replied Norma. “Why don’t you pour me another cup of coffee, while I finish reading the paper? Then we can start on the living room ceiling.”

Norma returned to her paper as Jim got the coffee, and poured himself a bowl of cereal.

“Now, this is new,” said Norma. “This article says that Apple Tree Homes is creating a water district and connecting to the town water supply. Apparently some of the homeowners’ wells are getting low and they’re concerned that it will get worse as the new section gets developed.”

Apple Tree Homes was the housing development that was built on the farmland that had once gone along with their farmhouse. Two sections of homes were done and a third was just starting to be constructed. Norma and Jim’s home had well water, also, and had passed the tests that were required for their mortgage.

“According to the map, we will be eligible to join the water district,” Norma continued. “They estimate it will cost each homeowner about $800 per year for 20 years just to pay for the connections and water mains!”

“And then you have to pay for the water, too,” Jim replied. “Doesn’t sound like such a great deal to me”.

“Maybe we should think about it. How do we know our well won’t go dry? And what if all these new houses and businesses contaminate the water? How will we know? What if we have children or Nana gets sick.” Norma sounded really concerned now.

“I suppose we should find out more. This well stuff is all new to me. I’ll dig out our well test report. Why don’t you call your cousin the chemistry teacher and see if she can find anything to help us decide. Then we can get started on that ceiling. ”

Well, What Will We Drink? Your Task

Using the resources provided, answer the following questions. This will be the research you will use to help Norma and Jim decide what to do. You group may wish to divide the questions up to do the research, but each member of the group is responsible for answering all of the questions and understanding this information. You should cite the source of your information. You will have time at the beginning of the next class to discuss and prepare to help the Alvarez family make their decision.