Question 1
Table 2: HIV and AIDS Education Campaigns in Schools, 2007-2011
Province(ibb) / Year / (aa) HIV Education Campaign in any school
(Yes/No) / Reason for not conducting HIV& AIDS Education Campaigns / (ii)
No. of schools that had HIV campaigns / (cc)
Grades included in HIV campaigns
FS / (iaa) 2007-8 / Yes / N/A / 150 / Grades R-12
(ibb) 2008-9 / Yes / N/A / 300 / Grades R-12
(icc) 2009-10 / Yes / N/A / 419 / Grades R-12
(ii) 2010-11 / Yes / N/A / 25 / Grades R-12
KZN / (iaa) 2007-8 / Yes / N/A / 5706 / Grades R-12
(ibb) 2008-9 / Yes / N/A / 6000 / Grades R-12
(icc) 2009-10 / Yes / N/A / 6004 / Grades R-12
(ii) 2010-11 / Yes / N/A / 1800 / Grades R-12
LP* / (iaa) 2007-8 / No data available
(ibb) 2008-9 / Yes / N/A / 44 / Grades 4-7
(icc) 2009-10 / Yes / N/A / 68 / Grades 4-12
(ii) 2010-11 / Yes / N/A / 10 / Grades 8-12
MP / (iaa) 2007-8 / Yes / N/A / 38 / Grades 1-10
(ibb) 2008-9 / Yes / N/A / 86 / Grades 1-12
(icc) 2009-10 / Yes / N/A / 48 / Grades 5-10
(ii) 2010-11 / Yes / N/A / 22 / Grades 5-12
NC / (iaa) 2007-8 / Yes / N/A / 632 / Grades R-12
(ibb) 2008-9 / Yes / N/A / 632 / Grades R-12
(icc) 2009-10 / Yes / N/A / 632 / Grades R-12
(ii) 2010-11 / Yes / N/A / 120 / Grades R-12
WC / (iaa) 2007-8 / Yes / N/A / 1453 (All) / Grades R-12
(ibb) 2008-9 / Yes / N/A / 1453 (All) / Grades R-12
(icc) 2009-10 / Yes / N/A / 1453 (All) / Grades R-12
(ii) 2010-11 / Yes / N/A / 1453 (All) / Grades R-12
*: Limpopo province has provided information on 3 districts. Data was not provided for the remaining 2 districts.
Table 3: Plans to undertake HIV and AIDS Education Campaigns in the 2010-2011 financial year
Province (aii) / Plan to undertake HIV education campaigns in 2010-2011 (Yes/No) / Reasons for not undertaking HIV education campaigns in 2010-2011 / (ai) No. of schools targeted for HIV educationcampaigns in 2010-2011 / (aiii) Grades targeted for HIV education campaigns in 2010-2011 / (bb) Partner organisations that will present HIV education campaigns in 2010-2011 / (cc) Costs of HIV education campaigns in 2010-2011FS / Yes / N/A / 300 / Grades R-12 / University of Free State, DoH, NGO’s, FBO’S / R498 300.00
KZN / Yes / N/A / 6000 / Grades R-12 / USAID, RTI, MPILONHLE, MiETA / R 900 000.00
LP / Yes / N/A / 600 / Grades R-12 / Soul City, Reach a Generation, Local Municipality, DoH, DoSD, Home-based caregivers, Local business, POWA TAC / R1 644 460.00
MP / Yes / N/A / 79 / Grades 1-12 / SoulCity, loveLife, Gold Peer Education / R1 850 400.00
NC / Yes / N/A / 120 / Grades R-12 / DoSD, DoH, Khomanani, Red Cross, Life Centre, FrancisBaardDistrictMunicipality, SoulCity / R338 100.00
WC / Yes / N/A / 1453
(All schools) / Grade R-12 / DoH, organized NGO sector (NACOSA) and NGOs/CBOs/FBOs, educator unions, NASGB, WCYPE (Peer Education Association) / R740 000.00
Table 4: Plans to extend HIV and AIDS Education Campaigns
Province / (3)Intention to extend HIV education campaigns to other schools and grades (Yes/No) / (3)
Reasons for no plans to extend HIV education campaigns to other schools and grades / 3(a)
When will HIV education campaigns be extended to other schools and grades? / 3(b)
No of schools that will be targeted / 3(c)
Grades that will be targeted / 3(d)
Estimated budget
FS / Yes / N/A / 2011-2012 / 300 / Grades R-12 / R600 000.00
KZN / Yes / N/A / 2012 onwards / 5000 incrementally / Grades R-12 / To be determined by need and focus
LP / Yes / N/A / 2011-2012 / 600 / Grades R-12 / R1 808 906.00
MP / Yes / N/A / 2011-2012 / 107 / Grades 8-12 / R1 961 400.00
NC / Yes / N/A / 2011-2012 / 120 / Grades R-12 / R338 100.00
WC / Yes / N/A / 2011-2012
2012-2013 / 1460
1465 / Grades R-12 / To be determined by need and focus