Present: Alix, Bashaw, Bentley, Big Valley, Blackfalds, Bowden, Caroline, Camrose, Castor, Clive, Delburne, Eckville, Edson, Endmoor, Innisfail, Killam, Lacombe, Leduc, Maskwacis, Ponoka, Red Deer, Rimbey, Rocky Mtn. House, Sedgewick, Spruceview, Stettler, Sundre, Sylvan Lake, Tofield, Thunderstars, Viking, Warburg, Whitecourt, Winfield, Wainright, Provost.

Absent: Barrhead

President Stephen Holt called the meeting to order at 10:40am

Additions to the Agenda: Ice Scheduler, Proposed Timeline.

Blackfalds made a motion to accept minutes as presented through circulation. Rimbey seconded. Motion carried.

Ellen Bonde presented treasurer’s report, and moved that it be approved as read. Killam seconded. Motion carried.

Stephen Holt commented on the team’s success with league playoffs and provincial play. A new format for Governor’s for the upcoming season was presented. A reminder was given for the upcoming Hockey Alberta AGM being held in Edmonton. Associations will be notified via email and the NCMHA website if a special NCMHA meeting will be held after the Hockey Alberta meeting. A discussion regarding the meal offered after the meeting was held.

Camrose made the motion to eliminate the lunch offered to associations after meetings. Sylvan Lake seconded. Motion carried.

Ryan Koehli thanked the governors for their commitment to NCMHA for the 2013-14 season. There were a few problems throughout the season but all were dealt with. The female program was briefly discussed. The Rocky Mountain Female league is holding a meeting April 19, 2014 in Leduc. Members of the NCMHA female committee were encouraged to attend.

Lance Chalmers thanked the governors for their commitment to NCMHA for the 2013-14 season. Congratulations were given to teams that had success with playoffs and provincials. There were some concerns over the playoff formats this season and that will be addressed for the upcoming season. It was noted that some of the changes to the Rules & Regulations would affect the Atom & PeeWee division.

Nick Taylor reported that the season went well. There will be some changes made to the Ice Allocation Form for next season. Nick thanked the executive for their input and support during the season.


Atom 1 – absent

Atom 2 - Good season. Concerns over RAMP.

Atom 3-Season went well. A few suspensions

Atom 4- Good season.

Atom 5- Good season. No suspensions

PeeWee- 1, 2 & 3– Good regular season. Things were a little rougher during playoffs.

PeeWee 4- Good season. Concerns about excessive abuse of officials.

PeeWee 5 – absent

Bantam 1 – Governor thanked associations for following proper communication policy. Good season. 27 suspensions were handed down.

Bantam 2 – good season

Bantam 3 & 4 – season went well. A few suspensions were handed down.

Midget 1, 2 &4 – good season. More support on how to use the website is needed. Concerns over no consolation round for the Midget tiers. Teams need to be included in this decision. Data entry MUST be accurate. A penalty MUST have minutes attached. A discussion was held in regards to eliminating the Governor’s Fair Play Award.

Midget 3 – good season.

Female divisions – good season for all. Good communication with managers throughout the season.

A motion was made by Clive to Remove the Governor’s Fair Play Award from ALL divisions of North Central Minor Hockey Association. Bashaw seconded. Motion carried.

Ryan Koehli presented the proposed changes to the Rules & Regulations. Eckville made a motion to accept the rule & regulation changes as presented. Ponoka seconded. Motion carried.

Spruceview made the motion to accept the timeline as presented. Lacombe seconded. Motion carried.

The members were asked to suspend sections in Bylaws 2, 5 & 7 pertaining to league governors. The proposed trial format is to have one governor for each division for the upcoming season. The changes will be made permanent or discarded after one year. Clive made a motion to suspend sections as indicated on the website for the 2014-15 season. Killam seconded. Motion carried.

Ellen Bonde made a motion to accept the budget as presented. Ponoka seconded. Motion carried. Auditors will be Innisfail and Castor.

Edson and Whitecourt were voted in as members to NCMHA for 1 year.

Wainwright and Provost were voted in as probationary members for 1 year.


President – Clive nominated Stephen Holt to the position. No other nominations. Stephen Holt won by acclamation.

VP Atom/PeeWee – Castor nominated Lance Chambers to the position. No other nominations. Lance Chambers won by acclamation.

Treasurer – Castor nominated Ellen Bonde to the position. No other nominations. Ellen Bonde won by acclamation.

Next meeting Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:30am Kozy Korner in Lacombe, AB

Meeting adjourned – 12:40pm