Electronic Supplementary Material

Table 1. Lithology of the Lake Lilaste sediment core. OM–organic matter, MM–mineral matter, MS–magnetic susceptibility.

Depth from the water surface (cm) / Calibrated age,
weighted average (cal year BP) / Lithological unit / Description
200–522 / Present–4270±80 / Li-10 / Silty gyttja
Color: brown, homogeneous.
MM gradually decreases to 53%. At depth 270 cm MM shortly increases to 60–62% and at upper part it decreases again. Carbonate content is low, ca. 5–6%. OM slowly increases to 40–42%.
522–540 / 4270±80–
4520±100 / Li-9 / Silty gyttja
Gradual color change from gray to brown.
Stable high MM content ca. 80–81% and low OM content ca. 15%.
540–980 / 4520±100–
8070±40 / Li-8 / Silty gyttja with sand interlayers
Color: dark brown, at 595–800 cm laminated.
MM with distinct fluctuations increases from 42 to 74%, two peaks at depth of 878–880 cm and 915–920 cm are observed. OM content varies between 18 and 40%; carbonate content – ca. 8%.
At 595–800 cm sand interlayers are observed.
980–1060 / 8070±40–
8680±50 / Li-7 / Gyttja
Color: black/brown.
MM is around 37%, maximum peak (48%) is at depth 1016–1020 cm. OM reaches its maximum 60%. Carbonate content fluctuates around 8.5–9%.
1060–1130 / 8680±50–
9240±90 / Li-6 / Silty gyttja
Color: black/brown.
In the upper part of unit MM rises up to 68%, while OM decreases from 43 to 29%, carbonate content is ca. 6%.
1130–1193 / 9240±90–
9750±120 / Li-5 / Silty gyttja
Unit contains three layers: coarse detritus gyttja (1188–1193 cm), calcareous gyttja (1168–1188 cm) and silty gyttja (1130–1168 cm).
Color of sediments changes from dark gray at the bottom to light yellowish brown in the middle, and upwards turns light grayish brown.
MM content is around 65%, OM increases up to 30% and carbonate content at the bottom fluctuates around 21% and upwards decreases up to 5%. The unit is characterized by high MS values that increases from 4 up to 21×10-5 SI.
1193–1218 / 9750±120–
10,730±90 / Li-4 / Lacustrine marl
Color: light beige.
Carbonate content fluctuates around 54–56%. MM fluctuates around 30–38%, and OM content decreases from 17 to 12%.
1218–1226 / 10,730±90–
11,020±90 / Li-3 / Detritic gyttja with plant remains
Color: dark grayish brown.
OM increases till 20%, while MM decreases up to 40.5%. MS values around 0.
1226–1245 / 11,020±90–
11,210±90 / Li-2 / Sand
Color change from brownish gray to yellow.
Fine sand with low MS values, high MM content 95–99.5%, very low OM and carbonate content.
1245–1260 / 11,210±90–
11,375±190 / Li-1 / Clayey silt with sand
Color: reddish brown.
Low OM and carbonate content, high MM content 88–95%, MS maximum value is 16.5×10-5 SI.