Welcome by Nikki : Introductions made of District board members and current CBSPAN board members

Meeting called to order 08:30 Time Keeper Trish Bodine

Minutes read by Kathy Steindl. Motion made by Chris to accept the minutes as read, 2nd by Seema. Carried unanimously.

Treasurers report read by Chris Skinner Checking $6,678.47; Savings $10,462.81 for total $17,141. Chris made the correction under Citrix to read quarterly x1 at $405.00. Margaret made the motion to accept the treasurer report as read 2nd by Kathy.


D.C. Margaret Young; membership continues to be a challenge 5 members have achieved certification. We have revised our Bylaws and they have been approved by Nikki. We are preparing for the November Heart Walk 2014. It was very successful last year. New officers mentioned in the succession plan. Motion made by Nikki to extend time 5 minutes for report 2nd by Chris.

Baltimore Joy Lazo; To increase membership we are identifying liaisons from different hospitals in the district. We have also created a gmail account to contact perianesthesia nurses. Johns Hopkins presented 5 posters and 2 oral presentations at National conference. New officers mentioned in the succession plan. Motion made by Lynn to extend time 5 minutes for report 2nd by Seema.

Western MD Lynn Drury; Looking for more facilities to be involved. We have several seminars coming up with fundraising at every meeting. New officers mentioned in the succession plan.

Eastern Shore Sue Volk; Need to engage more members from lower area of district. Actively planning the fall conference Oct. 18th at Christiana Hospital. We will hold the annual bus trip to NYC with AORN in November. Certification review Sept 27th.

Governmental Affairs Seema Hussain; Not much going on right now. I will send out action items as they come out. Websites mentioned to go to for information. Currently the ANA is discussing staffing. There will be upcoming changes with the VA and APRN’s.

Presidents Report: We are back to 4 active districts!! CBSPAN received the Shining Star at the National conference. IContact has successfully blasted the CBSPANNER. Breakdown of certified members; MD 314 DE 76 DC 6. We have many ASPAN held seminars coming up within our component.

GOLD LEAF Slide show presented by Nikki. The reviewers gave feedback to each question with suggestions and applauds. Margaret voiced concern that the application is not transparent with what they are asking. Diane explained how the reviewers look at each application. Examples of other applications will be presented at LDI this fall. Some highlights mentioned include needing policy and procedures on issues such as dissolution of districts and awarding of scholarships. We need to be able to put the policies all together and show that we have reviewed them with dates. Our bylaws did not reflect our policy and procedures. Membership letters were also discussed to identify those members who have renewed after a period of time and those members who will be expiring. It was mentioned that some CBSPAN members have not received any letters or information at all. We will be creating a new member folder to be available at the fall conference in Oct. New categories were discussed to add to our website. These will be discussed when Scott joins us later today. It was recommended that the wording and framing for next year’s application be more specific to the questions. Chris made the suggestion to make sure the authors of articles in CBSPANNER include board title if appropriate. Our new Gold Leaf Committee will be Joy Lazo, Connie Gull, and Trish Ryan. Thank you!

STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2015 goals and accomplishments discussed. Highlights 1) 2013 fall conference provided annual needs assessment 2) CBSPAN treasurer to have quarterly meetings with District treasurers with the President via Go To Meeting preferably before each board meeting. 3) Recommend that Joy attend NIWI this year 4) Award subscription of JOPAN to a University of each District.

Community Service: Heart Walk Nov 8th-Chair Seema- recruitment goal of 50 walkers with $3,00.00 fund raising goal. Hats to be provided to the first 40 who sign up. Sickle Cell Picnic Sept 6th Joy discussed this further. It was suggested that a community outreach tab be added to the website.

Upcoming dates for Community Service opportunities

9/11 4th Annual women’s race for the Pink Ribbon 5K

10/4 4th Annual Dewey goes Pink Dewey Beach DE

10/11 Komen Race for the Cure Tidewater VA Beach

10/18 5th Annual Monster Mile for Cause Walk Dover DE

10/26th Komen Race for the Cure Hunt Valley MD

Other suggestions: Health Fairs, blood pressure screenings at Malls, Churches, Food Banks

Welcome Scott Hoover website master; the board inquired if we could add tabs to the website to include under Districts to include the bylaws; Under About Us to include community service, change the Kudos tab to Awards and Recognition (to include scholarship recipients) Change the News tab to Reports and Minutes. An Education column will be added to the newsletter and Lynn Drury indicated that she would like to write that column. Scott will expand the Archives and add forms to Policy and Procedures. Diane pulled up other newsletters to compare. Nikki, Connie, and Scott will get together to discuss the suggestions made for changes with the goal to have it completed by Fall conference.

Discussion: Do we want to increase our membership dues? It will be discussed at the fall meeting and brought up for a vote.

Clinical Excellence 2014 Application received on Lynnae Elliotte and read by Nikki. Board of Directors voted to accept nomination for Lynnae to receive the CBSPAN clinical excellence award. CONGRATULATIONS!

Fundraiser suggestions: 50/50’s, sports cups, Time share raffle, Restaurants and local business donations were discussed

FALL SEMINAR “Soaring to New Levels of Perianesthesia Practice” to be held at Christiana Hospital Newark, DE Oct 18th, 2014. Speakers outlined, continental breakfast and box lunch provided. Please provide posters if available. There will be a table for each district raffle opportunities and a President’s table. Payment options discussed between Pay- Pal to be set up for people to pay for events only, and Eventbrite allows us to create an event, share with others, have actual tickets and manage attendance list. There are cost differences. Rooms will be blocked at Christiana Hilton and Courtyard Marriott. Bring door prize items if able.

  • Other meeting dates discussed: CBSPAN/ASPAN Terri Clifford and Chris Price holding certification reviews Sept 13th 27th respectively. LDI Sept 5-7th in Nashville TN to be attended by Nikki, Margaret, Seema, Sue Volk and Diane. In November the districts will be holding quarterly seminars.
  • Our Bylaws mandate we have 4 Board of Directors meetings Our dates: Jan 24th face to face (weather permitting) Feb7th to correspond with our 2nd Annual PANAW seminar, March 21st Go-To Meeting, and July 18th all day retreat meeting.

The next schedule for Fall conference: 2015 Western MD

2016 D/C

2017 Baltimore

2018 Eastern Shore

National conference April 26-30th 2015 San Antonio TX

Deadline for Willingness to Serve Oct 31st on National level for Strategic Work teams

Deadline for nominations on Clinical Practice and Outstanding Achievement to ASPAN is Nov 30th

To be tabled till next meeting: addressing the process of voting and wording of the bylaws for elections

Our next meeting Oct 17th 4pm-7pm Christiana Hospital -dinner provided

Meeting adjourned 15:04

Respectfully submitted

Kathy Steindl Secretary CBSPAN

ATTENDANCE Nikki Price President, Chris Skinner Treasurer, Seema Hussain Govt Affairs, Diane Swintek Immediate past president, Sue Volk President ESD, Lynn Drury co-President Western MD with Patricia Bodine, Joy Lazo President Baltimore, Margaret Farr Young President D.C., Kathy Steindl Secretary

GUESTS; Gina Baker Secretary Western MD, Dustin Te Treasurer Baltimore, Lynnae Elliotte VP D.C., Trish Ryan VP Baltimore