Tab: Job Description
Job Title: Representative Assembly Designee
Job Reports To: ISPAN Board of Directors
Written: January 1998 Revised:June 2016
Primary Purpose of the Job:
Perform as voting liaison to ASPAN at the Representative Assembly at the ASPAN National Conference, determining policies affecting the organization, not otherwise determined by the members.
Selection and Terms of Office:
The Component is allowed two credentialed representatives to vote at the Representative Assembly. The Society will be represented by:
- The current president of the component, elected yearly,
- The Immediate Past President
- Or the designee by Board determination if either of the above individuals is unable to attend.
1. Active ASPAN/ISPAN membership
2. Willingness to Participate form completion.
3. Ability to commit to time requirements of service.
4. Ability to travel.
Specific Job Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Maintain and exercise voting rights at the Representative Assembly at the ASPAN National Conference.
2. Perform as liaison as requested between the National Office and the ISPAN Component.
3. Prepare for Representative Assembly prior to the meeting by reading all agenda items and supporting correspondence and preparing to discuss agenda issues as well as vote on issues presented.
4. Attend scheduled Representative Assembly meetings or assure attendance of Alternate Representative.
5. Communicate issues with members to provide opportunities for feedback.
- Identify the majority response of component members to an issue and represent views of Component at all Representative Assemblies.
7. Prepare a written report of ASPAN activities following the Representative Assembly. This may be done individually or with input from both Representatives in a single report.
8. Assume responsibility for keeping Component members advised of all changes in ASPAN policy and procedures resulting from the actions of the Representative Assembly.
9. Review the personal and professional data of nominees for ASPAN National office, report information and receive data from members.
10. Inform incoming Representative of ASPAN activities and assume orientation of new Representative.
11. Promote professional image of organization by appropriate dress and conduct at functions when serving in the official capacity as a member of ASPAN/ISPAN Representative Assembly.
12. Assist with participation at Component night at National Conference, if applicable.
13. Perform other duties as may be deemed necessary and appropriate or as may be directed by the President.