Learner Activity 1

Recapping Rates of Reaction

Part of the ‘Rates of reaction and the Arrhenius equation’ Topic Exploration Pack

Task 1

You can answer the first four questions by completing this sheet, by discussing with a friend, by producing a poster, an electronic presentation or a short video clip.

  1. What is meant by the following terms: rate of reaction, collision theory, catalyst, activation energy?

  1. State five factors that affect the rate of a reaction.

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  1. Explain, using diagrams and in words, how and why these five factors affect rate. Use collision theory in your explanations.
  1. Describe an experiment that you could carry out to follow the rate of reaction when calcium carbonate is added to an acid.

  1. The graphs below are from the results of the type of experiment carried out in Q4. Draw in the line of best fit on each, label the axes (the first graph can have 2 possible labels on its y-axis), and explain the shape of the different parts of the graphs. Explain how you could calculate the rate of a reaction at a givenpoint?

Graph 1 Graph 2

Task 2

Complete the following self-assessment:

How well did you do? / I can do this / I struggled with this / I am lost!
Definition of terms
Factors that affect rate of reaction
Explain, using diagrams and in words, how and why the factors affect rate / Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 3
Factor 4
Factor 5
Describe an experiment you could carry out to follow the rate of reaction when calcium carbonate is added to an acid.
Rate of reaction graphs

Task 3

  1. “I can do this” – Great!! Now check your self-assessment by completing the quiz. If possible, put yourself in exam style conditions (this means no distractions and stop after the allocated time!).
  2. “I struggled with this”. Look up information in textbooks, and websites. Both GCSE and A-level websites will cover this material. Good websites to try are:

Type: ‘rates of reaction’ into a search engine to find many others.

  1. “I am lost!”Speak to a friend who understands this, or your teacher, then have a look at the resources listed in point 2 above.


Marks: 21Time: 20 minutes

  1. Explain what is meant by the term collision theory. [1 mark]

  2. Draw an energy profile diagram showing what happens to the activation energy when a catalyst is added to a reaction. [3 marks]

  1. a) State how the temperature of a reaction can affect the rate of a reaction. [1 mark]

b) Explain why the temperature of a reaction can affectthe rate of a reaction.[3 marks]

c) State how the concentration of reactants can affect the rate of a reaction.[1 mark]

d) Explain why the concentration of reactants can affect the rate of a reaction.[2 marks]

  1. a) What would be the best way to follow the rate of the reaction when magnesium is
    addedto an acid?[2 marks]

b) Draw a sketch graph of the data you might collect in the experiment you described in Q4(a).[3 marks]

c) Describe and explain what is happening to the rate of reaction as the reaction proceeds [3 marks]

d) Describe how you could calculate the rate at a particular point in the reaction. [2 marks]

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