Talking point: Turning points in life
• Talk about a time when your life took a turn for the better or for the worse.
• What are the most important decisions you have made in your life?
• Have you ever made a decision that turned your life around?
• Have you ever regretted (not) doing something in your life?
Talking point is businesses.
1. If you could set up a business, what kind of business would it be? Why?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of running your own business?
3. Would you be willing to ask a bank for a loan to set up your own business?
4. Which of the following do you think are important if you want to succeed with a new business?
have an original idea - research the competition - have a lot of capital - think long-term - think short-term
Talking points: Secrets
· When would it be important to keep a secret?
· When might you have to reveal someone’s secret? Explain why.
· What kind of secrets do you find it hard to keep? Why?
· Which of these secrets would you find hardest/easiest to keep? Give your reasons.
You have won the first prize in the lottery
You see your best friend's partner with someone else
You have been diagnosed with a serious illness
You have been demoted at work for your poor performance
One of your children is on drugs.
Talking point: Faith
• What does religion mean to you?
• Is religion a good or bad thing?
• Do religions help people be ethical?
• Do you think that religious people are happier?
Do you think religion is incompatible with our modern-day world?
Talking point: Spaces
· Describe your room in as much detail as possible: Is it airy and roomy? Is it spacious or small? Do you share it? Is there any piece of furniture that takes up too much space?
· How important is it for you to have your own private space?
· Describe a public space that you like or dislike
· Describe a personal space that you like or dislike.
Talking point: Public services and complaints
• Have you ever complained about services in public places, restaurants, hotels? If so, what happened?
• When was the last time you were dissatisfied with a service but didn’t complain about it?
• Why didn’t you complain?
• Which advice on handling complaints positively would you give?
Talking point: Competition
· Do you consider yourself to be a competitive person?
· In what ways are you competitive (with family or friends, at work or school, in sport or games)?
· Who is the most / least competitive person you know?
· Which of these quotations do you agree most with?
“Winning isn't everything, it's the taking part”
“Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing”
· 'Challenges give meaning to life'. Do you agree?
Talking point: reading
• What kind of fiction do you prefer (sci-fi, romance, crime, historical, horror)?
• Are you interested in non-fiction or self-help books? Why? Give examples.
• What are your favourite books or readings from childhood?
• What is your favourite all-time book? Talk about the setting, the plot, main characters, film adaptations if any, main topics running the book.
• Which is the last book you read: What did you choose to read that book? What is about? Would you recommend it?
Talking point: the gender gap.
• What examples of sexist behaviour and language can you think of?
• How do you feel or react in those situations?
• What are the main differences between women and men's roles in today's society?
• In what aspects of life have men and women achieved greater equality?
• What areas still need improvement?