1. Minimum Wages Act 1948
a. Historical basis of Minimumwages Act
b. Definition of employer and employee
c. Definition ofwages ,distinguishitwithIndustrial Disputes Act, Workmen’s Compensation
Act ,Payment of WagesAct. d. Various concepts of Wages
e. Procedure for fixingandrevisingof minimumwages f.The authorities appointedunder theAct
g. Themode ofpayment ofminimum rates ofwages h. Calims and procedures forpresentingcalims
2. Payment of Wages Act 1936
a. Definition ofwages
b. Responsibilityforpayment of wages , fixation, time and manner of payment c. Deductions allowed under theAct , theidea and the conditions
d. Specific deductions and themannerand extent
e. Power ofthe inspector and facilities to be affordedto theinspector. f.Authorities under theAct
3. Employees’ CompensationAct 1923
a. Scope, object of theAct
b. Liabilityof the employerto paycompensation ,right of workmen to receive compensation conditions
Personal injury–accident-occupational disease –arisingout ofand in thecourseof employment
–notional extension– doctrineof added peril--meaning and kinds of disablement-dependent –
meaningof workmenand wages --Defenses for employer c. Scheme and rate ofcompensation-
d. Scheme ofdistribution of compensation
e. Appointment and qualifications of commissionerunder WC Act , powers and functions of commissioner.
4. Employees StateInsuranceAct 1948
a. Object , application, seasonal factory
b. Definitions—dependent,employment injury, employee, manufacturingprocess, employer
c. ESICorporation- constitution, powers, standing committee, medical benefit council, officers
,powers , duties
d. ESIfunds , payment of contribution
e. Benefits underthe Act—Sickness ,meternity, medical , disablement , dependents, funeral benefits
f.Adjudication ofdisputes
MishraS.N. -----LabourLaw
K.M .Pillai---Labour andIndustrialLaw
1. Definitions-Bailable and Non-Bailable offences, Cognizable and Non-Cognizable, Summons and Warrant case, etc.
2. Constitution of criminalcourts and offices
3. Powers of court
4. Powers ofsuperiorofficers ofpolice
5. Aid to themagistrates and the police
6. Arrest of persons
7. Process to compel appearance
8. Process to compel production ofthings.
9. Procedure for attachmentand forfeiture
10. Securityforkeepingthepeace and forgood behaviour.
11. Orderformaintenanceofwives, children and parents.
12. Maintenanceof publicorder and tranquility.
13. Preventive action ofpolice.
14. Information to police andtheirpowers to investigate.
15. Jurisdiction of criminal courts and enquiryand trial.
16. Conditions requisite forinitiation ofproceedings.
17. Complaints to magistrates.
18. Commencement ofproceedings beforemagistrates.
19. TheCharge.
20. Trial beforeCourt ofSession.
21. Trial ofwarrant cases and summons cases bymagistrate.
22. Summarytrail.
23. Attendanceof personsconfined ordetained in prison.
24. Evidence and inquires and trails
25. General provision as to enquiryand trial.
26. Provisions as to accusedpersons ofunsound mind
27. Provisions as to affecting the administration ofjustice.28. Thejudgment.
29. Submission ofdeath sentence for confirmation.
30. Appeals, Reference, Revision and transfer ofcases
31. Execution Suspension, Remission and commutation of sentences.
32. Provisions as to bailand bond.
33. Disposal ofproperties.
34. Irregular proceedings.
35. Limitations fortakingcognizanceof certain offences.
36. Miscellaneous.
R.V Kelkar / :Lectures on Criminal Procedure
Sarkar / : Criminal Procedure
Ratanlal and Dhirajlal / : TheCodeof Criminal Procedure
Historyof TaxLaw inIndia, Constitutional provisions relatingto Taxation Nature and Scopeof Tax, Definition: Persons,Assesses, TaxPays, Previousyear, Assessmentyears,Financialyear, Income, Gross TaxableIncome, TaxableIncome,AgriculturalIncome, TaxEvasion and Tax Avoidance
II: Direct Tax
Income Tax, Residential Status: Rules (Sec.6), TaxLiability
Exemption (Sec .I 0), Deduction (Sec.80),relatedto individual, Expenses & Income, Rebate
(Sec.8888 B), Deemed income and clubbingofincome, CarriedForward and Set of losses.
Ill: IncomeTax
HeadsofIncome:Income from Salary,Houseproperty,Businessand Profession, Capital Gain and othersources
Calculation ofGross Total and Taxable income, Taxrebate and Computation ofTaxLiability, TaxCollection at source and AdvanceTax
Assessment Procedure, Types of Assessment
Income TaxAuthority: Their function, Duties andPowers, Appeal, Offences, Fines and Penalties, Settlement of grievancesand Prosecution,IncomeTaxAct, 1961,Income TaxRules
1. Ramesh Sharma, Supreme Court on Direct Taxes, (1998)
2. SampatIyengar,Law ofIncome Tax, (1998)
3. Kanga and Palkiwala,TheLawand PracticeofIncome Tax
1.Concept of propertyvis-à-visIntellectual property
2.Natureof property
3.Development ofIntellectual property
4.Roleof WTO
1.Introduction, how to obtain patent, specification, opposition to grant of patent.
2.Registrar ofpatentsand patent office
3.Rights and obligations of patents
4.Transfer ofpatent rights
5.Compulsorylicenses, licenses ofrightand revocation for nonworking
6.Government use of inventions
7.Revocation and surrender ofpatents
8.Infringement ofpatents
9.Threat of infringementproceedings
10.Offences andpenalties andmiscellaneous matters
2.Trademarks registryand register oftrademarks
3.Propertyin trademark and registration oftrademark
5.Assignment and transmission
6.Licensingof trademarkand registered users
7.Rectification ofregister
8.Infringement, threat and tradelibel
9.Good will, passingoff
10.Offences and penalties
11.Miscellaneous matters
3.Subject matter of copyrights
4.Term of copyrights
5.Author and ownership of copyright
6.Rights conferred bycopyright
7.Assignment, transmission and relinquishment ofcopyrights
9.Publication and public
10.Infringement ofcopyrights
11.Remedies againstinfringement ofcopyrights
12.International copyrights
13.Copyright office, copyright board, registrationof copyrights and appeals
14.Confidential information, breach of confidenceand know how
Narayanan. P :Intellectual propertylaw Wadhera:Intellectual propertylaw Cornish :Intellectual propertylaw
GBReddy:Intellectual Propertyrights and law
1.The concepts of ADR’s
Negotiation, Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration.Theneed for ADR’s.Detects ofexistingdispute
resolution system.
2.Arbitration Agreement
3.Power at parties to refer thematter for arbitration
4.Interim measures bycourt and arbitrator
5.Composition of arbitraItribunal
Number ofarbitrator, appointment of arbitrator,
6.Grounds for challengeof appointment
Challengeprocedure,failureto act, termination ofmandate, and substitution of arbitrator.
7.Jurisdiction ofArbitral Tribunal
Competenceofarbitral tribunal to rule its own jurisdiction.
8.Conduct of arbitral proceedings
Placeof arbitration, commencement ofarbitral proceedings, fixingof languageof arbitral proceedings, procedure formaking claimand defence, effect ofdefaultbyaparty
9.Other important powers of arbitrator
Equal treatment of parties, determination of rulesofprocedure
10.Other important powers of arbitrator
Appointment of expert byarbitral tribunal, court assistancein takingevidence
11.Rules applicable to substanceof dispute.
12.Makingofarbitralaward and termination ofproceedings
Decision makingbypanel of arbitrators, form andcontents of arbitral award, termination ofproceedings
13.Correction and interpretation of arbitralaward; additional award.
Duties of arbitrator,advantages of settlement.
15.Recourseagainstarbitral award
Settingaside arbitral award.
16.FinalItyand enforcement fo arbitralaward.
19.Enforcements of foreign awards
20.New Yorkconventionawards
21.Genevaconvention awards
AvatarSingh : Arbitration andConciliation Act, 1996
Bachawat J: Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
PublicInterestLawyering,Legal Aid and ParaLegal Services.
Thiscoursecarrying 100markswillhavetobedesignedandevaluatedaccording tolocal conditionsby theCollegeinconsultationwiththeUniversitiesandStatebarCouncils.Itcanbe taughtpartly throughclassroominstructionincludingsimulationexercisesandpartly through extensionprogramslikeLokAdalat,LegalAidCamp,LegalLiteracy andParaLegaltraining.The courseshouldalsocontainlessonsonnegotiations andcounseling,useofComputerinlegalwork, legalresearchinsupportofPublicInterestLitigation,writing ofcasecomments,editing ofLaw journalsandlawofficeManagement.Themarksmay beappropriately dividedtothedifferent programs that each Universitymight evolve for introduction in theColleges under its control.
Inordertogivethestudentsadequatetraining,theteachingprogrammeforthepracticalpapers willbecarriedoutsimultaneously alongwiththeteaching programforthetheorypapers.Students areexpectedtomaintainajournalforeachofthepracticalpaperseparatelyandkeepaproper recordoftheiractivities,attendanceatcourts,office ofthelawyer, legalaidcells,publicinterest workundertakenintherespective journals.Thesejournalshave tobe certifiedandendorsed from timetotime by thefaculty memberinchargeas notified by theCollege.Thesejournalshavetobe submitted for assessmentandviva before theendof the lastsemester asper the time schedule notified bythe College/University.
Moot Court, Pre-trial Preparations and participation in pretrial proceedings, detailed as below: This paper will havethree components of 30 marks each andaviva for 10marks.
a.Moot Court (30 marks )
Every studentwilldoatleast3mootcourtsinayearwith10marksforeach.Themoot courtworkwillbe onassignedproblemsandit willbe evaluatedfor 5marksfor written submissions and 5 marks fororal advocacy.
b.Observanceof trial in two cases, onecivil and onecriminal (30 marks)
Studentswillattend two trialsinthecourseofthelast2or3yearsofLL.B.studies.They willmaintainarecordandenterthevariousstepsobservedduringtheirattendanceon different days in theCourt assignment. This schemewillcarry30 marks.
c.Interviewingtechniquesand Pretrial preparations (30 marks)
Eachstudentwillobservetwointerviewing sessionsofclientsattheLawyer'sOffice/ LegalaidOfficeandrecordtheproceedingsinadiary whichwillcarry 15marks.Each studentwillfurtherobservethepreparationofdocumentsandcourtpapersby the Advocateandtheprocedureforthefilingofthesuit/petition.Thiswillberecordedin the diary, which willcarry15 marks.
d.ThefourthcomponentofthispaperwillbeVivaVoceexaminationonalltheabove3 aspects. This willcarry10 marks.