LAMC Title V Monthly Progress Report

Activity Number / Grant Year / Month: April 2009

Activity Component: Center for Excellence in Teaching

Report Completed By_David Jordan


(1) What were the major activities of your program component this month?

Continue to work with faculty on moodle training.
4/14 – 4/16 Train Faculty on Moodle website and set up faculty webpages for the following faculty:Guadalupe Jara (SL), George Cracium (Math), Renee Butler (Math), Luis Galvez (ESL), Amjum Qureshi (Chemistry), Bernard Paige (Math), Richard Rains (Astronomy), Kristin Jackson (ESL), Danielle Keesee (ESL), Paul McKenna (Psychology), Jeanne Casar (Chemistry), Arthur Gribben (Anthropology)
Continued working with Faculty on developing a Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat Analysis (SWOT) to implement technology in Staff Development – see attached.
4/24 Attended the “Build the World Teach” Career and Technical Education Conference at El Camino College and learned about Mathematics and CTE and how to contextualize training, how to design high quality CTE curriculum, and using simulations to enhance students’ writing skills, and assessing and addressing learning styles in Instruction

(2) Have you worked with or been in contact with any other areas of the college (Title V or non-Title V) during the development and/or implementation of your activities this month? If so, who did you meet with/cooperate with.....and on what topic/s.
Worked with our faculty on moodle, training and setting up their course shells, and training on how to use in the classroom to improve student success. Also met Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator, Basic Skills Committee, and VPAA on Online classes at Mission. Continued work on developing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Weakness Analysis with faculty for implementation of technology on campus and in Staff Development.. Also attended an excellent workshopat El Camino College and learned how to contextualize learning with Math and other disciplines, and how we can do that at Mission College with faculty. .

(3) Please Discuss:

  • Any major purchases of equipment or supplies during the reporting period. - none
  • Any travel or training activities? none
  • Feedback on any consultant services used - none

(4) Discuss any obstacles or problems you are experiencing in meeting the objectives of your Activity component. Are there any concerns or issues which you feel need to be addressed in order to be effective in making progress toward meeting objectives.

(5) Anything to report this period related to:

  • assessment or evaluation of the effectiveness of your activities? No

progress toward institutionalization of new programs or activities?

Continued training of faculty on moodle. Attended technology training, and continue to train faculty on using more technology in the classroom, including how to contextualize math and other subjects. Also worked on the Lap Top Lending Program. This program should be initiated in the next month or so, and should assist with integrating technology into the classroom for our faculty.