T-RCP and RCPPre-Course Assignment

DRAFT 1-28-14

Directions: Using the Rider Handbook, range cards, and RiderCoach Guide (RCG) materials, complete the action steps below. These questions and statements will help you focus on key parts of the curriculum. Your work will not be collected or formally graded, but a25-item multiple-choice qualifying knowledge test over the material in these documents must be successfully completed online before the T-RCP/RCP, or on day 1 of the course, with the minimum score of 72 percent required to continue. Anyone unsuccessful must return course materials. You must alsoprovide your completion certificate from the MSF Basic eCourse, accessible through the MSF website; a link is provided to waive the $19.99 enrollment fee.

Rider Handbook

  1. Note the total number of sections.
  2. Which 4 sections of the Rider Handbook are not addressed in the MSF Basic eCourse?
  3. Review and be able to explain/defend the answers to theRider Handbook study questions.
  4. Name the 2 turning strategies (one basic; one an overall strategy).
  5. Note the example used to illustrate use of the wind chill chart.
  6. Define rider character.
  7. In less than 50 words, explain risk offset.
  8. Does the ‘good’ risk offset line angle up or down, or is it horizontal?
  9. Note the use of LP1, LP2, and LP3.
  10. What are the specific names for the 3 visual lead times and distances?
  11. How many feet (average) does it take to make an average real-world stop at 60 mph?
  12. List the 4 search categories.
  13. List the 3 action steps of Execute.
  14. How many escape paths are addressed in the Rider Handbook?
  15. Define Presentation.
  16. Explain Open Up the View.
  17. How many curve options are there, as noted in the Rider Handbook?
  18. Note the tips for curves under the categories of Search, Evaluate, Execute, General.
  19. Define Road Furniture.
  20. Name the title of the MSF Kit that addresses group riding.
  21. What is notable about swerving in a curve (what requires more skill)?
  22. Develop an explanation of the section titledEscape Paths: The Brake or Swerve Decision.
  23. Become familiar with the BRC Knowledge Test.
  24. Develop an explanation of whichRiderCourse you would recommend for BRC graduates, and include why.
  25. Be sure to be able to define the terms in the glossary.
  26. Review the 10 Activity Sheets in the back of the Rider Handbook and how they are used (using the Classroom Lesson Plans).

Range Cards and Range Exercise Notes and Narratives

  1. Note the recommended length of the obstacles used in one range exercise.
  2. Why are some cones circled on the range diagrams?
  3. In Pre-Exercise 1 Activities, action step 4, explain the importance of the bulleted notation.
  4. Be familiar with the 15 range safety rules.
  5. Why is rule #13 so important?
  6. How many larger cones does a site need for the range work?
  7. Explain the static demo on E1, Motorcycle Familiarization, and why it’s important.
  8. What two actions to riders perform when moving from the end of E1 to the beginning of E2?
  9. In the path of travel (POT) for E2, Using the Friction Zone, how do riders turn around after the straight-line ride?
  10. Why is power walking used in E3, Starting and Stopping Drill?
  11. What is significant about attaining a pre-shift speed in Part 2 of E3?
  12. State the purpose of the clutch-control lanes in E4, Shifting and Stopping.
  13. What are the cone placement dimensions for the straight-line and offset weaves in E5, Basic Skill Practice?
  14. What is the significance of the large cones used at the 95’ mark in E6, Pressing to Initiate & Adjust Lean?
  15. What procedure is used for a tight turn from a stop in E7, Stopping More Quickly & Tight Turns from a Stop?
  16. What is the difference between “turns from stop” and “tight turns from a stop”?
  17. In E8, Stopping Distance Demonstration:the motorcycle is left in place after which run(s)?
  18. How many cones are removed for Part 2 of E10, Stopping in a Curve?
  19. What is the primary purpose of E11, Curve Judgment?
  20. In E12, Multiple Curves & Lane Changes: where do riders exit after they complete 1½ laps?
  21. In E13, Crossing an Obstacle & Swerving: besides at the start point of the exercise, how many times does a rider come to a complete stop?
  22. In E14, Skill Practice: why is a large cone place after the swerve portion?
  23. Review how the skill test is administered. Include a review of the score sheets (group and individual) and why it is divided into 2 parts.

RiderCoach Guide Components

  1. What does the Site Kit consist of?
  2. How does a RiderCoach maintain certification?
  3. Review how to prevent incidents on the range.
  4. Review how to respond to an incident.
  5. Note the contents of a RiderCoach Kit.
  6. What is the primary goal of the BRC?
  7. What is the primary responsibility of a RiderCoach?
  8. What is the age that requires parent/guardian permission to enroll in the BRC?
  9. What is the purpose of the RERP system?
  10. What is the highest priority in the BRC?
  11. What is remedial coaching and when is it used?
  12. Review the concepts and principles of SAM as used in the curriculum.
  13. What is the difference between a major and minor skill?
  14. Name the 4-step process for coaching on the range.
  15. Distinguish between a Type I and Type II coaching error.
  16. Review the tips for counseling out a rider.
  17. Review (study)the classroom lesson plans.
  18. Be prepared to conduct classroom lessons using the slides from decks A and B.
  19. What are the other sets available and what is the purpose of each?
  20. Review the Range Exercise Notes and Narratives.
  21. Be prepared to conduct the range exercises and ride the demonstration for each.
  22. Review content related to students using their own motorcycles.
  23. Review guidelines for teaching solo.
  24. Review how a RiderCoach recertifies.