Bayside Lakes Commercial Center
Property Owners’ Association
C/o Fairway Management
1331 Bedford Dr., Suite 103
Melbourne, FL 32940
(321) 777-7575 fax (321) 777-4646
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
May 27, 2009
6:30 P.M.
2051 Bramblewood Circle, SE
Palm Bay, FL 32909
Board Members Present: / Property Management Present:Sara Bernin
Nancy Cartwright
Cathy Fariz
Melody Hamant
Bonnie Kougher
Julie Tabele
Kimberly Turner
Paula Widener / Jim Kenney
Amy Meyer
Rick Whitman
Joannie Perry
1. Call to Order- Meeting called to order by President, Bonnie Kougher, at 6:35P.M. A quorum was established with 8/9 Directors present.
2. Proof of Meeting Notice- Posted on door of clubhouse more than 48 hours in advance of meeting.
3. Reading/Waive Reading of Previous Minutes from April 22, 2009- A motion was made by Sara Bernin, 2nd by Melody Hamant, to waive the reading and approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Financial Report
- Monthly Financials-The Finance Committee met at 6pm and a number of issues were discussed and they included the explanation that the Budget process could start once the POA had a six month history (July) and that Jim Kenney requested clarification from Beth Patrie (Taylor & Carls) of the % the POA could expect to be eligible to receive from foreclosed commercial properties.
- Collections-(From Management Report)-All accounts in arrears are being handled by formal collection. Melody made a motion to authorize the filing of the law suit against KEW, LLC in lieu of non-binding mediation agreed to by KEW, 2nd by Cathy Fariz, and passed with seven approvals and two disapprovals (Nancy Cartwright and Julie Tabele).
5. Reports
a. Management/Maintenance Report- Written report attached to minutes. The following are discussion items under the Management Report:
- New Pedestal-Motion was made by Cathy Fariz to formally approve the resident pedestal and keypad (Charge to C-2 Budget) that replaced the stone work that fell over, 2nd by Sara Bernin, and approved by all.
- Bollards-Motion made by Melody Hamant to approve the two additional bollards (Charge to C-2 Budget), needed to protect the guest/vendor main call box, 2nd by Sara Bernin and approved by all.
- Cameras-Motion was made by Sara Bernin to approve two tag reading cameras (Charge to C-2 Budget), 2nd by Melody Hamant, and approved by seven with one no vote (Paula Widener) and one abstain (Julie Tabele). It was recommended that the specs for the cameras specifically state the requirement of reading of the Tag #.
- DetectaLert-Jim Kenney confirmed that letters and conversations with DetectaLert for the POA to receive reimbursement for the call box damage had already taken place with no success. It was recommended that Jim file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
b. Committee Updates:
i. ARC Committee-Chairperson, Sara Bernin, reported that no requests had been submitted since the last meeting.
ii. Recreation Committee-Chairperson, Paula Widener, explained that the Committee had not met as planned but that the two tennis teaching proposals were being denied because they were for-profit. Paula asked that Rick Whitman respond to each of the requests with a denial response.
iii. Landscaping-Bonnie Kougher explained that Chairperson, Steve Kougher, was unable to attend and update the Board. The Board wanted Steve to know how much they appreciated all of his efforts and to thank him for making the Bramblewood entrance look so much better. Bonnie explained that now that the painting of the signage at the Dateland entrance had been completed, Steve was going to work on having the wall repaired and the landscaping completed. Sara Bernin made a motion to take the $1900 for the repairs to the wall out of the signage reserves, 2nd by Melody Hamant, approved by all.
6. Old Business:
a. Palm Bay Works Forum-It was explained that the meeting on April 29th was held as planned and provided those who attended with information so they could make a decision on May 12th (Vote). The organizers appreciated the Board waiving the fee for the evening that the meeting was held.
7. New Business: (None)
8. Open Discussion:
a. Board Meetings-It was discussed and agreed that the Board Meeting scheduled for June 24th would take place as planned but that the July 22nd Board Meeting would be canceled and replaced with a Finance Committee (Bonnie, Melody, Nancy, Paula, Matt Russ from Summerfield and Jim) meeting to start the 2010 Budget Process. It was also agreed that the Finance Committee meeting on June 24th at 6pm would be held in the area at the back of the room (Nearest the pool) so as not to be confused with the Board Meeting.
b. Renters-The question was raised about the rights of renters vs. owners within any of the Bayside Lakes communities. It was explained that unless stated otherwise in the respective documents, the renters had the same rights and the same responsibilities to use the facilities afforded the owners (But the owners do not have these rights while their residence is being rented).
Being no further business before the Board, Bonnie adjourned the meeting at 7:15 P.M.
Minutes Prepared By:
Rick Whitman, LCAM
Fairway Management