/ Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, Inc.
P.O. Box 1489 ~ Tallahassee, FL 32302
(800) 558-0218 ~ (850) 410-7200


Date: July 18, 2013

From: Lori Mizell, Executive Director

Subject: Change notice 4.0.28

The following revisions were approved by the Commission at the June 27, 2013 meeting. They are effective as of that date. Agencies have one year to come in to compliance with new or amended standards.

Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
3.01 M The agency has a written directive system which includes:
A. A description of the format for each type of directive;
B. Procedures for numbering, indexing or searching, and revising directives, as appropriate; / Applies to formal directives, but may not be necessary for informal communications, such as memoranda or interoffice mails.
C. A system for keeping the directives current;
D. Statements of agency policy;
E. Procedures for carrying out agency activities;
F. Procedures for staff review and/or approval of proposed policies, procedures, and rules and regulations prior to their promulgation; / Assessors should review additional examples. Assessors should be aware that staff approval prior to promulgation may not be an option with smaller agencies.
G. Identification of individuals or positions within the agency having authority to issue written directives:
H. Procedures for dissemination and receipt of new or revised directives within a specified timeframe; and / O, I
I. Procedures for storing and archiving agency directives. / O
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Examples of written directives used. / 1 each type / 1 each type
Proof of review and/or approval process. / 1 each type / 1 each type
Proof of receipt of new and revised written directives. / 1 each type / 1 each type / If the agency uses an electronic policy tracking system, compliance may be proven through observation only

Chapter 12 Introduction


This chapter applies to all agencies even if another governmental entity is involved in the recruiting process. Recruitment efforts to fill sworn vacancies should be directed towards the goal of approximating the racial, ethnic and gender composition of the community the agency servesdiversity.

Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
12.02 The agency has a recruitment plan to develop racial, ethnic and gender diversity composition of its full- time sworn members in approximate proportion to the service community that includes the following:
A. A statement of objectives;
B. An action plan designed to achieve the objectives;
C. Annual evaluation of progress towards objectives; and
D. Updates or revisions as necessary.
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Recruitment plan which addresses elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Annual evaluation of progress. / 1 / 3

Change Notice 4.0.28 06/27/2013

Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
17.11M If an agency has canine teams, a directive specifies the circumstances for their use.
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing elements of the standard. / 1 / 1


/ Review methods /

Assessor Guidelines

17.12M If an agency utilizes canines for narcotic detection, a directive establishes an accounting system for all training narcotics used to include, at a minimum:
A. Procedures for the issuance and disposition of narcotics used for canine training to include when packaging has been compromised; / I
B.  Security, storage, and accountability of issued training narcotics when not in use; / O, I
C. A documented unannounced annual inventory of narcotics used for canine training is conducted as directed by the agency’s CEO. / I / Inventory - The act or process of cataloging through a full or partial accounting, as defined by the agency, of the quantity of goods or materials on hand.
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Documented issuance/disposition of agency issued narcotics. / Sampling / Random sampling
Annual inventory documentation. / 1 / 3YD

Comparative Compliance Standard

Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
18.07 Examiners who useIf technical aids for the detection of deception are used by the agency for any purpose, examiners must have a bona fide certificate of training. / Assessors will ensure certificates are on file for any examiner conducting civil, criminal or administrative examinations.
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Certificates. / 1 each / 1 each
Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
20.04M Unusual occurrence plans identify the position that will exercise command and control over all law enforcement resources committed to unusual occurrence operations within the agency’s jurisdiction.
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Copy of plan(s). / 1 each / 1 each
Mutual aid agreement(s), if applicable. / 1 each / 1 each

Comparative Compliance Standard

Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
21.06  If the agency provides security to dignitaries, the
agency has written guidelines which include
provision for the following: / Agency members may be interviewed based on agency mission, but this standard will generally be assessed by file review only.
A. Designation of a single person or position as
supervisor/coordinator of any given security
B. Equipment requirements, which include
consideration of vehicles, body armor for
dignitaries and security members, and weapons for members;
C. Planning and reconnoitering travel routes and
D. Advance inspection of sites and facilities;
E. Arrangements for gathering intelligence
F. Coordination of operations within the agency and with outside agencies;
G. Identification of emergency first aid, ambulance, and medical facilities;
H. Communications; and
I. Identification by designation, e.g., lapel pins.
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written guidelines addressing elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Documentation of actual dignitary protection operations. / 1 / 3YD

Comparative Compliance Standard

Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
30.07 M If holding areas are equipped with video surveillance with the ability to observe prisoners/detainees, A directive addresses the use of electronic surveillance to observe prisoners/detainees. The a directive includes: / OE
A. Controls to reduce the possibility of invading a prisoner/detainee’s privacy; and / O
B. Measures to ensure immediate intervention for prisoner/detainee emergencies.
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Observation of electronic surveillance equipment.

Comparative Compliance Standard “Bullet B”

Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
32.04M A directive provides procedures for the receipt, disbursement, and quarterly internal audit of funds administered for the civil process function. / I
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Proof of receipts, disbursements, and audits. / Sampling / 1 each 3YD

Chapter 33 Introduction


These standards address all communication centers which routinely receive and dispatch calls for service. The standards also apply to agencies which contract for dispatch services and agencies with shared communication responsibilities. If the communications function is provided by a shared or multi-jurisdictional entity, the agency receiving services should rely on documents developed by the outside communications center to prove compliance with these standards. If the agency providing services is already accredited with CFA, the agency receiving those services may prove compliance by showing documentation they are currently accredited with CFA. If the agency providing services is already accredited with CALEA the agency receiving those services may prove compliance by showing documentation they are currently accredited with that organization, with the exception of Standards 33.11M, bullet F,33.16M, 33.17M and 33.18M which will require proof of compliance.

Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
39.01 M If an agency allows suspects, detainees, or prisoners to be secured in a designated area without continuous supervision by agency personnel, a directive addresses the following: / The fact that a door has a lock does not make a temporary detention area a holding area. The room's usage is the determining factor.
Immediate response will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis with consideration given to time, distance and obstacles to overcome.
Video monitoring can be used for continuous supervision only when the person watching the monitors is not distracted by other tasks and can immediately respond to intervene.
A. Authorization for the use of the room, space, or area; / I, OF
B. Member accountability for the
suspects, detainees, or prisoners; / I
C. Separation of female, male, and
juvenile prisoners/detainees; / I / For juveniles, refer to Standard 19.03E
D. Authorized temporary restraint
devices, including, if allowed,
securing to fixed objects designed for
such use; / I
E. Access to water, restrooms, and
other needs; / I / These items are not required to be in the room, but the agency is responsible to ensure access to these items is provided in a timely manner.
F. Training for agency members
identified in bullet B; and / I
G. Safety considerations for objects
contained in the room. / I
H. Agency member contact with any suspect, detainee, or prisoner at least every fifteen minutes. / I
Compliance keys / Qty initial / Qty reaccred / Accreditation Manager Notes
Written directive addressing
elements of the standard. / 1 / 1
Training documentation. / Sampling / Sampling
Interview with appropriate

Comparative Compliance Standard

Standard / Review methods / Assessor Guidelines
39.03M A directive specifies that an agency member contact any suspect, detainee, or prisoner at least every thirty minutes. / I
Written directive addressing
elements of the standard. / 1 / 1

Comparative Compliance Standard
