T. H. Bell Junior High School

Choir Department

Term Project Ideas

Each student will need to complete a 100 point project during the quarter that it is assigned. Some ideas follow. If the student has an interest in doing a project other than one that is listed, he will need to outline his idea and get approval from Mrs. Anderson. Once you have chosen, the specific requirements and rubrics for each project can be found on my blog.

1. Attend a live musical concert junior high level or higher (choir concert, band concert, orchestra concert, recital, opera, or other approved musical performance). Bring me a program attached to the written concert report.

2. Research an approved composer (Bach, Handel, Weelkes, Vivaldi, Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, Mahler, Copland, Gershwin, etc…). Turn in a report on the composer.

3. Research one of these five musical periods (Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, or Contemporary). Create a travel brochure that would encourage someone to visit that period.

4. Notate five different tunes and write the solfege syllables down. When you turn them in, I will choose one for you to sing to me.

5. Plan, rehearse and perform a solo or in a small ensemble and perform it in class or for some other audience. You must obtain a legal copy of the music that you are going to perform and learn it as written (the goal is to learn a piece of music on your own, not sing karaoke). You must provide an accompaniment unless the music was composed to be performed a cappella.

6. Take any type of private music lesson. You must be taking lessons for the entire quarter in which you use this as your project. Bring the form from your private instructor stating the dates in which you have been taking lessons.

7. Take an additional music class at T.H. Bell. Complete the Additional Music Class form the week before projects are due and have your teacher write your grade and sign it.

8. For Advanced Musicians Only - Compose a melody of at least 16 measures and annotate it on staff paper or on computer (Finale Notepad). It must demonstrate sound knowledge of music craftsmanship. Perform it for me.

9. Watch a live stage musical and complete a “Musical Questionnaire”. Obtain one of these forms from Mrs. Anderson’s blog.

Instructions and forms for individual projects can be found on my blog, and printed for student use.