Professional Outreach Strategy Template

**Due Date: Due Before Departing for the Expedition**

**Review After Returning from the Expedition**

As you develop your Professional Outreach Strategy, include the following in addition to ideas of your own:

●  What opportunities do you have to share your experience with teachers in your district or state (i.e. conferences, workshops, in-service days, etc.)?

o  I am a NSTA and CSTA member

o  I am a NMEA member

▪  I plan to submit a PolarTREC proposal about my experience and talk at NMEA in 2017.

●  What can you do to prepare other teachers in your school or district for following your expedition? Do they need access to technology or specific training?

o  The hard part about the timing of my expedition is that June 15-July 9th is after school has ended. My main connection during the summer is the summer science camp that I am polar connecting into in July. I will reach out to more of my summer school science teacher friends.

●  Are there connections you can make in your school outside the science department?

o  Not really, but I will try.

●  Are there regional, state, national, or international conferences that you would be interested in presenting this experience to?

o  I would like to present at NMEA next year.

o  I would love to present at NSTA next year but I missed the deadline for proposals. I will find other conferences to present to.

●  Where do you plan to share lesson plans or other materials created for your expedition?

o  I plan to share them with the 50 LAUSD teachers that I work with.

o  I plan to share them with the NOYCE science teacher network

o  I plan to share them with the Rossier Science education masters students through a faculty member named Dr. Freking.