Studio Art
T. Chandler, Instructor
Class Description
Studio Art is for the serious art student who wishes to pursue a career in the visual arts. Studio Art is an independent course focused on proficient production skills, media and technique, criticism, aesthetics and art history. Students will expand skills and techniques, historical context, and further explore career fields in the visual arts. A Studio Art student has very much the same criteria as an AP Art student with the exception of not completing the AP Art Portfolio. Course is a year-long class with the student receiving 1 full credit upon completion of class with at least a 60% average.
Requirements: Class projects, (drawings, note taking, exams, opening activities, quizzes, sculptures, paintings, art critiques, etc.,) and class participation.
- Class projects: will range in media from pencil, charcoal, pastel, etc., art criticism (orally and open response criticism), history, midterm exam and final exam quizzes will be given throughout the course. “Home work” may be required to complete some projects. Class projects will be on an independent basis with the required amount of projects completed by the semester based on the teacher/student agreement. The Studio student will be asked to answer higher order thinking questions and critiques as part of their daily opening activity.
- Attendance: Since most of our work will be completed in class, it is crucial you have good attendance. If you have a need to be absent, you must therefore provide an excused absence and complete the necessary make up work in order to not receive a zero for the day’s absence. Any student who is in attendance every day without coming in tardy or leaving early, will receive 50 bonus points weekly.
- Class participation: This includes written assignments, notebook, class discussions, studio time and clean up. Students who fail to fully participate or fail to complete assigned task will not receive any participation points.
- Exams: Students will demonstrate knowledge of production techniques, art history, and art knowledge through written exams, including a comprehensive midterm and final exam equaling 20 % of final grade. Critiques will be given throughout the semester over art notes and opening activities.
Required Materials needed for class:
- Pencil (#2 pencils are better for drawing, however mechanical pencils are acceptable)
- Notebook Paper
- Folder (used for keeping handout information given in class)
- Artist’s Sketchpad
Studio Rules
- 1. Be in class on time (any student coming in tardy will be detained after class for discussion) 3rd overall tardy student will be sent to principal.
- 2. No more than 2 on the floor during production time (students must ask for permission to be on the floor during lecture time)
- 3. No talking unless given permission
- 4. Respect your property as well as other’s property
- 5. Be prepared and do assignments/projects.
- 6. Student will be responsible for their individual work area and will be responsible for cleaning up this area daily. (students will receive points for this) If students leave their area a mess they will be called back into the art room to clean up their area without receiving any clean up points.
Our Time is limited and you need to be on task while in class. Your effort is included in class participation, if you are not giving 100% then you are not fully participating. Each student is expected to fully participate in class discussions and projects. This may require speaking/presenting to the class. All members of the class will respect the other members and treat with the proper courtesy.
Parents: I feel a strong communication between you and I will most benefit the success of your child in performing to his/her fullest potential. I like to keep my student’s parents up-to-date on any upcoming quizzes, deadlines for projects, upcoming school wide events, etc., throughout the semester and have found communication via e-mail to be very successful. If you have an e-mail address and would like to be notified periodically concerning your child’s progress, please complete the information below. If you don’t have access to e-mail and would still like to be notified please give me a phone number where you can be reached.
I am looking forward to working with your child throughout this semester and hope if you have any questions, or concerns you can contact me at (606) 862 – 4727 or email at .
(I have asked each of my students to have this syllabus completed by parents and returned to me the next school day to receive 100 daily points. This is an easy grade to start off the semester, so please encourage them to return this to me after you complete the information below.)
Thank you,
Tammi L. Chandler
South Laurel High School
Visual Arts Instructor
Yes, I would like to be notified via e-mail of any upcoming events happening during this semester in my child’s Visual Arts class. My e-mail address is as follows: ______
No, I do not have access to e-mail but would like to be notified of any upcoming events happening this semester in my child’s Visual Arts class. A phone number where I can be reached is listed as follows: ______
No, I do not wish to be notified either via e-mail or via phone of any upcoming events happening this semester in my child’s Visual Arts class.
Student’s signatureParent or Guardian signature